Who Plays A Part In The Plan?


John 8:44
Ephesians 2:2, 6:10-12
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
What do they teach you?

Day 2- Read the following verses:

1 John 3:8
1 Peter 5:8
Matthew 13:19
What do these verses mean?

Day 3- Read the following verses:

John 12:31
Hebrews 2:14
Revelation 12:9-11, 20:10
How is Satan described and what will happen to him?


Read 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 and pay attention to how Satan and his servants disguise themselves. Have you ever been tricked my something that looked good but underneath it all was not good?


Spend some time today writing out what you believe and why. Take the time to look up more verses to help you. Write down any questions you still have and take the time to ask someone, whose faith you look up to, for help.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Read back through what you wrote on what you believe. How did your beliefs direct your decisions today? How can what you believe change how you view your own self?

B & B

Did you know that Satan is not the opposite of God? He would like you to believe is, but is not. Satan was once an angel who was with God in heaven. He decided that he could be God and was kicked out of heaven. His power is equal to an angel like Gabriel or Michael, two of the angels mentioned in the Bible. God is all powerful. Satan is not. Satan doesn’t know everything. Satan only knows what God reveals. Satan can’t be everywhere at once. Anything Satan does is what God allows. Don’t underestimate Satan. He is pretty crafty, but don’t give him too much credit. He has nothing on God!