Why Jesus?


Let’s start from the beginning… literally. Why Jesus? Let’s look at the beginning of the Bible.
Read Genesis Chapter 1-2:3
Write down what God created on each day of the week.
Re-read Genesis 1:26-27
On what day did God create man? How did God create mankind?
Do you believe you are created in God’s image?


Read Genesis 1:26-31 again
What responsibility did God give mankind? Did they have a cool job?
How did God provide for the man and the woman?
Do you think that the man and woman had everything they needed in the garden?
Does God give you everything you need today?


Did you notice that God said “Let there be light” on day 1 of creation, but didn’t create the sun and the moon until day 4? Do you wonder how there was light on days 1, 2, and 3? In the book of Revelation in chapter 22, God tells us what the new earth will be like after Christ returns. He tells us there will be no sun or moon because God will give the light. God was the light for days 1, 2 and 3 of creation. Isn’t it cool that He will do the same thing in the end as He did in the beginning?


God put Genesis 1 in the Bible to tell us how and when He made the earth and all that is in it.
Genesis chapter 1 gives us the overview and chapter 2 gives the specifics of what happened.
Read Genesis 2. Look back on your list from Day 1.
Did God provide what mankind needed before He created mankind? Do you think God provides things for you before you need them?
What did God tell Adam he could eat? How many trees do you think were in the Garden?
Did God give Adam a lot or a little? What was Adam not supposed to eat?
Do you believe God knows what you need? Why or why not?


Read Isaiah 46:10
What does God declare in the beginning?
If God knew the end of all things when He created the earth, do you think He knew that mankind would need Jesus?
Do you think God knows all that is going to happen in your future?
What does God promise you at the end of this verse?
How does this verse give you confidence in what God has planned for you?
How does this verse give you confidence in what God says you need?


Re-read Genesis 1:26-27. How was man and woman created?
What do you think it looks like to be created in God’s image? (If it helps, how are you like your parents or family members? Do you resemble them in any way?)
What does it mean to be created in God’s image? God made you with the capacity to look like Him! This is part of the answer to the question of “why” Jesus. It is also important to show you proof that God had His plan in place before He created the earth. God built mankind in the beginning so he would be ready for Jesus. Here’s the deal: God created you in His image but you don’t have His character. He is holy and you are not, but He created you with the capacity to have His holiness. You won’t ever be God, but you can have His righteousness. This is why and how Jesus comes into play…
Read 2 Corinthians 5:21
Can we do anything to earn God’s righteousness?
How can you have God’s righteousness?
Read Galatians 2:20
When you believe in Jesus, who lives in you?
When God created mankind in His image, did He create a home for Jesus?
Read John 8:12
What are ways you can actually look like God through Jesus?
What is Jesus? What will you have if you follow Him?