Your Opponent


God tells us that His creation is the most visible thing mankind has to know He exists. (Romans 1:20). This is why Biblical creation has been under scrutiny for so many years. Most opponents to creation have a problem with God outside of the creation doctrine.
If they can prove Biblical creation is wrong, then they have an excuse to discredit God.
If they cannot, they must change.
Read 2 Timothy 4:3
What does God warn us will happen with sound doctrine (meaning doctrine that is irrefutable)? Why do they do this?
Could this explain why people want to ignore the facts of Biblical creation?
You must know your opponents to creation have something bigger going on behind the creation doctrine. Don’t forget to be a light for Christ and show them a loving and great example of Jesus in you!


Charles Darwin had a problem with Christianity. Instead of pursuing what claims to be true at its source, the Bible, he based his belief on his emotions. Instead of pursuing the evidence of the Bible that truly does exist, he chose to pursue finding evidence against it.
“But I had gradually come, by this time, to see that the Old Testament; from its manifestly false history of the world, with the Tower of Babel, the rainbow as a sign, etc., etc., and from its attributing to God the feelings of a revengeful tyrant, was no more to be trusted than the sacred books of the Hindus, or the beliefs of any barbarian. I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished. And this is a damnable doctrine.”
(Charles Darwin: The Autobiography of Charles Darwin with original omissions restored. New York, Norton, 1969. p. 85, 87)


Before you defend your faith you must understand how people work. Albert Einstein stated “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” This quote seems crazy coming from a physicist/scientist who is supposed to be allowing the facts to prove or disprove a theory. He is suggesting, if the facts don’t fit, to throw out facts instead of theories. What Albert Einstein has done has accurately explained how the human mind works. Humans form belief systems based on knowledge and experience. Many people call these things belief “frameworks”. In other words, they spend their life “framing up” what they believe.
The Frameworks Institute in 2005 put Albert Einstein’s theory to the test. They conducted research with groups of people based on that groups “framework” of beliefs. People were grouped according to what they believe based on race, culture, and background. The Framework Institute conducted studies that presented facts that might be contradictory to what they believe. In each study most people didn’t let the facts change their framework, but twisted the facts to fit their framework. Bostrom, Meg. (2005). When the Facts Don’t Fit the Frame. Washington, DC: FrameWorks Institute.
This is what God asks you – to view the world based on your framework of belief in Him, but you will never have to twist the facts to do so. You will see there will be more twisting on the side of science to disprove God, whereas God continues to reveal facts that support the Bible. Yes, you will have to place your faith in things unseen, but God has gone above and beyond to give you enough physical evidence.
Read 1 John 4:1-3
What does God ask you to do? Why must you be careful?



Read Romans 1:19-23
What do men do here instead of seek out God?
Here is the easiest summary of the Big Bang Theory out there:
The initial singularity was the gravitational singularity of infinite density thought to have contained all of the mass and space time of the Universe [1] before quantum fluctuations caused it to rapidly expand in the Big Bang and subsequent inflation, creating the present-day Universe.
Wall, Mike (21 October 2011). “The Big Bang: What Really Happened at Our Universe’s Birth?”.
The History & Future of the Cosmos. Retrieved April 16, 2012.
In short, the world became nothing out of something for an explosion. This explanation might make sense if a divine being was involved. In other words, if God said He created the world this way, then it could be possible; BUT this theory is based on happenings without a divine creator. This just happened and “poof” we got the world.


This is Charles Darwin’s core beliefs:
This is the theory of evolution at its core.
“Matter is eternal. All the material in the universe is the result of chance arrangements of atoms responding to known physical and chemical laws; life arose from non-living matter and the diversity of living systems is the result of random mutations acted upon by natural selection”. (Charles Darwin, Origin of Species, 1859)
Darwin theorized that lower forms of life over time gave rise to higher forms of life. The single cell evolved into the first organism, which evolved into invertebrate fish, which evolved into vertebrate fish, which evolved into amphibians, which evolved into reptiles, which evolved into birds and mammals, which eventually evolved into monkeys and man. If this theory is true, then there would be countless transitional fossils (missing links) left behind in the fossil record. Joe White, Kanakuk Kamps 2007 K-Equip.
Problems with his Theory of Evolution:
Darwin also had a problem with the lack of missing links or transitional forms in the fossil record. He said in his book, “The number of intermediate and transitional links between all living and extinct species must have been inconceivably great” (Charles Darwin, Origin of Species P. 281-282).
Read Genesis 1 again and think through how this chapter gives a defense against evolution.


If evolution is how humans and animals are here today, has the evolutionary process stopped?
If so, how do you know?
If the evolutionary process has stopped, who determined that we are not evolving anymore? Wouldn’t some divine being need to be involved for this? (Again, God doesn’t support evolution, but just a question to get them to see even their theory needs a divine being.)
If evolution is how we got here and natural selection is part of the process, why are we so concerned with extinct animals and protecting them? Isn’t this the continuing process of natural selection? (Again, most evolutionists are passionate environmentalists. Believers love God’s creation too and should be protecting it. This question is asked to show a little irony in their theory.


Read Romans 16:17-18
What does God say about false teaching?
Read Ephesians 5:11-13
What will happen to the things that are lies (darkness) ?
Will God always reveal what is a lie?
Here is how Darwin’s Theory has become exposed:
Genetic mutations have never been a good thing. Darwin’s theory suggests that genetic mutations are what advanced our human bodies.
Evolutionist Dr. H.J. Mueller: “The vast majority of mutations are detrimental to the species” (“How Radiation Changes the Genetic Constitution”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, vol. 11, No. 9, (Nov. 1955) pg. 331).
Natural Selection is ultimately racial. It is saying the weaker species should go extinct.
The original title of Darwin’s book was Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. Contrary to sound biblical and logical reasoning, as lower forms of life gave rise to higher forms of life via mutations in natural selection, Darwin found a theory that supported his belief that females and people of color were inferior in the evolutionary ladder.
There are no transitional fossils to support his theory. Neanderthal Man Lucy, Java Man, Nebraska Man, Piltdown Man… all of these have been disproven and all findings have contradicted themselves. For example:
Lucy (Australopiitchus) – Richard Leakey, the director of the National Museum in Kenya and son of Louis Leakey who discovered “Lucy”, said, “Lucy’s skull was so incomplete that most of it was imagination made of plaster of paris” (The Weekend Australian (May 7-8, 1983) pg. 3).