Read Acts 4:1-31
This week you are going to read this passage each day and use Peter and John’s example as a “case study” to defend your faith. After Jesus ascended into heaven, His disciples started to preach the gospel in Jerusalem. Remember that just 50 days earlier the people in Jerusalem, including the Jews, put Jesus on the cross. Jerusalem was a hostile environment for the gospel of Jesus Christ because many men opposed Him. Today you are going to simply read and take it all in. Take notes and write down anything that stands out to you.
1 Peter 3:15 asks you to do three things:
Revere Christ as Lord
Be prepared to give a defense for the reason in which you hope
Defend the gospel with gentleness and respect
Read the account of Peter and John again in Acts 4. This time, make a note of how Peter and John “revered Christ as Lord.” List or highlight the ways they did so in this passage.
Read Acts 4:1-31
What can you learn from how Peter and John revered Christ as Lord? How did they do it with their words?
How did they do it with their actions?
Who helped them? (hint… look at verse 8)
How did their opponents notice they revered Christ as Lord?
Today you are going to read the account of Peter and John again. This time make note of how they responded to the questions they were asked. How did they give a defense for the reason they hope?
Read Acts 4:1-31. What can you learn from Peter and John?
Peter’s response was wrong and Jesus rebuked him. Why did Peter do this? It’s because he was not prepared. Right before the angry mob approached them, Jesus and His disciples were praying. Well, only Jesus was praying. Jesus asked His disciples to pray but they chose to sleep instead. The biggest moment in the history of mankind was about to happen and they were sleeping. It’s pretty clear they were not prepared and Peter was not ready to defend the gospel when Jesus wanted him to.
Yes, you guessed it. You are going to read the account of Peter and John again. Today you are going to look for how Peter and John were respectful and gentle. You must not confuse gentleness for weakness. Peter and John were bold. It may not seem like they were gentle or respectful, but think about how they could have responded. In fact, first read about how Peter normally acts when confronted.
Read John 18:1-14
How did Peter respond when Jesus was persecuted? Was this the right response? (Look at Jesus’ answer.) Was Peter’s “defense” gentle or respectful?
Read Acts 4:1-31
How was John respectful and gentle? How could Peter and John have responded when persecuted? What can you learn from how they treat their opponents?
In less than two months since Jesus’ crucifixion, Peter has changed his approach. You could say he learned his lesson. Instead of going on the offense with a real sword, He used the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, to make a defense.
Read Acts 4:13-31
What were the results of Peter and John’s boldness? Did the Jewish leadership have a change in heart? Did Peter and John back down when asked to?
How were they respectful by being honest?
Although there was no opponent heart change, what happened because of what God did through Peter and John? Could their opponents find any reason to keep them in prison?
Do you understand that sometimes your opponents will not hear the truth? How do you think you will respond if this happens?
Do you trust God can use your defense in ways you don’t expect?
Read Acts 4:13
How were Peter and John described? How did they recognize them?
Peter and John made a defense of the gospel, but the Jewish leadership did not believe in it. They did see two men’s actions and understood they had spent time with Jesus. Do you live your life in such a way that your opponents would say the same things about you?