Don’t Worry

Read Matthew 6:25-34
What should you not be anxious about? What should you seek first? God takes care of all the plants’ and animals’ needs. He loves you even more so there is no need to worry about having food and clothes. He will make sure you have what you need. When you worry, it’s easy to try to take control of what you are worrying about. When you need something, trust that He will provide what you need!
Read 1 Peter 5:7
What can you give God? Why can you trust God for your worries? God truly cares about you. You are special to Him and He values you. If you have worries, He wants you to give them to Him. He cares for you and will give you hope. Today, write down some things you are worried about and give them to God.
How do you seek God first? How do you give God your worries? Read Philippians 4:6 Is there anything you should worry about? What should you do instead of worry? God has given you a huge tool to help you when you worry… prayer. You can talk to God and He will listen. He wants to hear your voice and help you with your worries. Your prayers don’t have to be said a certain way. Simply go in your room and have a conversation with your Good Friend… who also happens to be God. Take some time today to talk to God about the things you are worried about.
Read Colossians 3:23-24
What does God do for those He loves? No matter how bad or scary a situation is, God promises that He can turn any situation into good things for you. It may not be what you planned and it may be something really hard to go through, but one thing is for sure… God will make good happen from any bad thing. You just have to trust Him! Today ask your mom, dad or someone you look up to if God has ever turned a bad situation into good.
Read John 14:1
What does God tell you not to do? God really cares about you. He really wants to take care of everything you worry about. It’s up to you to trust Him to do so. If you believe God is true and real, then you should trust Him to take care of you. Look at the chair you are sitting in right now. Did you worry if the chair would hold you before you sat in it? Probably not because you believe the chair is real and trusted it to hold you. If you believe in God, trusting Him is like sitting in a chair. When life brings its troubles, you give it to Him knowing that He will hold you up and take care of you.

Don’t be Afraid of Death

Read Romans 6:23.
What is the gift Jesus gives you? Read John 3:16. What did God do because He loves you so much? If you believe in God, will you perish? God knows you are a sinner and is not okay with you being separated from Him. Did you know that true death is being separated from God forever? God sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin so you don’t have to experience true death. Everyone will leave the earth someday, but you don’t have to be afraid because you are going to be with God… forever.
Read John 11:25.
What does Jesus call Himself? If you believe in Jesus, what will happen to you when you die on earth? Jesus did nothing wrong, lived a perfect life and died for your sins. He overcame death and rose again three days later. He did this for you. If you believe in Him, you will have eternal life. That means that when your earthly self dies, you are not really dead. You have just moved onto the next (and best) part of your life… eternal life with Jesus. The blank line is the timeline of your life. Over part 1, put “in my mommas womb.” Over part 2 put “life on earth.” Over part 3 put “Life with Jesus.”Sometimes we think of life just being life on earth when God created you to live forever. Your life is more than just on earth, You ended your time in your momma’s belly when you were born. You were just as alive, the day before you were born, inside her belly as you were outside her belly. When you were born you started your life on earth. Someday, you will end your time on earth but will be just as alive with Jesus in heaven as you are here on earth.
Read 1 Peter 1:3
What do you have because Jesus rose from the dead? Why do you think Jesus’ resurrection gives you hope? Read 1 Thessalonians 4:14 “Fallen asleep” is a term the Bible uses to describe people who have died on earth. If someone believes in Jesus, who do they get to be with when they die? Death can be a scary thing because we don’t understand it. But God promises that if we believe in Him, we will overcome death just like Jesus did. Spend some time thanking Jesus for overcoming death so that we could overcome it.
As Jesus was dying on the cross, there were two men on either side of Him also being punished. Jesus had done nothing wrong, but both men were thieves. One thief was mad at Jesus. The other thief defended Jesus because he believed in Him. Look what Jesus said to the man who believed about where he would be when he died. Read Luke 23:39- 43
Read Philippians 3:20
What is a citizen? If you don’t know, ask a parent or someone older than you. Where are you a citizen today? Did you know that earth is your temporary home? God meant for you to be with Him in heaven forever. Since He gives you a choice to believe in Him, His plan is for you to live on earth for a little while. Earth is a temporary home. Living on earth is like a person who is a citizen of one country but lives in another temporarily. When someone who loves Jesus dies, you don’t have to say goodbye forever. You can just say, “See ya later,” because that is what will happen. In heaven, you will get to see them again. The good news is your home in heaven is awesome. It doesn’t have sin, hurt, sickness or death… and you get to be with everyone you love… including Jesus… forever.
Read 1 Corinthians 2:9
What does God promise that heaven will be like in this verse? Think of the coolest place you could ever imagine living. Draw a picture of it. Think about who would be there and what would be there. God promises that heaven will be a trillion times better than what you could ever imagine. If you like your life on earth, then you will hands down absolutely love heaven. Are you thankful God promises that you don’t have to be afraid of death? Write down all the reasons why.

God Lives Inside of You

Read 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Who is God’s temple? Who dwells inside of you? God promises that you don’t have to be afraid because He lives inside of you. When you believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit (God Himself) lives inside of you. In the Old Testament, God lived in a building that His people built for Him. If you wanted to be near God you had to go near the building called the temple. God loves you so much that He wanted to be closer. He made you His temple. He is with you always and goes everywhere you go. You don’t need to be afraid because if you believe in Jesus, you have God inside you always. He will go everywhere you go.
Read John 14:26.
What will the Holy Spirit do for you? The Holy Spirit, who lives inside of you, is there to teach you. He is teaching right now as you are reading this sentence. He is the one who helps you understand what God’s Word is saying. Anything you learn about God comes from the Holy Spirit. You don’t need to be afraid about what to do in any situation. Just ask the Holy Spirit to help teach you what to do. It will be fun for you to see Him bring things to your memory that you have read in God’s Word before!
Read Galatians 5:22-23
If you have the Holy Spirit inside you, your life should look like the character of the Holy Spirit. What is the character or “fruit” of the Spirit? List and circle the ones you are good at. Underline the ones you need to get better at. Don’t worry, the Holy Spirit will help you!

Read John 14:15-16
How long is the Holy Spirit with you? What will He do for you? Once you have the Holy Spirit inside of you, He will never go away. There is nothing you can do to make Him leave. He is there for good, through the good and bad. The Holy Spirit will never stop helping you. Sometimes you might not listen to what He has to say, but that doesn’t mean He will stop. How do you listen to the Holy Spirit? Set yourself up for success by creating situations where you can listen to Him better. If you wanted to have a conversation with someone, would you go to the loudest concert ever and stand in front of the speaker? Of course not, because you know doing so would keep you from being able to listen. If you are trying to listen to the Spirit inside of you but are surrounding yourself with the junky things of the world, then you might not hear Him. Set yourself up to hear the Holy Spirit by putting yourself in situations to listen. Are any of the examples below things that will help you hear the Holy Spirit better?– Godly friends – Spending time at church/youth ministry – Kanakuk – Friends who are bad influences – Movies filled with junk – Positive music – Trashy music – Having a Godly mentor – Obeying your parents – Being involved in gossip – Reading God’s Word – Magazines – Spending all your time focusing on you – Spending all your time on the internet
Read Luke 12:12
Who gives you the words to say when you need it? Have you ever been tongue tied and didn’t know what to say? God promises that He will help you say the right words when you need to say them. Maybe you are afraid to talk to a friend about Jesus. Maybe you’re afraid to say you’re sorry to a friend for being mean to them.You don’t need to be afraid because you can rely on God to give you the words to say. Read Romans 8:26 Who gives us words to pray when you don’t know how to pray? Have you ever not known how or what to pray? The Holy Spirit will help you pray to God. He knows your thoughts and your heart’s desire so when you are at a loss for words, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Whatever comes to mind, start praying for it!
Read John 16:13
Who will guide you? Fill in the blank: The Spirit will guide you in:_____________________. You can always trust that the Holy Spirit will guide you. He wants you to choose the right thing. He wants the best for you. He will always guide you in all things that are true. If He is guiding you, it’s the right way. How do you know? What the Holy Spirit asks you to do will never go against God’s Word, the Bible. Sometimes you listen to your own sinful desires to do things your way. To do so, you block out the Holy Spirit. If you spend time reading the Bible, you will be able to “weed out” the things that are your way and pay attention to the Holy Spirit guiding you.

Nothing is Greater than God

Read Romans 8:31
Who can be against you if God is for you? God has your back. He is for you. Do your realize that you have the God of the universe on your side? You have the all-powerful, all-knowing God who is everywhere on your side. Nothing is more powerful than Him. Nothing can defeat Him. You are in good hands. Take a big sigh of relief… you don’t have to be afraid… God is on your side. Write some things down that scare you or make you feel nervous. Write down things that overwhelm you. After you have written them down, go back over them with a red pen. Write the words “God is for me.”
Read Psalm 24:1
What does the Lord own? Does the Bible say that everything on earth belongs to God? Look around you. Everything you see, outside and inside, God owns. The earth outside… it’s His. Your house… it’s His. Your computer… it’s His. Your money… it’s His. God owns everything but He uses people to take care of it for Him. We are supposed to take care of His creation. We are called to take care of His money. The good news is that you don’t have to be afraid about things you need. If you truly need something, God owns everything so He is able to get it to you. You can trust Him to provide for what you need. Today, think of something you or your family needs and ask God to provide what you need. Write down what you prayed for and when He answers it, come back here and write down how. Remember, God promises to provide for what you need. He does not promise to give you all you want because sometimes what you want is not what He wants.
Read Psalm 147:5
What does this verse say about God? Fill in the blank: There is no limit to God’s _____________________. If you have a question about a certain topic, you naturally want to go to the person who is the expert on that subject for the answer. God is the expert in all things. He is the definition of wisdom. The dictionary should have put “God” by the word “wisdom” in the dictionary. You don’t have to worry or be afraid when you have a question. Ask God and you can trust that He will give you the best answer possible. You must remember that God’s ways are not our ways. Sometimes we don’t like His answer because we don’t want to do it. But if He answers, you can trust that it’s the absolute best thing to do. Read James 1:5 and memorize it today.
Read Luke 1:37
What does this verse say about God? Do you trust that God can do anything? God is the one who, just by speaking, made the earth and all that is in it in 7 days. God is the one who parted the Red Sea so the nation of Israel could walk across the dry ground. God is the one who died and rose again. This is the same God who loves you and is for you. You don’t have to be afraid because nothing is impossible with God. Trust Him in big ways and ask Him big things because you can trust that God can overcome any mountain. In fact, He could move a mountain if He wanted to. Are you facing something that seems impossible right now? Ask God to do the impossible, if it’s in His plan to do it!
Read Romans 8:38-39
List all the things that cannot separate you from God’s love. If you believe in Jesus, you are super glued to God. There is nothing that can pull you apart. There is nothing that you, or anyone else can do to keep you from being with God. You might stop listening to Him but He won’t leave. He is in you and with you, and you will be with Him always. There is no need to be afraid that you will ever be separated from Him. You and God are cemented together forever!
Read Exodus 14:13-22 and draw a picture of what happened.