Week 4

Day 1 – READ 2 Timothy 4 –  MAIN THEME

Highlight anything that stands out to you. What is the main theme of the chapter?

Day 2 – READ 2 Timothy 4  – MAKE LISTS

Make a list of what you learn from Paul and Timothy, then make a list of what you’ve learned about discipleship relationships.

What can you learn from Paul as he faces the end of his life? How is he passing on the torch to Timothy? How is “passing the torch” an important part of discipleship?


Make a list of how Paul exhorts Timothy. List any warnings Paul gives Timothy.

How can you apply these to your life?

What do you need to change in your life based on the passage you just read?


Paul and Timothy had a healthy discipleship relationship. Remember you are not to be someone’s “all-in-all” when you disciple another. You should not rely on your mentor as the only one who can help you. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best in his book The Cost of Discipleship… “Discipleship is not hero worship, but intimacy with Christ.”

Day 4 – READ 2 Timothy 4  – APPLY TRUTH

Make a list of any truth or promise that God gives you through this passage.

How can you apply it to your life?

Day 5 – READ 2 Timothy 4 – MEMORIZE IT

Pick one or two verses to memorize and write them down.