Read Mark 4:2-9
What happened to the seed that fell beside the road?
… the seed that fell on rocky ground?… the seed that fell among the thorns?
What happened to the seed that fell on the good soil?
Tomorrow you are going to read Jesus’ explanation of this parable.
Do you have any idea what lesson Jesus is teaching?
Read Mark 4:14-20
What does the “seed” in the parable represent?
The four conditions of the soil represent the conditions of people’s heart who hear the truth of God’s Word. If you are going to follow Jesus, He wants you to know how different people will respond to His Word.
What did you learn about the seed that falls beside the road?
Is a road or the side of the road a good place to plant a seed? Why or why not?
Some people who hear the truth of Jesus will have a hard heart. A road is a very hard pavement and when the seed is thrown, it will just lie on the ground. Satan does a good job of making sure the ground stays hard and the seed has no chance to stay long enough to be planted. What are ways that Satan can snatch God’s truth up before someone’s hard heart softens to hear it? It takes a lot to bust up a road and make it plantable soil, but it can be done. God can make a hard heart soft but you must be patient as He works to soften it.
Read Mark 4:16-17
What happened to the seed that fell on the rocky soil? Did the plant grow?
Why did the plant not last?
Rocky soil is not as tough as a paved surface. It is a mixture of rocks and soil so when the seed is planted, the soil can receive it and it will grow. The problem is the rocks – they get in the way of a plant growing roots. As you know, roots are important for a plant’s survival in all types of rough weather. Many people hear God’s Word and are really excited to accept it. The problem is they don’t let the gospel transform their life and get rid of the sin in their heart. If sin still remains, your faith will never take root.
When hard times happen, these people will see they don’t really have a true faith in Jesus because the Word did not take root in their lives. Sometimes you can see things like this happen at Kanakuk. It’s called a spiritual high. A person comes to Kamp and is eager to accept Jesus. When they get home, they don’t put Jesus #1 in their lives and still live the life they used to live. All of the sudden, they realize they never really had a faith in Jesus because they didn’t let His Word take root in their life.
Has the condition of your heart ever been rocky? What do you think it takes to allow the plant to take root? Many people who want to know Jesus have rocky soil, but it’s those who give up their sin who encounter the cross and see God’s Word take root in their lives.
Here is an example of a man who did all the right things, but the things of this world kept him from following Jesus. Read Matthew 19:16-22 .
Read Mark 4:18-19
What did the thorns represent according to Jesus? What happened to the plant?
If you ever take up farming or gardening, you will learn how important getting the weeds out of the area where you plant is. If you want healthy plants, you don’t want anything else taking up the water and sun that is provided for the plant. The thorns represent the desires of the world. If you want to grow in your faith, you can’t be consumed with the things of the world. If you do, just like a thorn can choke a healthy plant, your faith will be hindered by the things of the world. Many people want to believe in Jesus, go to church, pray and do all the right things. But when it comes to growing in their faith and following God, they can’t because the world is more important.
Have the things of the world ever kept you from growing in your walk with the Lord?
What can you do to make sure your soil is free from thorns?
Read Mark 4:20. What happens to seed that falls on the good soil?
If you want to grow plants, you must condition the soil. If you do, your crops will be healthy. This is why John the Baptist’s and Jesus’ message at the beginning of His ministry was “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” God wanted men to get their hearts ready for Jesus. This means breaking up hardened places in your heart, getting rid of sin and getting rid of the world.
What are things that exist that can make a heart hardened? (Here are some examples to get your mind going…. pride, bitterness, hurt )
What do you think has to happen to start to soften a hard heart?
What are sins (rocks) that people typically leave in their heart… even when they want to follow Jesus? What do you think it takes to let go of the sin in your heart?
What are things of the world people like to hold on to?
Read Hebrews 10:24
How can you surround yourself with people who want you to grow in your walk? Read 1 Peter 2:2
What should you crave? Has what you have learned this year helped your faith grow? Has what you have learned changed the condition of your heart?