Looking Back

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

God put true stories of people in the Bible so we can learn from their example of being faithful to God. Turn to your Character Bio Sheet and look through all the people in the Bible you have read about. Which story was your favorite and why?
Pick three Bible characters you learned from the most and write what you learned.


God put true stories of people in the Bible so we can learn from their mistakes.
Look over your character Bio Sheet again.
Which person did you learn from their mistakes?
Write down what you learned from this person. (Read their story again if it helps you)

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Read Psalm 18:30
After reading all about how God worked in the New Testament do you believe God is true? Why?
Do you run to God for protection and help?

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

Read Colossians 3:23
How has reading about the people of the New Testament taught you to do all you do for the Lord?


You finished 9 months of reading God’s Word. We are so proud of you and can’t wait to hear about all you learned this summer. You can be someone that God uses for His plan! Just like all these people you read about this year, YOU are a part of His story, and He loves you and has great things planned for you. Write down one thing you were most challenged in or learned the most about. Share what you’ve been challenged by with your family and friends!


Great Job! Email us at checkpoint@kanakuk.com so we can keep track of your progress. In your email, please include:
First Name
Last Name
Kamp you attended last summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Kamp you plan on attending next summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Parent’s First and Lame Name
One thing you learned
Bible Characters- New Testament
At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
Checkpoint 3 of 3


Day 1- 01 THE STORYWhile Paul was traveling the world telling others about Jesus, he met a young boy named Timothy. Timothy loved Jesus. Paul wanted Timothy to go with him everywhere he went so he could teach him about sharing Jesus with people. Timothy was young, but he had a strong faith in Jesus.
Read 2 Timothy 1:3-5
What kind of faith does Timothy have? Who also had a sincere faith in his family?
Do you think he learned from his mom and grandmom?

Day 2- 02 THE SOURCE

Paul met Timothy during one of his trips around the world to share Jesus with people.
He went to a church and found young Timothy.
Read Acts 16:1-2
Did the people in the church (the Bible calls them “brothers”) have good things to say about Timothy?
Everything you do should be for the Lord, but if you follow Jesus, others will notice.
Do people notice you follow the Lord?

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Paul was following God so he challenged Timothy to follow his example.
Timothy learned a lot about following God by watching Paul live for Jesus.
Read 1 Corinthians 11:1
Name 3 people you have watched follow Jesus and learned how to follow Him.
What did you learn from each person?

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

Timothy was young, but God used him for so many cool things! The same is true for you. God has a big plan for you, and He can do big things in you, no matter how old you are!
Read 1 Timothy 4:12 and write out
Even though Timothy was young, Paul challenged him to set an example for others in what ways?


How can you set an example for others with your speech?
How can you set an example for others with your actions?
How can you set an example for others with your love?
How can you set an example for others with your faithfulness to do what you’ve promised?
How can you set an example for others with you are faithful to do what is right?

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Timothy.


Day 1- 01 THE STORY

There was a man, who lived in the New Testament, whose name was Barnabas. The name Barnabas means encourager. Barnabas loved Jesus and would encourage people.
Read Acts 11:22-24
How did Barnabas encourage the people at the church?
Barnabas was a good man because he was full of the ___________ and of ____________.


Being encouraged by someone can make you feel special. It can help you do the right thing, and it can help you be who you are meant to be.
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:11
How do you like to be encouraged?
Why do you think it’s important to be encouraged?

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Read Psalm 139:14
What does God say about you in this verse?
How does that make you feel?


Write one short note to someone every day this week to encourage them. They may be your brother or sister, friend, coach, teacher, pastor, etc. Think of the 7 people you want to write a short note to here:
Grab some paper and a pen and write them. It can be as simple as
“Dear Mom, you are the best mom ever.”

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

God wants you to encourage others! Encouraging is more than just saying something nice. It’s about challenging them to be more like Christ!
Read Hebrews 10:24
You are supposed to encourage people toward ____________ and _____________.
Below are examples of how you can encourage another:
“You look nice today”
“Great job during the basketball game! You played so great!”
“So proud of you, keep doing a great job.”
“God made you exactly how He wanted to, you don’t need to try to be anybody else.


It’s time to be encouraging all day. Try to find something encouraging to say to everyone you are around today!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Barnabas.

Paul’s Jailer

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Paul and a guy named Silas were put in Jail for sharing the gospel. God made an earthquake open the doors of the prison. The prison guard, who was in charge, thought he would be killed for the prisoners escaping, but Paul and Silas didn’t escape! They were singing praise and worship in the jail! They called out to the guard, and look what happened.
Read Acts 16:25-34
What did the Jailer want to know about? Did the Jailer believe in Jesus?
Did the Jailer’s family believe in Jesus?


God does crazy things at crazy times.It is so fun to watch what He does! God wanted that Jailer to know Him. Paul and Silas had to first go to prison. They didn’t deserve to go to prison, but God had planned it so they could meet the Jailer. Not only did the Jailer believe in Jesus, his entire family did, too! Sometimes, hard stuff happens, but God is always in control. God often calls hard times “trials” in the Bible. He says He can make any trial turn into good. You can learn from the example of Paul and Silas. They were not mad…they were singing!
Read James 1:2
How were Paul and Silas joyful when they faced the trial of being in prison?
Circle some ways you can be joyful when something tough happens:
You are sad but still trust God
You pray and ask Him for help
You trust God to be in control
It is hard but you are excited to learn something new from God

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Read and write out Philippians 4:13
Who gives you strength to do anything?
Do you believe God can give you strength when you are going through something hard?


Philippians 4:13 is a great verse to remind you that God gives you the strength to do what He has asked you to do. Write “Philippians 4:13” on a large rubber band and wear it every once in a while to remind you that you can do anything that God asks you to do… even when it’s hard.

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE (#ffffff BKG) (#51afca Font)

Read Romans 12:12
Fill in the Blanks:
Rejoicing in _____________
Be _____________in hard times
Always be ____________________.
How do you think prayer will help you when something bad happens?
How do you think patience will help you when something bad happens?


What are you going through right now that is tough?  How can God help you?
How can you be patient for God to turn it into something good? What if you changed your attitude a little?
If you get scared, you could always listen to or sing some praise and worship. Hearing God can help you feel better.

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from Paul and Silas.


Day 1- 01 THE STORY

There was a guy, named Saul, who did not like Jesus, and He did not like those who followed Jesus. He would try to hurt them for sharing the gospel. The good news is that God changed Saul and even changed his name to Paul.
Read Acts 26:9-11
What were all the mean things that Paul did to Christians before he became a Christian?


Paul had a life-changing trip. He actually got to see and talk to Jesus! Read about it here.
Acts 26:12-18
What did Paul see while he was traveling?
Did Jesus know what Paul was doing to people?
Did God want Paul to preach the gospel to people?
Paul didn’t like God, but God gave him a second chance. Paul believed and started sharing Jesus with others!

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

It seems crazy that God would want Paul to tell others about Him. Paul was a mean man and didn’t do what was right. The greatest thing about God is that He will forgive you…no matter what you have done. God gives you grace (forgiveness!). You don’t deserve to have a relationship with Him, but He wants to have one with you!
Read Ephesians 1:7
Does God tell you He will forgive your sin?

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

God loves you and wants good things for you. Paul was doing bad things, but God had good things for Him to do instead. God’s way is always better.
Read Jeremiah 29:11 and write it out.


Think about how God has changed your life. Spend some time today writing a few ways God has changed you!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Paul.


God can change anyone! It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done… God can change you. God gives us a great example in His creation… a butterfly! A caterpillar changes into a butterfly! It seems impossible that a butterfly can look so different than it once did, but that’s how God works. Color this picture of the butterfly to remind you of how God can change you for good!

Phillip and the Ethiopian

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

There was a guy, named Saul, who did not like Jesus, and He did not like those who followed Jesus. He would try to hurt them for sharing the gospel. The good news is that God changed Saul and even changed his name to Paul.
Read Acts 26:9-11
What were all the mean things that Paul did to Christians before he became a Christian?


Paul had a life-changing trip. He actually got to see and talk to Jesus! Read about it here.
Acts 26:12-18
What did Paul see while he was traveling?
Did Jesus know what Paul was doing to people?
Did God want Paul to preach the gospel to people?
Paul didn’t like God, but God gave him a second chance. Paul believed and started sharing Jesus with others!

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

It seems crazy that God would want Paul to tell others about Him. Paul was a mean man and didn’t do what was right. The greatest thing about God is that He will forgive you…no matter what you have done. God gives you grace (forgiveness!). You don’t deserve to have a relationship with Him, but He wants to have one with you!
Read Ephesians 1:7
Does God tell you He will forgive your sin?

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

God loves you and wants good things for you. Paul was doing bad things, but God had good things for Him to do instead. God’s way is always better.
Read Jeremiah 29:11 and write it out.


Think about how God has changed your life. Spend some time today writing a few ways God has changed you!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Paul.


God can change anyone! It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done… God can change you. God gives us a great example in His creation… a butterfly! A caterpillar changes into a butterfly! It seems impossible that a butterfly can look so different than it once did, but that’s how God works. Color this picture of the butterfly to remind you of how God can change you for good!

Peter and John in Jail

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Peter and John started sharing Jesus with everyone. The same people that didn’t like Jesus, didn’t like them. Peter and John did nothing wrong, but because they shared the gospel with others, they were put in jail.
Read Acts 4:1-3
Why did Peter and John go to jail? Did people start to believe?
How many people believed in Jesus because of what Peter and John did?


This week memorize Deuteronomy 31:6


Following Christ on earth isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it when you get to spend eternity with God forever. There is not bad stuff in eternity with God. Peter and John got a chance to preach the gospel to the people who put them in jail. Look what these people said about Peter and John after hearing them speak.
Read Acts 4:13
Why were the people astonished by Peter and John?
Did Peter and John have any special training in Scripture? Do you see the lesson you can learn? Spending time with Jesus makes an ordinary person extraordinary.

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

God tells us that we don’t have to be timid.
Read 2 Timothy 1:7. Fill in the Blanks.
The Spirit gives you a power of _________ and of ____________and of  ________.
Did you know that the Holy Spirit was the One who raised Jesus from the dead? Did you know that the Holy Spirit was how Jesus was able to do all the miracles He did on earth? Did you know that same Spirit lives inside of you! You can do anything with God on your side!!!!!

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

Read Deuteronomy 31:6 and write out Acts 4:4
What does God ask you to do?
How does God help you be strong and courageous?
Peter and John were not afraid. God was with them so they were able to tell people about Jesus. How many people know Jesus because they were bold?


You probably won’t be thrown in prison for telling someone about Jesus. We live in a country that lets you tell others about Jesus. Did you know there are countries that it’s a crime to tell others about Jesus? Today, pray for Christians around the world to be able to safely share the gospel of Jesus without being hurt.

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Peter and John.

Hello Holy Spirit

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

After Jesus went to heaven to be with the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit came down and started living inside all of those who believe in Jesus. Jesus actually told His disciples that the Holy Spirit would show up.  Here is what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit.
Read and write out John 14:26
Who sent the Holy Spirit? What does Jesus say the Holy Spirit will do?
You know that bad feeling you get after you’ve done something wrong? Or maybe you didn’t help someone when you know you should have? Or you lied to your parents when they asked you a question and you feel guilty? That’s the Holy Spirit inside of you.


(Insert word search)


Did you know that people can witness the Holy Spirit in you?
Read Galatians 5:22-23
What are all the fruits of the spirit? (fruit is what should be seen if Christ is in you just like an apple is produced from an apple tree) Which of these fruit do you need to work on? Remember that Jesus said the Holy Spirit will help you.

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

If you read the Old Testament, God lived in a house. The house was called the temple. He doesn’t live in that house anymore. Because of Jesus, He can live inside of you!
You are where God wants to live!
Read 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Who lives inside of you? What does God call you?
How special you are to God that He would want to live inside of you! He loves you that much! If you believe in Jesus, He is with you always!

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

God has your back. You never have to worry. If He asks you to do something, you can do it because His power is in you. He will give you the strength, the courage, and the words!
Read John 16:13
Fill in the blank. The Holy Spirit will guide and teach you


Think about a lamp today. A lamp can give a room light, but it will never be able to do what it’s supposed to until you plug it into the power source. When a lamp is plugged in, it has power! The same is true for you. You have the Holy Spirit. He is in you. You just have to “plug in” and listen to Him. How? Ever wonder how you remember a Bible verse? That wasn’t you, that was the Spirit! Have you ever been somewhere and you knew that you should be there? That wasn’t you… that was the Spirit! Have you ever thought, I shouldn’t do that; it’s not right? That is the Spirit! He is talking to you all the time, just pay attention and listen.

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of when the Holy Spirit shows up.

Jesus Goes to Heaven

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Jesus died on the cross for your sins and then He rose again three days later. He walked on earth for a little over a month with His disciples again and then it was time for Him to go be with God. The good news is that He will come back again!
Read Acts 1:9-11
How did Jesus leave this time? What did the two men remind the disciples?


The men who saw Jesus live, die, rise from death, and go up into heaven were most of the men who wrote the New Testament. Jesus changed their lives and they couldn’t wait to tell others about Him.
Read Mark 16:19-20
Where did Jesus go? Who is He sitting next to?
What did the disciples go do?

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

A few weeks ago, you read about Peter being afraid to stand strong for Jesus. Now Peter, along with the other disciples, are telling others about Him! They are changed. When you decide to follow Jesus, you change. You are not your old sinful self anymore. God has forgiven you and made you brand new.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17
What happens to your old self when you believe in Jesus? How do you change?

The Bible tells us that Jesus went to heaven to be at the “right hand of God”. Draw a picture of God on His throne and Jesus sitting next to Him on the right side.

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

Read Ephesians 4:22-24
How are you different because you believe in Jesus as your Savior?
What should you do that is different because you are changed?


Find a rock and write down the sin you are doing that you want to change and carry it with you. Jesus has already paid the punishment for the sin that you wrote down. He has already forgiven you. The next time you are near a lake, go throw that rock into the lake. Just like you don’t need to keep that heavy rock anymore, you don’t need to keep your sin around anymore.

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Jesus going up to heaven.

Doubting Thomas

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Jesus goes above and beyond to give you proof that He rose from the dead. There was a man named Thomas who doubted that Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus had just resurrected and people saw Him. Thomas had not seen Him yet. When the others told him what had happened, he said he wouldn’t believe until he saw the scars on Jesus’ hand.
Read John 20:24-28
What is the first thing that Jesus did when He came in the house?
What did Jesus challenge Thomas to do? What did Thomas do?


God will always give you the information and proof you need to know that Jesus is the risen Savior. Thomas needed to see the scars on Jesus’ hands, so Jesus showed him. If you still are unsure about your need for Jesus, maybe take a minute to look at yourself. Jesus came to save people from their sins. If you don’t sin, then God wouldn’t need to send Jesus. Do you see sin in your life?
Read and write Romans 3:23
Does everyone sin or just a few people?
Circle the sin you have done:
Disobeyed your parents
Hurt someone with your fists
Hurt someone with your words
Thought something mean
Had a bad attitude
Thought of yourself first

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Read and write out Romans 6:23
What do you deserve because you are a sinner?
What does Jesus give you instead?

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

It is okay to be like Thomas and have doubts, as long as you look to Jesus for the answers. He will help you with your doubts because He wants you to know Him. Whenever you don’t understand something, ask Him about it when you pray.
He will help you understand.
Read James 1:5
What does God say He will give to you if you ask for it?
Write down a few questions that you have for God. Ask Him to help you today.
Take your questions to an older Christian and see if they can help you answer them.


Thomas got to see Jesus’ wounds healed. The scars were there, but he saw that Jesus was risen and alive! You don’t get to physically see Jesus’ wounds healed today, but you can hear how He healed another’s wounds. Ask someone who is walking with Jesus to share with you how Jesus healed their wounds. That might be the proof you need to believe!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of doubting Thomas.