Nothing is Greater than God

Read Romans 8:31
Who can be against you if God is for you? God has your back. He is for you. Do your realize that you have the God of the universe on your side? You have the all-powerful, all-knowing God who is everywhere on your side. Nothing is more powerful than Him. Nothing can defeat Him. You are in good hands. Take a big sigh of relief… you don’t have to be afraid… God is on your side. Write some things down that scare you or make you feel nervous. Write down things that overwhelm you. After you have written them down, go back over them with a red pen. Write the words “God is for me.”
Read Psalm 24:1
What does the Lord own? Does the Bible say that everything on earth belongs to God? Look around you. Everything you see, outside and inside, God owns. The earth outside… it’s His. Your house… it’s His. Your computer… it’s His. Your money… it’s His. God owns everything but He uses people to take care of it for Him. We are supposed to take care of His creation. We are called to take care of His money. The good news is that you don’t have to be afraid about things you need. If you truly need something, God owns everything so He is able to get it to you. You can trust Him to provide for what you need. Today, think of something you or your family needs and ask God to provide what you need. Write down what you prayed for and when He answers it, come back here and write down how. Remember, God promises to provide for what you need. He does not promise to give you all you want because sometimes what you want is not what He wants.
Read Psalm 147:5
What does this verse say about God? Fill in the blank: There is no limit to God’s _____________________. If you have a question about a certain topic, you naturally want to go to the person who is the expert on that subject for the answer. God is the expert in all things. He is the definition of wisdom. The dictionary should have put “God” by the word “wisdom” in the dictionary. You don’t have to worry or be afraid when you have a question. Ask God and you can trust that He will give you the best answer possible. You must remember that God’s ways are not our ways. Sometimes we don’t like His answer because we don’t want to do it. But if He answers, you can trust that it’s the absolute best thing to do. Read James 1:5 and memorize it today.
Read Luke 1:37
What does this verse say about God? Do you trust that God can do anything? God is the one who, just by speaking, made the earth and all that is in it in 7 days. God is the one who parted the Red Sea so the nation of Israel could walk across the dry ground. God is the one who died and rose again. This is the same God who loves you and is for you. You don’t have to be afraid because nothing is impossible with God. Trust Him in big ways and ask Him big things because you can trust that God can overcome any mountain. In fact, He could move a mountain if He wanted to. Are you facing something that seems impossible right now? Ask God to do the impossible, if it’s in His plan to do it!
Read Romans 8:38-39
List all the things that cannot separate you from God’s love. If you believe in Jesus, you are super glued to God. There is nothing that can pull you apart. There is nothing that you, or anyone else can do to keep you from being with God. You might stop listening to Him but He won’t leave. He is in you and with you, and you will be with Him always. There is no need to be afraid that you will ever be separated from Him. You and God are cemented together forever!
Read Exodus 14:13-22 and draw a picture of what happened.