Week 3

Day 1 – READ 1 PETER 5:1-11

Even if you don’t think you will have the role of a leader, know that at some point you will! It looks different for every person. You might be an upfront leader someday. You might lead a ministry. Maybe you will just lead one person in a discipleship relationship. Guys will grow up to be a dad and will be called to lead a family. Future moms will lead the flock of kids. Don’t avoid leadership… embrace it and trust God to bring it about in a way that fits with the gifts and personality He has given you. No matter what way God calls you to lead, He has the same standard for famous theologians, high school mentors of a few students, or stay at home moms.

Day 2 – READ 1 PETER 5:1-11

Make a list of how God wants you, as a leader, to take care of the “flock” that has been entrusted to you.

Day 3 – READ 1 PETER 5:1-11

Look back at your list from yesterday. Use some practical ways you can apply these leadership principles to your life and ministry.

Day 4 – MEMORIZE 1 PETER 5:1-11

If you want to lead… you need to write on your heart how God wants you to do it.


Look back on this week’s notes. What did you learn?