Solider Boot Camp


Read 2 Timothy 2:4
What does a good soldier not do? What does a good solcier do instead?
A soldier has to be able to give up certain comforts in life to do what is needed to protect himself and others. If you are in the army, you have to train for battle. You must prepare and practice being a soldier so you are ready. When you first enlist in the army you go to boot camp to get the mindset of a soldier. You wake up early, practice being obedient and taking orders from authority; you train physically and learn how to fight. Most importantly, you move to the base and leave all the conveniences of being a civilian. If a soldier cared about those things too much, He wouldn’t give them up to protect himself and others. The same is true for you…. you’ll have to give up things to be a good soldier in God’s army. Why? If you care about things of the world too much, it will keep you from fighting.


It is important as God’s soldier to protect your eyes and ears as they are the windows to your mind. Today you are going to protect your ears.
– Boot camp challenge for today:
Only listen to music that is uplifting and encouraging. (You can listen to secular music if its uplifting and positive.)
If you are listening to the radio turn the channel if there is inappropriate music.
If you don’t have any uplifting music or movies, ask your mom if you can buy some. Call or email your director from Kanakuk to help you with some ideas for great positive “cool” artists.

Day 3 – LOOK UP

Before today’s challenge, answer the following questions about yesterday’s challenge.
Was it hard to only listen to positive music and watch only positive shows on TV? Why or why not?
What did the challenge teach you?
What you put in front of your eyes is important.
-Boot camp challenge:
Only watch things that are positive and encourage your character.
Avoid any movies and TV shows that have bad language or negative attitudes.
Avoid any magazines or books that make you want more “things” instead of God.
Choose not to look at things on the internet that could put images in your head that are not good.


Before you take today’s boot camp challenge answer the following questions about yesterday’s challenge. Was it hard to only look at things that are positive?
What did the challenge teach you? How did it train you to be God’s soldier?
Today’s boot camp challenge focuses on your words. Your parents cannot help you think and say the right things. They can encourage you to do what is right., but they aren’t in control of your mind.
– Boot camp challenge:
Only say positive and encouraging things. This means only things that uplift others.
Strive to not complain about anything but have a positive attitude.
Remember positive words come from positive thoughts.
It might be a fun exercise to put a marble (or even a quarter) in every time you say something negative.


Before today’s challenge, answer the following questions about yesterday’s challenge.
Was it hard to only say things that are positive? Why or why not?
What did the challenge teach you? How did it train you to be God’s soldier?
What helped remind you to say good things?
Today’s boot camp challenge is about being selfless. Good soldiers must learn to think of others instead of themselves. Yes, you do need to take care of yourself in life. God doesn’t want you to ignore the things you need but He does want you to trust Him to provide and put other’s needs in front of yours. Today, you are going to put the “I’m Third” attitude in action.
– Boot camp challenge:
For one day, you are challenged to put everyone else’s interests in front of yours.
If you want something, make sure someone else gets it first.
Serve people before you serve yourself today.
Sometime this weekend, answer these questions:
Was it hard to put other’s first? Why or why not? What did the challenge teach you?
How did it train you to be God’s soldier? Did you miss out on anything you needed?
How did God provide for you?