Read Luke 21:1-4
What did Jesus see the poor widow do?
How did Jesus compare her giving to the giving of the rich? How much did the widow give to God?
The widow showed up at the temple with all the money that she had. She left the temple with no money because she had given it all to God. She loved God so much that she wanted to give Him everything. The amount you have does not matter to God. The heart you have in giving is what matters most to Him.
What do you learn from the example of the poor widow? How can you give your all to God?
Read Luke 10:30-37
What did the Samaritan do for the man on the side of the road? Did the Samaritan give to the man because he had to? How did the Samaritan fix the man’s wounds?
Who rode the Samaritan’s animal? What did the Samaritan do for the man at the inn?
The Samaritan’s compassion allowed him to have a giving heart that went above and beyond without expecting anything in return. What can you learn from the Good Samaritan? How can you have compassion for people in need?
How can you go above and beyond without expecting anything in return?
The Roman government was in charge during Jesus’ time.
The Romans had implemented taxes on the Jewish people and a few men wanted to know if Jesus, because He claimed to be an authority from God, needed to pay taxes to the Roman authority. Read how Jesus clearly stated that you must give what the ruling government asks you to give. Luke 20:20-26
Re-read Luke 10:30-37
Who were the two people who passed by the man on the road?
It doesn’t say why they did, but can you guess any reasons why they might have passed him by without helping?
Even though the culture was different back then, the heart of man was still the same. What are some reasons we don’t stop to help people in need today?
Read Matthew 25:30-40
Who are you really helping when you help others in need?
What do you learn from the mistakes of the priest and Levite who had no compassion for the man on the road? Have you ever done something like this before? What are some ways at school that you can help others who are in need?
Read Genesis 22:1-14
What was Abraham willing to give God when asked?
Think of your most valued possession. Are you willing to give it to God?
What do you learn about being a willing giver from Abraham?
What kind of faith does it take to truly be a willing giver?
There was a plague in the land of Israel and King David wanted to buy land and animals to make an altar of sacrifice to God for his people. He wanted to give freedom to his people from the plague and knew he had to go to God for help.
Read 2 Samuel 24:18-24
Whom did David go to to buy the land and things for the altar and sacrifice?
How was Araunah a willing giver? David came to purchase but what was Araunah’s response? What can you learn from Araunah about giving what is needed for God’s purposes?
Did David take the items as a gift? Why did David want to buy Araunah’s property and supplies? Araunah was excited to give to the man who was leading God’s people.
What are some ways that you can give to those who are doing God’s work?
David’s heart was to give God his best. Have you ever given something that cost you something? Maybe it wasn’t money but it could be time or an opportunity.
What do you learn from Araunah’s heart? What do you learn from David’s heart?