Thief on the Cross

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Jesus died on the cross with two other men. Both men deserved to be on the cross because they were criminals. One of the criminals yelled at Jesus and said hurtful things. The other criminal decided to believe in Jesus right there on the cross.
Read Luke 23:39-43
Did the thief think he deserved to be on the cross?
Did the thief think Jesus deserved to be on the cross?
What did the thief ask Jesus? What did Jesus tell the thief?


It is better to follow Jesus all your life because He can protect you from sin and your life will have purpose for good. Some people, like the thief on the cross, take their entire life to figure out Jesus is their Savior. It doesn’t matter what point in your life you decide to believe, as long as you believe in Jesus you will live with Him in eternity. God tells this story to teach you never to give up on anyone. No matter how many bad decisions someone has made, anyone can turn to Jesus.
Read Matthew 5:44. What does Jesus tell you to do for those who do bad?
Who can you pray for to know Jesus today?


Think of a time that God did not give up on you. Write about it on the next page. If you can’t think of any, ask your mom, dad, or even your grandparents to tell you about a time that God didn’t give up on them.

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Write out 2 Peter 3:9
Does God want anyone to perish?
Why is God patient?

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE (#ffffff BKG) (#51afca Font)

Read 1 John 3:23
What does God ask us to do?
Loving people no matter what they have done is what God wants you to do. If someone is making bad decisions, the best thing you can do is pray for God to change their heart. He can do what seems impossible!


The thief on the cross shows you that it’s never too late for you to believe in Jesus.
Do you believe in Jesus as your Savior?
Do you believe that your sin keeps you from having a relationship with God?
If you believe in Him… that is awesome! If you don’t know if you believe in Jesus, take the time to find someone to answer your questions. Don’t be like the thief and wait until the end of your life. Jesus wants to be in a relationship with you now!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of the thief on the cross.


Great Job! Email us at so we can keep track of your progress. In your email, please include:
First Name
Last Name
Kamp you attended last summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Kamp you plan on attending next summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Parent’s First and Lame Name
One thing you learned
Bible Characters- New Testament
At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
Checkpoint 2 of 3

Simon the Cross Bearer

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Jesus went under trial, and the people chose to crucify Him. He had done nothing wrong. Jesus had to carry His cross, and since He was so tired and weak, the Roman soldiers commanded someone help Him.
Read Luke 23:26
Who was the man who helped Jesus?
What did he do for Jesus?


Simon was just a traveling guy. He wasn’t planning on doing anything crazy, until the Roman soldiers asked him to carry Jesus’ cross. Did you know the Bible says that everyone who believes in Jesus should carry a cross? What the Bible is saying is that we have to sacrifice what we want in life to do what God wants.
Read Matthew 16:24
Write down this verse and memorize it.
Once memorized, recite it to your parents!

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

You probably think that carrying the cross for Jesus was really hard for Simon. Simon was taking the cross for someone else to die on… not him. It might seem hard to give up things in your life for Jesus, but when you think about not having to die for your sin, it doesn’t seem so bad.
Read Matthew 11:30 and write it out ——->
How does Jesus describe what He asks you to do? Are you thankful that Jesus died for your sin instead of you? Take some time to thank God for what He did for you on the cross!

There is a guy who walks around the world carrying a big huge cross. He goes to different countries every year and takes a large cross with him to carry. Why? To tell people about Jesus. People see him carrying a huge cross and ask him what he is doing. When they do, he will tell them how Jesus died for them. That is how God asked him to “take up his cross”. As you grow up you will get to see what God has planned for you to “take up your cross” and follow Him. No need to worry, God has planned it just for you!

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

Christ died for us. He literally gave up His life so we could have life. God wants you to give up your desires for what He wants. Usually, what we want are things that will go away but He wants what lasts forever.
Read Galatians 2:20
How can you “die to yourself” or give up things in your life in order to live for Christ better? Think about this today and write out your thoughts.


A small reminder to “take up your cross” is wearing a cross. Wear something that has a cross on it this week and let it be a reminder to you to live for Jesus and not for yourself.

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Simon the cross bearer.

Jesus Rides a Donkey

Day 1- 01 THE STORYJesus was on His way to Jerusalem to die for the world’s sin. For the first time ever, He allowed people to worship Him in public as the Messiah. He wanted people, one last time, to know that He was their Messiah.
Read Mark 11:1-11
On what animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? What did the people do?
What did the people say?

Day 2- 02 THE WITNESSJesus always wants people to know who He is. Knowing Him is how you decide to believe in Him as your Savior. Read how He made sure Peter knew who He was.
Read Matthew 16:13-16
What does Jesus ask Peter? What does Peter believe about Jesus? Do you believe Jesus is the Savior?

Every Easter we celebrate Jesus riding in on the donkey on Palm Sunday. We call it Palm Sunday because the people laid palm branches down for Jesus to ride over. Every time you see a Palm tree, you can think of Jesus going to Jerusalem to die on a cross for your sins. Color the palm trees below just for fun!

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Here is another verse that describes who Jesus is. He wants to make sure you know this one, too!
Read John 14:6
What 3 things does Jesus claim to be?
What does it mean “through Jesus?”

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE (#ffffff BKG) (#51afca Font)

The people in Jerusalem were worshipping Jesus and praising His name when He rode in on the donkey.
Read Psalm 150:6
How can you praise God today?
Circle ways you could worship Him:
Tell someone about Him  
Give God credit for something you’re good at 
Sing to Him
Represent Him on your sports team
Play music to Him
Thank Him for something He has done
Is there any other way you can think of to praise Him today?

Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTDraw a picture of Jesus riding on the donkey. Put it somewhere to remind you to give Jesus the praise He deserves. He is your Savior!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Jesus riding on the donkey.


Day 1- 01 THE STORY

It was the time in Jesus’ life when He knew that He had to go to Jerusalem to die on the cross. But He had one more miracle to do. Mary and Martha, the girls you read about before, had a brother named Lazarus. Jesus loved Lazarus. Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick. When He got to their home, Lazarus had died. Jesus wanted to teach everyone that He could defeat death.
Read John 11:38-43
What did Jesus do for Lazarus? Do you believe that Jesus can overcome death?


Everyone who saw Lazarus come out of the tomb was grateful and amazed. Later, people would be amazed that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, He rose from the dead!
Read Romans 6:9-10
Will Jesus die again? The word “dominion” is another word for “power”. Death has no power over Jesus. Jesus has power over death! How does this encourage you?

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Jesus can conquer death. He showed His friends and disciples that He could do it with Lazarus, but that was a sneak peek for what He was about to do.
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:14
The words “fallen asleep” in the Bible can mean death. What does God promise will happen to those who believe He conquered death?

Did you notice that the first thing Jesus told Lazarus after He raised him from the dead was to take his grave clothes off? Those grave clothes were stinky and Lazarus was alive. He didn’t need them anymore… he was alive! When you die to Christ and believe in Him as your Savior, He wants you to take your grave clothes off. What? Your grave clothes is your sinful self. There is no need to act like a mummy… you are alive. Start living for Jesus!

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVEDid you know that if you believe in Jesus you really don’t die? You leave earth but just move onto the next part of your life… life in heaven with God forever. Jesus defeated death so we don’t have to be afraid. He gives us hope. It could help you to think of your life as having two parts. Part 1 is your life on earth, and Part 2 is your life in eternity forever.
Read Romans 8:37-39
What did Jesus do for us?
Can anything separate you from His love?

Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTYou and your family are citizens of a country. Most Kanakuk Kampers are citizens of the United States but some are citizens from another country. Some people move to other countries but are still citizens of the country they came from. For example, if you are an American but move to England to live, you are actually a citizen of America. God tells us in the Bible that we are citizens of heaven. That is really our home. We just live on earth for a little while.
Read and memorize Philippians 3:20
Today spend some time thanking Jesus for conquering death. You couldn’t live forever with Him if He didn’t do it. Think about writing Jesus a letter as a way of thanking Him!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Lazarus.