Belief Statements

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Who Made It All?

Many people live their entire life never knowing who God is, what He did for them, and how it affects their life. This year, you will get to spend 9 months using God’s Word to figure out who you believe God is and what He has for you. What you believe determines how you live your life, what you hope for in life, and how you view the world around you. This study will ask you to be active in God’s Word. Each week, you will be asked one main question: what do you believe? As you are on this journey, don’t be afraid to ask questions to someone who is mature in their faith. Get ready for your mind to be challenged and your heart to be transformed. 

Day 1- Read and memorize John 1:1-3

Read Genesis 1:1-2:3

What are the key words in these verses?

Day 2- Read Colossians 1:16
Read Hebrews 11:3

What do these verses mean to you?

Day 3- Read Jeremiah 32:17
Read Psalm 119:90
Read Psalm 115:15

What do these verses have in common?


The world has so many different theories about creation it’s hard to keep track. Joe White co-authored a book with Dr. Nick Cominellis about created called Darwin’s Demise. It’s a good read to help guide you through what the Bible says vs. The world’s ideas on creation.


Spend some time today writing out what you believe about creation and why.
Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, who faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you wrote about what you believe.
How will your belief change and direct your life decisions?
How does what you believe challenge you to trust God more?
How does what you believe challenge what the world believes?
How does what you believe help you in good days and hard days?
How does what you believe change how you view your own self?


Read and memorize the following verses this week:
Hebrews 11:3
Isaiah 45:12, 18
Psalm 90:2

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Who Is God The Father?

Day 1- Read Romans 11:33-36

What does verse 33 say about God’s ways and knowledge?
Can you think of anything that compares to the wisdom of God?
Think about this question because your answer will give direction to how you live your life.

Day 2- Read Romans 11:33-36 again

According to verse 34, can anyone give God counsel?
Do you go to Him for counsel?

Day 3- Read Romans 11:33-36 again.

According to verse 35, does anyone owe God a debt? Do you owe God a debt?
What does verse 36 say about God?


Read the following verses and pick one to memorize.
Ephesians 4:6
John 14:10
James 1:17
Titus 1:2


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read through what you believe.
How will your belief change and direct your life decisions and lifestyle?
How does what you believe challenge you to trust God more?
How does what you believe challenge what the world believes?
How does what you believe help you in good days and hard days?
How does what you believe change how you view your own self?


The Bible says in Romans 1:20, that every man who has lived on the earth will have the chance to see God. No man will ever die saying, “I didn’t know about Him.” It’s not possible. Think about all the different ways you have seen God.

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Why Does God Become Human?

Day 1- Read the following verses:

Romans 8:3-4
John 1:29
1 John 3:5
What do these verses have in common?

Day 2- Read the following verses:

John 6:35
2 Corinthians 5:21
Matthew 1:22-23
Colossians 2:13-15
What do these verses mean to you?

Day 3- Read the following verses:

John 1:14
Luke Chapter 2
Luke 19:10
Write out one of them to memorize.


How does Philippians 2:5-8 explain why Jesus became human?

Did you know that the first Passover was when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? Pharaoh ignored all of God’s plagues and wouldn’t let God’s people go. The last plague was the death of the firstborn son. God told everyone the angel of death would pass over them if they did the following: sacrifice a lamb, cover their home’s doorpost with the lamb’s blood, and have everyone in the family inside the house. Everyone in Egypt could have been saved if they believed what God said. Sadly enough, most of the Egyptians, including Pharaoh, didn’t listen and lost their firstborn son. Because of the death of his son, Pharaoh let the people go. God saved the Israelites from slavery. This story was a “prequel” to what Jesus would do on the cross. We don’t have to sacrifice a lamb anymore and paint our doorpost because the True Lamb, Jesus, sacrificed Himself so His blood could cover our sin. Jesus couldn’t do this if He wasn’t human.


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you wrote about what you believe this week
List three things you learned and how you can apply it to your life.

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Why Does God Become Human

Day 1- Read the following verses:

Romans 8:3-4
John 1:29
1 John 3:5
What do these verses have in common?

Day 2- Read the following verses:

John 6:35
2 Corinthians 5:21
Matthew 1:22-23
Colossians 2:13-15
What do these verses mean to you?

Day 3- Read the following verses:

John 1:14
Luke Chapter 2
Luke 19:10
Write out one of them to memorize.


How does Philippians 2:5-8 explain why Jesus became human?

Did you know that the first Passover was when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? Pharaoh ignored all of God’s plagues and wouldn’t let God’s people go. The last plague was the death of the firstborn son. God told everyone the angel of death would pass over them if they did the following: sacrifice a lamb, cover their home’s doorpost with the lamb’s blood, and have everyone in the family inside the house. Everyone in Egypt could have been saved if they believed what God said. Sadly enough, most of the Egyptians, including Pharaoh, didn’t listen and lost their firstborn son. Because of the death of his son, Pharaoh let the people go. God saved the Israelites from slavery. This story was a “prequel” to what Jesus would do on the cross. We don’t have to sacrifice a lamb anymore and paint our doorpost because the True Lamb, Jesus, sacrificed Himself so His blood could cover our sin. Jesus couldn’t do this if He wasn’t human.

Day 4- WHY DID GOD BECOME HUMAN?Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you wrote about what you believe this week
List three things you learned and how you can apply it to your life.

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What Did Jesus Do For Me?

Day 1- Read the following verses:

Romans 6:23
Romans 5:8
2 Timothy 2:3-6
John 10:10-11
What do these verses teach you?

Day 2- Read the following verses:

John 4:13-14
Romans 10:8-9
1 Timothy 2:3-6
Ephesians 1:4-7
What do these verses have in common?

Day 3- Read the following verses:

2 Corinthians 5:17
1 Corinthians 15:17, 20-22
1 John 2:1
Pick one verse to memorize and write it below.


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

There are over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament concerning the coming Messiah’s life and death. The Messiah couldn’t just have been anyone; He had to fulfill what was prophesied. If Jesus had not fulfilled even one of the prophecies, He would not have been the Messiah. Jesus fulfilled every one of them. Here are just 6 of the 300 plus prophecies:
• Jesus would be born in Bethlehem – Micah 5:2
• Jesus would be born of a virgin –  Isaiah 7:14
• Jesus would be a descendant of Judah – Genesis 49:10
• The Messiah would be an heir to David’s throne – 2 Samuel 7:12-13
• The Messiah would spend time in Egypt  Hosea 11:1 (Jesus did as a young boy so He wouldn’t be killed by Herod.)
• He would be rejected by His own people – Psalm 69:8 (The Jews crucified Jesus.)

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you wrote on your beliefs.
How does this challenge you? Write down what you are experiencing this week and how your beliefs help you in everyday life.

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What Is Jesus Doing Now & In The Future?

Day 1- Read the following verses:

Romans 6:8-11
Matthew 28:18-20
Ephesians 1:19-21
What is God teaching in them?

Day 2- Read the following verses:

Colossians 1:18
Philippians 2:9-11
What do these verses mean to you?

Day 3- Read the following verses: (#00b193 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

Hebrews 1:3
John 14:3
Titus 2:13
What do these verses have in common?


Read Revelation 19:11-16 to see what it will be like when Christ returns to earth. It will look a lot different than when He came the first time.


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why.


The Jewish nation had been watching for the Messiah all throughout the Old Testament. God promised a Messiah would come, and they believed it would happen. Many of the Jews didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah because He wasn’t a powerful king and ruler. Jesus was a regular guy, but the Messiah was supposed to rule the world. There are prophecies, about Jesus being a King forever. He is called the King of Kings. Isaiah says that the “Government will rest on His shoulders.” Jesus has not fulfilled those prophecies yet. Those will be fulfilled upon His second coming. You should be thankful that Christ planned to come twice. If He would have come as a king and established His kingdom, no one would get to be a part of it. The angels, God, and the Holy Spirit would have fun together in eternity without any people. God’s way is better. He promised you eternity, and if His first arrival had to provide the way for you to get it, His second coming is when He will start His kingdom and His rule. Are you excited?

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read what you wrote on your beliefs from this past week.
Did you face any challenges? How did you overcome them?
How can you use this to help others going through the same things?

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What Does The Holy Spirit Do?

Day 1- Read Galatians 5:22-26

What does this verse say the Spirit looks like in you?

Day 2- Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

What does the Spirit give for the common good?
What do you think this means?

Day 3- Read the following:

John 6:64
Romans 8:26
Galatians 4:6-7
1 Corinthians 2:10
Memorize one verse.


Paul wrote to Timothy while he was in prison. In the first part of the letter (2 Timothy 1:6-7), Paul reminds Timothy to “kindle afresh the gift of God that is in you. For God has not given us a Spirit of timidity, but of power, love and discipline.” The truth is Timothy was young and probably scared to stand up for his faith. Can you relate? Paul used the word “kindle,” which is the word used to keep a fire burning. He wanted Timothy, and you, to realize that you don’t have to fear. The Spirit raised Jesus from the dead. Do you realize you have the same power within you? God gave it to you when you believed in Jesus. With the Holy Spirit in you, you can do anything God asks of you. Do yourself a favor – live your life in a way that allows you to hear the Holy Spirit inside of you. When you get involved in the ways of the world, it’s easy to drown Him out. But, He is there. He is at work. He is on your side. You have no need to be afraid.


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you believe.
How do you believe you need the Holy Spirit?

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There might be a time when you need to confront a brother or sister in Christ because they are choosing to live in sin instead of following God. God gives direction on how to confront and help another turn from their sin.
Read Galatians 6:1
What is the responsibility of someone who is spiritually strong when there is a fellow believer struggling in sin? What should your spirit be when you seek to help that person?
What should you be careful of yourself?
Read Matthew 7:1-5. According to verse 1, you should be careful not to do what?
What should you take care of in your own life before you confront a fellow believer?
Why do you think this is important?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
How have you been reconciled to God? What ministry has God given you?
What does God call you? According to verse 20 what should you implore others to do?

Day 2- STAGE 01

Make sure you understand that confrontation of sin is for a brother or sister in Christ. These instructions are not for non-believers. Confronting sin in a believer and sharing Christ with a non-believer are two very different things. If someone does not know Christ they might not believe their actions to be wrong. A believer knows the truth and sometimes needs to be gently reminded that they are doing something that is damaging.
Read Matthew 18:15
If your brother (fellow believer) sins, what should be the first thing you should do?
Where do you do this confrontation? Think of all you have learned about exhortation.
How could you use God’s truth to encourage another to turn from their sin?
Think about what you have learned about speaking truth to others this last month.
Should you be quarrelsome or gentle?
Is there a brother or sister in Christ who you feel called to confront?


Read Hebrews 10:24-25
Remind yourself what the goal of any type of encouragement is.
Read Galatians 6:1
Remind yourself what the purpose and goal of confrontation is.
Here are some questions to ask yourself before confronting.

01 Have you prayed about the situation?
02 Does God have a problem with your friends’ actions or just you?
03 Did you seek Godly advice?
04 Are you the best person to confront?
05 Are you confronting in the right place?

Here are a few tips to help you confront a fellow believer. (#85cebb BKG) (#ffffff Font)

01 Open the conversation with encouraging words
02 Share your concern about their sin
03 Share God’s promises and truth
04 Empathize and offer your help
05 If a person turns away from sin, keep encouraging them
06 If a person doesn’t respond well, thank them for listening and remind them again that you care for them and desire the best


Think of a time you were confronted by someone about something you did wrong. What did you learn from it?
Think about a time when you needed confrontation, but no one did.
What could that confrontation have prevented you from doing?

Day 4- STAGE 02 AND 03After stage 1, if a person continues in their sin read what your next step should be.
Read Matthew 18:16
What is the next step according to Matthew?
If you are truly concerned for someone and after your first confrontation they don’t change, then grab a few more of that person’s friends, ones who have a strong faith, and go back to your friend. The point is for the friend to see that there is more than one person concerned.
Read Matthew 18:17
According to Matthew, who are you to go to next?
Jesus is telling you to get an authority involved. Since you are a teenager, the authority figure could be a youth pastor or a mentor. If the sin is dangerous to the person and others, you need to ask a parent for help.
Re-read Matthew 18:17 again
What is the outcome of no change after confrontation?
God is not telling you to turn your back on your friend. If your brother or sister in Christ chooses to continue in sin, you will need to change your strategy in serving them. You might need to distance yourself so you won’t get caught up in sin, but that does not mean you cannot be a friend to them. If you truly want to serve them, you will patiently serve them in all they ways you have learned and pray for them to recognize their sin and turn to Jesus


You cannot control how a person responds to you, but if you confront in the right way, God will use your encouragement in His timing. You must remember you will not change a person. God will do the changing of someone’s heart.
Read 1 Corinthains 3:6-7
What did Paul do? What did Apollos do? What did God do?
How does this encourage you in a situation where someone refuses to change?

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Who Is Satan?

Day 1- Read the following verses:

John 8:44
Ephesians 2:2, 6:10-12
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
What do they teach you?

Day 2- Read the following verses:

1 John 3:8
1 Peter 5:8
Matthew 13:19
What do these verses mean?

Day 3- Read the following verses:

John 12:31
Hebrews 2:14
Revelation 12:9-11, 20:10
How is Satan described and what will happen to him?


Read 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 and pay attention to how Satan and his servants disguise themselves. Have you ever been tricked my something that looked good but underneath it all was not good?


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you wrote on what you believe. How did your beliefs direct your decisions today? How can what you believe change how you view your own self?

B & B

Did you know that Satan is not the opposite of God? He would like you to believe is, but is not. Satan was once an angel who was with God in heaven. He decided that he could be God and was kicked out of heaven. His power is equal to an angel like Gabriel or Michael, two of the angels mentioned in the Bible. God is all powerful. Satan is not. Satan doesn’t know everything. Satan only knows what God reveals. Satan can’t be everywhere at once. Anything Satan does is what God allows. Don’t underestimate Satan. He is pretty crafty, but don’t give him too much credit. He has nothing on God!

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Who Plays A Part In The Plan?


John 8:44
Ephesians 2:2, 6:10-12
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
What do they teach you?

Day 2- Read the following verses:

1 John 3:8
1 Peter 5:8
Matthew 13:19
What do these verses mean?

Day 3- Read the following verses:

John 12:31
Hebrews 2:14
Revelation 12:9-11, 20:10
How is Satan described and what will happen to him?


Read 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 and pay attention to how Satan and his servants disguise themselves. Have you ever been tricked my something that looked good but underneath it all was not good?


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you wrote on what you believe. How did your beliefs direct your decisions today? How can what you believe change how you view your own self?

B & B

Did you know that Satan is not the opposite of God? He would like you to believe is, but is not. Satan was once an angel who was with God in heaven. He decided that he could be God and was kicked out of heaven. His power is equal to an angel like Gabriel or Michael, two of the angels mentioned in the Bible. God is all powerful. Satan is not. Satan doesn’t know everything. Satan only knows what God reveals. Satan can’t be everywhere at once. Anything Satan does is what God allows. Don’t underestimate Satan. He is pretty crafty, but don’t give him too much credit. He has nothing on God!

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Where Does Man Fit?

*This week you get to see God’s heart for mankind. Read the verses and spend some time sorting out what you believe God’s heart and purpose is for you. Pick one verse to memorize this week. Try writing it on a notecard and keeping it with you all week.

Day 1- Read the following verses and take notes

Deuteronomy 7:9
2 Peter 3:9
1 John 3:1
Romans 8:28
Jeremiah 29:11

Day 2- Read the following verses, take notes and pick one to memorize. Try writing it on a note card and keeping it with you all week

Isaiah 42:6
Ephesians 2:10
Romans 8:37-39
Proverbs 19:21
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Day 3- Read the following verses and take notes. 1 Peter 3:18
John 1:12
Titus 3:5-7
Ephesians 2:8-9

The Bible isn’t about you. It’s about Jesus and God’s plan of salvation through Him. The humbling truth is that God’s plan includes you. It has from the very beginning. You have always been a part of God’s plan. Think of yourself as a puzzle piece. A single puzzle piece is unique, perfectly formed, and designed to fit within the bigger picture. Sometimes you can’t see the big picture and the specifics of one little puzzle piece are confusing. God has designed you uniquely to fit into His plan. Don’t compare yourself to others. Just be patient and trust God to place you into His big plan.


Spend time with God today. Ask Him questions about yourself and thank Him for the role He plays in life. God has a plan for you.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Review what you wrote about this week. What do you think God’s plan is for you? Do you know exactly what is going to happen? Do you trust God with your life?

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Is Sin Really That Bad?

Day 1- Read Psalm 51:4

Who do we sin against when we sin?
Read Isaiah 64:6. What are you infected by?
How are your righteous acts described in Isaiah 64:6?
The Bible is saying that your good deeds are about as clean as gross, filthy rags if you have not dealt with your sin. Can you clean anything with a filthy rag?
Is overcoming sin something you can do?
Read Leviticus 11:45. How is God described?
Holiness defines something or someone who is worthy to be worshiped because they are untainted with sin – in other words, perfect. God cannot stay holy and be around sin. Your best efforts at perfection are “filthy rags” because you are a sinner so your sin separates you from God. Do these verses help explain why sin is bad for you?

Day 2- Read Romans 1:19-23

According to verse 19, did God make himself known to the people? How has God made Himself known to you?
According to verse 20, is there any person that has an excuse about not knowing God?
According to verse 23, what do people exchange for God?
Verse 23 is talking about idols. Idols are simply what and who we worship. Some people worship religious idols but most worship created things instead of God. What are things people exchange the truth of God for in society today?
If sin is exchanging temporary destructive things for God is it good or bad?


Think about this analogy today. Wood has great purpose. We use it to build sound structures, and it is useful for many things. When wood is exposed to rain, it becomes damaged. As more and more water is applied, the wood rots and loses its character, stability, and intended purpose. If the wood is exposed to a drop of water, you might not initially see its effects, but the damaging process has started. Many woodworkers and builders treat their wood to protect it from water, but as a 30-year-old house shows, even the man-made treated wood can be damaged by water. Picture yourself as a piece of wood and sin as the water. Use what you learned in the verses and think about how sin can damage you and keep you from what God intended for you

Day 3- Read Titus 3:3-5 and Isaiah 59:1-8

Pay attention to how sin is described and list its effects on people.
Are these effects damaging?


Write down your definition of sin. Do you have friends in your life who influence you to sin?

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Review what you learned this week on sin. Do you think sin is bad?
What does it prevent you from doing?

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To Sin or Not To Sin

Day 1- Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 Peter 2:24

Did Jesus sin? Why did Jesus become sin according to 2 Corinthians 5:21?
Why did Jesus bear our sin according to 1 Peter 2:24?
According to these verses, what does Jesus want for us?
After Jesus did all the work and went through all that pain for you to have righteousness, why do you choose to sin?

Day 2- Read 2 Timothy 2:19 and Psalm 119:9-11

When we commit our life to Jesus, are we supposed to continue being sinful?
What can help you stay pure?


Practice: (v) repeated exercise of an activity to master a skill or action.
Read 1 John 3:1-7. Followers of Jesus sin because we are not perfect and we live in a sinful world. This passage is talking about people who practice sin. What is the difference in practicing sin and just “messing up” from time to time? Do you believe that a believer should “practice sin?” What should a believer practice?

Day 3- Read Matthew 5:29-30 and James 1:14-15

Does God ask you to take drastic measures when it comes to dealing with your sin?
Why do you believe God wants you to avoid sin at all costs?


Matthew 5:3 says “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” When you start dealing with your sin, it can be depressing. God took your sin on the cross. When you feel down for what you have done, remember “feeling down” about your sin is what brings you to need Jesus. Look to Him and get it outta your life.


Spend time thinking about consequences today. Have you ever done something that resulted in a bad consequence? What did you learn from it?

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read over what you did for the week and what you learned.
Do you believe that sin has consequences? How can you apply this to your life?

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Salvation The Cure

Day 1- Read Ephesians 1:7 and Ephesians 2:8-9

What are the two things you have because of the blood of Jesus that are in these verses?
According to this verse, God’s forgiveness comes from the riches of His… what?
God’s riches are not money or things… what does He have an unlimited amount of?
Read Romans 3:23. Grace is not getting what you DO deserve. What do you deserve according to Romans 6:23? What is the gift God gives?
How does God’s grace give you forgiveness and eternal life? Did you do anything to get it?

Day 2- Read Romans 3:10-18, 24-25

Besides Jesus, is there anyone who has not sinned? According to Romans 3:12, is there anyone who does good? How does Romans 3:13-18 describe all sinners… including you?
Have you done any of these things? In other words… are you guilty of sin?

Day 3- Read 1 Peter 2:24-25 and Hebrews 10:4, 9-10, 14-18

Why did Jesus die on the cross?
In the OT, people had to sacrifice bulls and goats for atonement for sin. This is what they had to do before Christ got here. Did it work? The word “sanctified” in Hebrews 10:10 means to be made “holy” or “to purify”. How are we made holy?


Spend time today writing down what you believe and why. Write down any questions you still have and have someone help you answer them.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

What did you learn most about this week?
How does what you believe give you hope?
Does it help you in good days and in bad?

Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” Do you know what death really is? True death is not the physical death of your body. Life on earth is all we know, so it is understandable why physical death can be scary. But, that’s not true death. True death is being separated from God forever in eternity. In Christ, death is not a big deal for someone who physically dies. Why? Their life isn’t over. They just move onto the better part… the part in eternity with God. Your sin automatically earns you eternal separation from God. That is the death Romans 6:23 speaks about. God was not only the sacrifice for your sin by dying on the cross, but also provided you eternal life when He defeated death and came out of that grave.

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Is God's Power Big Enough

Day 1- Read John 10:27-29 and 2 Corinthians 5:17

A shepherd’s job was to guide and protect his flock. God is the True Shepherd.
What does His flock do?
Does the Shepherd know His flock? Do you think God knows your weaknesses?
What does Jesus give His flock?
Can anyone or anything take you away from your Shepherd?
Is there any sin too big for God to handle?
Is God only able to make some things new or does He make all things new?
Do you believe He can wipe your deepest, darkest sin clean?

Day 2- Read Romans 8:1-2, 9-11

You are more than _____________________ in Christ. What do you think this means?
The Holy Spirit is God. Where does He live when you believe in Jesus?
What amazing miracle did the Spirit do for Jesus?
Knowing the same Spirit lives in you, how does that encourage you that God can conquer any sin in your life?
Re-read Romans 5:9-10. Jesus’ blood (death) saves us from the ____________ of God. Because Jesus took your sin, you don’t have to be separate from God on earth or for eternity. Jesus keeps you from God’s wrath. No eternal punishment for your sin. How does this give you hope? Do you believe God can do big things?
Re-read Romans 5:9-10 again. You are reconciled to God from Jesus’ death (blood) and resurrection. When you believe in Jesus as your Savior, you should follow Him. How can Jesus’ life and actions on earth save you from the power and consequences of sin? (Remember, your sin is paid for, but since you are human, you still struggle with sin even as a believer.)
How can you use Jesus’ example to overcome your sin?

Day 3- Read Romans 6:1-6 and Romans 6:11-14

You don’t have to experience death on a cross like Jesus did, but when you believe in Him you are to die to yourself. According to Romans 6:4, Jesus rose again so you could have what? If you believe in Jesus and your sin is “covered” with no eternal punishment, should you keep on sinning while on earth because God has tons of grace and it’s already paid for?
As a believer (in verses 11-14) how should you present yourself?
Think about this question. If you truly believe in Jesus, do you think your life must change? Why? What if your life never changed? For instance, you “said” you believed in Jesus but you kept practicing sin. Do you think your faith is real?
Believers still mess up and sin, but the difference is they strive to NOT sin. If you truly believe change is unavoidable, in what ways can your faith in Jesus change you?
God has given you the opportunity to change through salvation in Jesus, the Holy Spirit to give you the power to change, and Jesus’ life as the example to change. God has done all the work to make change happen. He can overcome. Do you believe God can do it in you?


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

How can you apply what you learned this week to your life? List one thing you learned.

Read the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11:1-43. Did you notice in verse 43, that Jesus told Lazarus to take his “grave clothes” off and go? Back in Jesus’ time they wrapped someone in linen and oils when they buried them. Jesus told Lazarus to take those nasty smelling (vs. 39) clothes off because he didn’t need them anymore. He was no longer dead. The same is true for your sin. Jesus paid the price for your sin through His death and He gave you the power to overcome sin by resurrecting from the dead. He has saved you. You are alive in Christ and you no longer need your grave clothes. Take that sin off and experience true life and freedom.

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Is My Salvation Secure

Day 1- Read Ephesians 1:13-14 and 1 Peter 1:3-4

Whom are you sealed with when you believe in Jesus? In Bible times, a belonging would have a “seal.” What is the seal?
What is reserved for you? What will not fade away?
What cannot be defiled (in other words “tainted with sin/impurity”.

Day 2- Read Romans 8:31-39 and Hebrews 7:25

Can anyone separate you from the love of God?
If God is for you, is there anyone who can be against you… including yourself?
According to Hebrews 7:25, how long is Jesus able to save those who draw near to God through Him?

Day 3- Read 2 Timothy 1:12, Ephesians 3:20-21 and Jude 24

What is God able to guard? Have you trusted your life and salvation to God?
Does the Bible say He is able to guard (protect) it?
According to the verse in Ephesians, what is God able to do?
According to Jude 24, what is God able to do? Do you trust Him to do it?


Paul wrote these words. If you read the entire book, you will see that he is writing to believers – those who are saved by the blood of Jesus and have eternal life. The parts of this verse that are important to pay attention to are the words “ awake” and “asleep”.
These words are used in your Bible because they are the closest English translation we have of the original written Greek words. If you look up the Greek definition of “awake” you will find the Greek word “Gregoreuo”. This word means active and alert. The original Greek word for “asleep” is the word, “Katheudo” which means one yielding to sin. The root meaning of “awake” and “asleep” refer to the condition of a person’s behavior. If you plug these real definitions back into the verse, you will see God tell you about your secure salvation. He is saying that all those who truly believe in Jesus Christ, no matter if they are living an active godly life (awake) or yielding to sin (asleep), they will avoid God’s wrath and live with Him forever. It’s not about what you did or will do… it’s about what Christ has done for you. Your salvation is secure.
“For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to receive salvation from our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live together with Him.”
1 Thessalonians 5:9-10


Write down what your salvation means to you. Are you secure in knowing that?

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Salvation is a gift from God. Are you applying that gift into every aspect of your life?
Does that give you hope?

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Is There More Than One Way

Day 1- Read Psalm 62:1-2 and Ephesians 2:8-9

Who gives salvation in Psalm 62:1-2? Does it list anyone else?
According to Ephesians, is there anything you can do to be saved?
Do you believe salvation comes from you?

Day 2- Read John 14:6, Titus 2:11 and 2 Corinthians 5:21

How does Jesus describe Himself in John 14:6?
Does Jesus believe there is another way to salvation?
Does the verse in Titus contradict what Jesus says in any way?
Re-read 2 Corinthians 5:21. If there was another way to salvation, why would God put Jesus through all that pain, trouble and effort?

Day 3- Read Acts 4:10-12 and Revelation 19:1

What does Acts 4:12 say about salvation?
According to the verse in Revelation, who does salvation belong to?
Does the world promote different ways to salvation? What are some of those?
After reading these verses, are any of those true? Why not?


God describes the road to salvation as a narrow gate and the road to destruction as broad. There are many different lies about how to be saved. There are religions, beliefs, and theories that try to explain salvation. Satan doesn’t care what lie you believe as long as you don’t believe in Jesus. It can seem easy, while you are living on earth, to go with the flow and blend into the crowd going through the broad gate. But, in the light of eternity, your life on earth is so small. You will be forever grateful for choosing the narrow gate. Salvation is in Jesus alone.


Write down what you believe: Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
Why do you believe what you believe?

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Take what you learned from the last week and apply it to what you know. Share your beliefs with a friend today. Tell them why you believe what you believe.


After all you have read about salvation, are you convinced that you need a Savior? Are you recognizing for the first time that you are a sinner and your sin has eternal consequences? If this is the first time that God has revealed Himself to you as Savior, He wants to call you His. He loves you so much and will welcome you to His kingdom with open arms. It doesn’t matter what you have done or how bad it’s been. You have an invite to be His… forever. Are you in? He has done all the work – just tell Him you believe. Tell Him you are sorry for what you have done. Tell Him you are excited for Him to make you new. Get ready for the most exciting adventure of freedom, purpose, and peace. Go shout it from the mountaintops… You Are His!


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At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
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Bridge Illustration


Read Romans 6:23 and write it below.
If you didn’t memorize this verse last week, memorize it now. Sometimes you might not have time to grab your Bible or you might not have it with you. It’s important to have this verse memorized to use anytime.


If you only had a few minutes to share the gospel, grab a piece a paper or a napkin and write out Romans 6:23. Do these steps below.
01 Write out Romans 6:23 on the paper. (Try and do it from memory)
02 Tell the person that sin is knowing what is right and not doing it. Then ask them if they have ever sinned.
03 When they say “yes” circle the word “sin” and ask them to tell you what the verse says they earn because of sin.
04 Draw two “cliffs” like the picture on page 118. 
05 Ask them to imagine that those are two cliffs. Man is on one side and God is on the other. Draw a stick figure on top of the left cliff and put the word man next to him.
06 On the same side of the illustration, under the cliff that man is on, write “Sin and Death.”


Read back through steps 1-6 to remind yourself where you are in the conversation with a person you are sharing the gospel with.
Write out Romans 6:23 below again (remember, in a real situation your verse is already written on the napkin or paper)
07 Have the person circle the word “but” and tell them this is the most important word in the verse because it transitions the bad news to the fact that there is good news.
08 Have them circle the word “gift” and ask what the gift of God is through Jesus.
09 Ask them how a gift is different than a wage.
10 Go back to the illustration and write “God” on the top of the right cliff. Draw a crown or a throne. You could even draw a stick figure with a crown. Don’t draw a cross yet. That is part of the illustration later.
11 Write underneath the cliff where you have drawn the picture of God “Gift = Eternal Life”


The point of this illustration is to have a visual picture that man has sinned and deserves death and eternal life is a gift that comes from God. Today you are going to learn how to connect the two by explaining the distance between you and God. The point is to show them that there is nothing you can do to gain eternal life. It is Jesus that “bridges the gap.”
Write down Romans 6:23 from memory.
Read through all the things you have told them so far.
12 Point out that God and man are separated. Explain that it is because of sin. God is holy and perfect and can have nothing to do with sin. Explain there is nothing you can do to “bridge the gap.” You can’t be good enough, pray enough, give enough, or work enough. The cliff is too big.
13 Tell them that while God can’t be a part of sin, He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. He knows that you can’t make yourself righteous so He sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for you. Jesus paid the penalty of death for your sin so that you can have the gift of eternal life.
14 While you are explaining step 13, draw a cross to bridge the gap between the two cliffs.
15 If they are excited to accept Christ, help them pray to ask God for the gift of salvation. If someone is not interested, respect their decision and thank them for listening to what you believe. Give them your email or phone number just in case they think about it some more and have questions. Let them keep the napkin or piece of paper. You never know when that might turn up in their life.
16 Pray for them after they leave. The power of prayer is huge.


Today, your challenge is to practice sharing the gospel using the bridge illustration. Practice on someone who is mature in their faith so they can help you. Ask them to listen the first time and play the role of the person who wants to believe in Jesus. Then have them role play different scenarios of different responses so you will be prepared and ready.

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Why Should I Read The Bible?

Day 1- Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 1 Peter 1:22-25

Who inspired scripture?
(The original version says that scripture is “God Breathed” or His “exhale”.)
Is the Bible the words of God? What is God’s Word useful for?
According to Peter 1:22-25, what endures forever? What does not endure forever?
Do you believe that God’s Word is important?

Day 2- Read Matthew 4:4 and Psalm 119:1-16

Is food or God’s Word more important for your life?
Food is necessary and God will provide it when you need it but do you think that God makes a big point in saying His Word is more vital than food? Why is God’s Word more vital than food? Do you make time to eat? Do you make time for what is more necessary? Look at Psalm 119:2 again. How should you seek God’s Word?
What can God’s Word do for you according to the verses in Psalms?

Day 3- Read Joshua 1:8, Hebrews 4:12 and Psalm 119:105

In Joshua 1:8, what does the Bible do for you?
What do you think it means to meditate on it day and night? Give some practical examples. (Here is one example: putting verses in places that you will see them like a bathroom mirror, locker, or wristband)
In Hebrews 4:12, how is God’s Word described? Have you experienced this?
How is God’s Word described in Psalm 119:105?
If God’s Word is a lamp on your feet, can God’s Word guide the steps you take?
If God’s Word is a light to your path, is it safe to say it can show you God’s plan for you in life?
Think about this question before answering. If you were to walk on a path in the dark with a lamp, the lamp would simply light the area around your feet. It wouldn’t show you the entire path, but you would confidently be able to take one step at a time. Eventually, as you continue to walk, you would see the entire path. In other words, a lamp does light your path but it takes faith to understand that your path will be lit one step at a time. How is the Bible (the lamp), like your walk with God, showing you one step at a time?


How does the Bible speak to your heart?
How does the Bible speak to your mind?

The Bible says that the Word of the Lord stands forever. Its words are lasting. The Bible is the only book in history that has been understood by people in every culture and generation. There is no other book like it.

Day 5- APPLY IT. (#e21d35 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

What did you learn this week? How can you apply the Bible to your life?

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Why is Life So Hard?

Day 1- Read James 1:2-4, 12

What should be our attitude in trials? Will we be rewarded for enduring them?
Read John 15:18-20
How does this verse explain why life is sometimes hard here on earth?

Day 2- Read 1 Peter 1:3-9

How can trials make your faith stronger?
Read Romans 5:3-5
What do tribulations produce and how can they benefit you?

Day 3- Read 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Are you rewarded for your faithfulness through trials?


Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 and Romans 8:28.
How is God faithful to us in our afflictions? Can we help others with similar afflictions? Why do you think “hard things” happen to you? Are you going through something hard right now? Take some time to reflect on how God is growing your faith and your character.


Memorize Colossians 3:2 today. It’s a great verse to encourage you during hard times in life.


Write down an example of when your faith was tested. Did you grow through it?
Explain how you felt during and after the trial.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Look back on this week’s verses. How can you apply what you learned to your life or someone else’s life? How do your beliefs change your attitude in trials?


Write down all the promises God makes to you in these verses.
Read Philippians 3:20
Are you intended to stay on earth forever?

Day 2- Read Philippians 1:20-21 and 2 Corinthians 5:6-What do these verses say about life and death?


Heaven is a promise from God. The Bible says that heaven is the home you were meant for. So make sure to write down anything you learn.
• Revelation 2:7
• Revelation 21:1
• Luke 23:43
God has provided a way for every man and woman, who ever walked the earth, to be a part of heaven. He did this in Christ. Sadly, some will not want it and there are eternal consequences for that.


Joshua 24:15 challenges you to “Choose this day whom you will serve.” God will not force you to choose Him, He can’t because He loves you. It’s your choice… who is it going to be?

Day 3- Read Matthew 25:31-46 and Revelation 21:8 (#00b193 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

Do these verses speak of people not entering into heaven with God?
Read 2 Peter 3:9 and 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11. What is God’s heart for all men?
How did He provide the way to make it happen?


What does scripture say about Heaven and Hell?

Day 5- APPLY IT.

How does what you believe give you a hope for the future? How does this challenge you to be more thankful to God?

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What's the Deal About Purity?

Day 1- Read Psalm 119:37

What are we to turn our eyes away from? How are we supposed to desire to live – according to God’s ways or ours? Read 1 John 3:3.
Are God’s ways pure?

Day 2- Read Matthew 5:8 and Matthew 6:24

Why does God ask us to have a pure heart?
Do you see God when you are consumed with worldly things?
Do you see God when you are consumed with unhealthy relationships?
Do you see God when you are consumed with physical relationships?


God gives clear commands on what to do about sexual purity. What do these verses say for you to do?
• 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 
• 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
After reading these verses, and if you are ready, make a list of boundaries that you want to set as your standard in dating relationships. Get more specific than “only kissing” or “not kissing” such as “I will not be alone in the dark with someone I am dating.” Share your boundaries with someone who will keep you accountable. It might be awkward, but it’s worth making them clear to the person you are dating.

Day 3- Read 1 Peter 2:11

According to this verse, how do your passions affect you?
Do you believe God is trying to protect you by asking you to be physically pure?


Have you messed up in this area? Turn to God because He promises in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that He makes all things new. He has already forgiven you on the cross. He can make you new. He can make you pure again.


Spend time today thinking about what purity is to you. Do you believe it is important to remain pure?

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you wrote about what you believe.
How will your belief change and direct your life decisions and lifestyle?
How does what you believe change your interaction with people you date?
How does what you believe give you hope for your relationship with your future spouse?

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Why Do I Need Accountability

Day 1- Read Proverbs 13:20 and 1 Corinthians 15:33

How do others you surround yourself with affect you?

Day 2- Read Proverbs 27:17 (#0066b1 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

Why is it important to have a core group of friends who are fellow believers?

Day 3- Read Proverbs 19:20 and Proverbs 11:14 (#00b193 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

How do these verses value accountability?
Read Hebrews 10:23-25
What does God ask us to do in this passage?

GIVE IT A TRY!Here are some great standards in choosing an accountability partner:
• Choose someone who is actively walking with the Lord
• Choose someone who is not afraid to call you out
• Choose someone who sees you all the time
• Choose someone who will not be okay with your sin
Don’t forget to be all these things for them as well!


What does it mean to be accountable? List a few names of people you can ask to keep you accountable. How can that help you?

Day 5- APPLY IT. (#e21d35 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

How does what you believe change your interaction with your friends?
How does accountability protect you? How does accountability challenge you?
How does accountability help your faith grow?

This year you studied what God’s Word says and set a firm foundation for what you believe. Your foundation is built on solid ground. You have Christ as your Savior, the Holy Spirit as your advocate, and your Heavenly Father has a seriously sweet plan for you. Go be who you are meant to be and watch God in your life.


Great Job! Email us at so we can keep track of your progress. In your email, please include:
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Parent’s Name
At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
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