Week 3

Day 1 – READ 2 Timothy 3 –  MAIN THEME

Highlight anything that stands out to you. What is the main theme of the chapter?

Day 2 – READ 2 Timothy 3  – MAKE LISTS

Make a list of what you learn from Paul and Timothy, then make a list of what you’ve learned about discipleship relationships.

How is Paul leaving his ministry to Timothy?


Make a list of how Paul exhorts Timothy. List any warnings Paul gives Timothy.

How can you apply these to your life?

Give it a try!

Need some helping knowing what spiritual topics to go through with someone who disciples you or with the person you are discipling. If you are being discipled, ask your mentor if they have any suggestions. Here are some to consider:

One to One Cross Training by Joe White

One to One “Climbing Higher” by Joe White

Foundations of the Faith – 13 lessons to grow in the grace of Christ by John MacArthur

30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders

30 Days to Understanding what Christians Believe by Max Anders

New Christian Handbook by Max Anders

30 Days to understanding the Christian Life by Max Anders

Day 4 – READ 2 Timothy 3   – APPLY TRUTH

Make a list of any truth or promise that God gives you through this passage.

How can you apply it to your life? How were you personally encouraged by this passage?

Day 5 – READ 2 Timothy 3 – MEMORIZE IT

Pick one or two verses to memorize and write them down.