Read John 1:1-5
Who was with God in the beginning? John doesn’t call Jesus by His name.
What is Jesus called here? What do you learn about Jesus in verse 3 and 4?
Read John 1:14
What became flesh (human)? Why did Jesus become human?
Jesus is God. God isn’t just God the Father. God is three persons. He is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Spirit (the Holy Spirit). All three have existed together for all eternity. All were together at creation. God the Son, Jesus, became human and walked the earth for 33 years so that He could pay the penalty for our sin.
Read Philippians 2:5-11
Fill in the blank: Jesus existed in the form of ____________.
How was Jesus humble? What does verse 7 say Jesus did?
What did Jesus become obedient to?
Why is Jesus worthy of worship?
Jesus is God. God is eternal and perfect. Jesus could have stayed in heaven and let you suffer for your sin. But God is love so He came to earth to save you from your sin. The Bible says “He emptied Himself.” This is hard to understand, but what Jesus had to do to become human was give up some of the cool things about being God. Another way He emptied Himself was that by being human, Jesus now had to face death. In His case, death was going to be a very painful one. God loves you and wants to forgive you of your sins. He wants to give you eternal life and He willingly gave up a lot to do it.
Day 3- JESUS VISITS THE TEMPLE (#b11e58 BKG) (#ffffff Font)
Read Luke 2:22-24, 39-40
How did Jesus grow up as a child? How did you become strong as a kid? If Jesus was a human, did He get strong in the same way?
How did you learn things growing up? How do you think Jesus learned things?
Jesus was a baby who turned into a toddler who grew to be a child and eventually a teenager just like you. How does knowing this about Jesus make Him relatable?
Read Luke 2:52. What are the four ways Jesus grew?
Read Psalm 19:7-8. How can you grow in wisdom?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. What are ways you can grow in physical stature?
Read Romans 5:3-4. What are ways you can grow in character?
Read John 14:21. What are some ways you can grow in God’s favor?
Read Mark 12:30-31. What are ways you love other people?
Make some goals: How you can set yourself up to grow in these areas like Jesus did?
Read Matthew 3:13-17
Who baptized Jesus? What happened when Jesus was baptized?
Jesus was God but He was also human. It can be confusing because Jesus did not need to repent like John was saying. He was baptized because He was a faithful, God-following Jew. Most importantly, it was another way God wanted to confirm that Jesus was His Son.