Paul’s Jailer

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Paul and a guy named Silas were put in Jail for sharing the gospel. God made an earthquake open the doors of the prison. The prison guard, who was in charge, thought he would be killed for the prisoners escaping, but Paul and Silas didn’t escape! They were singing praise and worship in the jail! They called out to the guard, and look what happened.
Read Acts 16:25-34
What did the Jailer want to know about? Did the Jailer believe in Jesus?
Did the Jailer’s family believe in Jesus?


God does crazy things at crazy times.It is so fun to watch what He does! God wanted that Jailer to know Him. Paul and Silas had to first go to prison. They didn’t deserve to go to prison, but God had planned it so they could meet the Jailer. Not only did the Jailer believe in Jesus, his entire family did, too! Sometimes, hard stuff happens, but God is always in control. God often calls hard times “trials” in the Bible. He says He can make any trial turn into good. You can learn from the example of Paul and Silas. They were not mad…they were singing!
Read James 1:2
How were Paul and Silas joyful when they faced the trial of being in prison?
Circle some ways you can be joyful when something tough happens:
You are sad but still trust God
You pray and ask Him for help
You trust God to be in control
It is hard but you are excited to learn something new from God

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Read and write out Philippians 4:13
Who gives you strength to do anything?
Do you believe God can give you strength when you are going through something hard?


Philippians 4:13 is a great verse to remind you that God gives you the strength to do what He has asked you to do. Write “Philippians 4:13” on a large rubber band and wear it every once in a while to remind you that you can do anything that God asks you to do… even when it’s hard.

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE (#ffffff BKG) (#51afca Font)

Read Romans 12:12
Fill in the Blanks:
Rejoicing in _____________
Be _____________in hard times
Always be ____________________.
How do you think prayer will help you when something bad happens?
How do you think patience will help you when something bad happens?


What are you going through right now that is tough?  How can God help you?
How can you be patient for God to turn it into something good? What if you changed your attitude a little?
If you get scared, you could always listen to or sing some praise and worship. Hearing God can help you feel better.

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from Paul and Silas.