As God’s servant, you have the opportunity to be an example of a person who pursues purity in all areas. Impurity is sin. Sin takes on many forms, but God is the only one who can give you a fresh start.
Read Psalm 51:10. What does God do for you?
Read 1 John 1:9. What does God cleanse you of? What is described as purity?
Read Romans 113:14. What does God ask you to do?
Why does He ask you to “put on Jesus Christ as Lord?”
Christ paid for your sin and His life can show you how to live without sin. Do you look to Christ to help you live a pure lifestyle? Do you think the desires of the flesh can hurt you?
Read Matthew 5:8
What is the blessing of purity? If sin is out of your life, can you see God more clearly?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. If you believe in Christ, should your life look different?
Have you changed since accepting Jesus?
Read Colossians 3:5
What are the different things you should put to death within you?
Why do you think sin, when it’s defined a little more in these areas, is destructive?
Read Proverbs 16:25. What is the result of the ways that seem good to man?
Does God want you to miss out on eternity?
Read Titus 2:12. As a believer, what should you get rid of? What should you pursue?
Read Romans 12:2. What should you not conform to? What should transform you?
A servant of the Lord is different than the world. If you still look like you’re in bondage, you are missing an opportunity to show someone the freedom Christ gives.
How you act is truly a reflection of what occupies your mind. If you want to be God’s servant and live as an example to others, you have to watch those thoughts.
Read Luke 31:24. Why should you watch yourself? What happens when you are consumed with the things of the world? How do you act when you are consumed by emotions? Why do you need to guard your thoughts?
Read Colossians 3:2. Should your mind be on earthly things or things that are eternal?
Read Matthew 5:28. What does God say about lustful thoughts?
If your actions come from what occupies the mind, why are lustful thoughts dangerous?
Read 2 Corinthians 10:5. What does God ask you to do?
What are some ways that you can take your thoughts captive?
Read Proverbs 21:2. Does the Lord know your heart and motives?
Philippians 2:3. What should not be your motives? What should be your motives?
Read Colossians 3:23. Who’s approval are you seeking?
Read 1 Timothy 1:5. What should your motive be in all you do?
Are you doing what your doing with a pure heart? If there are sinful desires involved, you are not motivated by a pure heart.
Do you have a good conscience for what you are doing? If guilt or shame is involved, then you are not doing things out of a good conscience. If there is hesitation for any reason, that is the Holy Spirit asking you to make sure of something.
Is what you are doing growing your faith in God, or does it hinder it?
Letting God have control of your physical desires will protect you and others. You may miss out on what everyone else is doing, but you will avoid the shame, guilt, hurt, and emotional scars that come from sexual impurity. The world needs examples in the area of sexual purity. Are you going to step up?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:18. What is the verb God uses to describe how you need to deal with the temptation of sexual impurity? Who lives in your body?
If God is living in your body, do you think you are honoring God’s temple by choosing to give your “all” to someone else? Why do you think God says flee?
Do you think God knows what kind of power the sexual experience can have over you?
Read Hebrews 13:4. Where did God, the creator of sex, intend sex to happen?
Read 1 John 2:15-16. Where does the desire of your flesh come from?