Man’s Fall


Read Genesis 3:1-13
Who is the serpent? What does the serpent tell Eve?
Read Genesis 2:15-17
What did God specifically say not to do with the tree? Did God ever say they couldn’t touch the tree? Why do you think the serpent twisted what God said?
Do you believe twisting the truth is a lie? Have you ever believed a twisted truth?
Have you ever twisted the truth?
Living in the Garden of Eden was awesome. Adam and Eve had the coolest job ever and they had more food, water, and shelter than they could ever ask for. They had everything. They even saw God everyday. They didn’t even need the one thing God said they couldn’t have. God knew the danger of the serpent in the tree. He was protecting Adam and Eve from being separated from Him. Isn’t it funny how we always want what we shouldn’t have? This is exactly why we need Jesus.


There are many people who know Jesus but don’t believe Him to be their Savior. How can you know Jesus and not believe Him to be who He says He is? They don’t see their need for Jesus. You have to realize you need Jesus to accept Him as your Savior. Make it your goal this year to not just learn about Jesus but also look into your own heart and see all the ways you need Him.

Day 2- LIAR, LIAR…Read Genesis 3:1-13 again
In verses 4-5, how did Satan lie to Adam and Eve? Did they believe it?
Have you ever believed a lie before? Write down what that was like.
Satan lied to them by saying they would not die. True death is to be separated from God forever. God didn’t want them to eat from the tree of life because He did not want man to be separated from Him.
Read Genesis 3:6 again. What are the three reasons Eve ate from the tree?
Have you ever chosen to do something wrong because you were physically hungry or hungry for things of the world? Have you chosen to do something wrong because it was a “delight to the eyes”? In other words… it looked good?
Have you ever chosen to do something wrong because it would benefit you?


Read Genesis 3:7-13
What immediately happened to Adam and Eve after they ate?
Do you think they felt ashamed? What do you think they were feeling?
Have you ever done something wrong? How do you feel after you do it?
What did they try to do to hide what they had done?
Read Genesis 3:12
Did Adam own up to his sin or did he blame someone else? Have you ever blamed someone else for your actions? How did Eve respond?
Some people get confused that God didn’t know what Adam and Eve had done. He actually did know they sinned but asked them the questions so they would recognize what they had done. God starts by asking them “Where are you?” He asks this not because He didn’t know, but so they would realize they had separated themselves from Him. Before they sinned they literally walked with God and interacted with Him every day. Now they were separated; not because God left them, but because they left God. Can you relate to this?


After man sins in Genesis 3, God gives consequences to the serpent (Satan), Eve and Adam. What God says to Adam represents consequences for males but also consequences for all of mankind… woman and man. Today, we are going to focus on the consequences for mankind because of sin.
Read Genesis 3:17-24
In verse 19, where will mankind return? Satan told Adam and Eve they would not die. Based on what God says in verse 19, was this true?


Read Genesis 2:15-17
What trees could Adam and Eve eat from?
What was the tree called that they could not eat from?
Read Genesis 3:22
What tree was also in the Garden of Eden? What happens when you eat from that tree?
God said only the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was forbidden. If all other trees were okay to eat, were Adam and Eve allowed to eat from the tree of life?
Read Genesis 3:23-24
What did God do to guard the tree?
Do you think man has any chance to eat from that tree on his own?

Yesterday, you learned that sins have consequences. Just like a parent disciplines his children, God disciplines us. But God is also a protective Father and remembers mercy. Adam and Eve made a choice to disobey God. They sinned causing separation from God. If they had eaten from the tree of life afterwards, they would live forever in a sinful state, separated from their Father. So God protected His children by removing them from the Garden. God knew one day, through Jesus Christ, He would create a way for His children to once again live with Him forever.