Read Romans 10:9. Write out the verse below and memorize it today.
You were created to have a relationship with God. In order to have a relationship with God, you must believe in Jesus. We are going to learn this year what it means to believe in Jesus and why it is the most important part of finding your identity.
Day 2 – BELONG
Read 1 John 4:4. Write out the verse below and memorize today.
You belong in God’s family. You are God’s child and you don’t have to worry about all the different places the world says you belong. You don’t have to fit in the way the world tells you to. He is greater than the world; but unlike the world, He will never change. You will always belong in God’s family and you are safe there.
Day 3 – BE YOU
Read Psalm 139:13-14
Write out the verses below and memorize it today.
God has great things planned for you. He has made you and will prepare you to do things you couldn’t have even imagined! You always need to know that God made you exactly the way you are.
Day 4 – BEWARE
Read John 10:10. Write out the verse below and memorize it today.
There are many things in life that you need to beware of. This year you will see how your enemy uses things, the world and sometimes even people to keep you from being you and living the life God wants you to live. You are not only going to be aware of what could steal your identity, but also how you can protect yourself before they try!
Read Joshua 1:9. Write out the verse below and memorize it today.
God has given us clear instruction how to be strong. But you can be even stronger because He is with you! He gave you your identity, He will help you find it, He will help you become it, and He will help you fight for it.