Look around you. Everything you see has an identity. What is an “identity”?Identity: (n) the qualities that make someone or something different than others. For fun, write down what you think of when you see the words below. Use words that describe their identity… the things that make them different than others of their kind.
Dogs, Cats, Mom, Dad, Truck, Car, Brother, Sister
Read Genesis 1:27
What makes humans different than all other creatures God created?
Day 2 – I.D.CARD
When you get old enough you will one day have an I.D card. I.D is short for identity card. Your I.D. card will have specific information about you so others can know it’s you. People will use your I.D. card to check that you are who you say you are. For fun, grab your mom or dad’s driver’s license and write down all it says about their identity. Then, use the space below to draw your own. What would your I.D. card say?
Read 1 Samuel 16:7
What part of your identity does God care about? What does the world care about?
Read Psalm 139. How does God describe you?
In this study, you are going to find out your true identity – who God created you to be. God says you are pretty cool. In fact, He uses the words “wonderfully made.”
At the end of these 9 months, you are going to know where your true identity comes from and where to look to find it.
Today, you are going to list the ways God created YOU that makes you different. Only list positive things. It will be fun to see what you add about your identity at the end of your 9 month devotional. Here are some words you can use: joyful, fearless, encouraging, adventurous, athletic. Or you can describe where you live such as American, British, Oklahoman or New Yorker. Maybe you want to list how you look freckled, brown hair, tall. Okay… it’s your turn.
When it comes to identity, “Where do I belong” is the most asked question. Belonging somewhere allows you to feel safe. Belonging also helps determine who helps you and how you choose to live your life.
Write down your full name in the space below.
Circle your last name.
What does your last name tell others about where you belong?
How does being a part of a family help you feel secure?
How does being part of a family help you be known by someone?
You might have the same last name as your family, but the cool thing is that no matter what, God wants you to be a part of His family.
Read 1 John 3:1
What does God want to call you?
Here is an example of how “belonging” helps you make decisions on how you act.
Draw a picture below of a sports uniform for a team you are on, or were once on.
What does the name on the front of the jersey say?
What does wearing that jersey mean for how you act in the game? When you play your sport, who do you look to for help to win the game… people in your jersey or others?
Would you listen to the other team’s coach to help you win the game? Why not?
Read Philippians 2:2
If you are on God’s team, He wants you to have the same ___, and the same ___.
If by belonging to God’s team you try to think like God and love like Good, what will your actions be like?
Will you look to God or someone else to be your coach?
This is a simple answer. To belong somewhere you first have to believe in something. If you never decide what you believe, you will always be seeking a different place to belong.
Read John 1:12
What does God call you when you believe in Him?
If you believe in God, do you become a part of God’s family?
If you believe in God, does this verse say you have a place where you belong?
The cool thing is that God has many things planned for your life. These are specifically planned for you. You belong in God’s family. Get excited because this year, you are going to learn how God, through Jesus, has made you… you!