
Day 1- 01 THE STORYWhile Paul was traveling the world telling others about Jesus, he met a young boy named Timothy. Timothy loved Jesus. Paul wanted Timothy to go with him everywhere he went so he could teach him about sharing Jesus with people. Timothy was young, but he had a strong faith in Jesus.
Read 2 Timothy 1:3-5
What kind of faith does Timothy have? Who also had a sincere faith in his family?
Do you think he learned from his mom and grandmom?

Day 2- 02 THE SOURCE

Paul met Timothy during one of his trips around the world to share Jesus with people.
He went to a church and found young Timothy.
Read Acts 16:1-2
Did the people in the church (the Bible calls them “brothers”) have good things to say about Timothy?
Everything you do should be for the Lord, but if you follow Jesus, others will notice.
Do people notice you follow the Lord?

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Paul was following God so he challenged Timothy to follow his example.
Timothy learned a lot about following God by watching Paul live for Jesus.
Read 1 Corinthians 11:1
Name 3 people you have watched follow Jesus and learned how to follow Him.
What did you learn from each person?

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

Timothy was young, but God used him for so many cool things! The same is true for you. God has a big plan for you, and He can do big things in you, no matter how old you are!
Read 1 Timothy 4:12 and write out
Even though Timothy was young, Paul challenged him to set an example for others in what ways?


How can you set an example for others with your speech?
How can you set an example for others with your actions?
How can you set an example for others with your love?
How can you set an example for others with your faithfulness to do what you’ve promised?
How can you set an example for others with you are faithful to do what is right?

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Timothy.