Read Philippians 4:19
What will God do for you? What does God have to provide for you? God is rich! There is no one who has ever owned the earth so it’s safe to say that God is the richest ever to exist! Some people use their riches for themselves. God is different. He uses His riches for His people! He is able to get you everything you need and you never have to worry about His supply running out! Describe a time that you saw God provide
for one of your needs.
Read Matthew 6:31-32
What should you not worry about? Does God know your need? God not only will provide for your need, He also knows your need! You don’t have to worry about God being clueless. Sometimes what we think we need and what God knows we need don’t match up. For example, you might be praying for someone who needs to be healed from sickness. They might need to be home with Him forever and instead of providing medicine or healing, He provides them a way home. God wants you to not only pray for your needs but also look to Him to show you what you really need…even if it’s different than what you thought you needed. Remember, God knows best.
Read the story about how God provided for a man who was paralyzed: Read Mark 2:1-12 What did God heal first, the man’s legs or the man’s sins? What did the man need more, his sins being healed or his legs being healed?
Read Romans 6:23.
What does God give you? Your greatest need is your need for a Savior. This is more important than food, shelter, clothing and medicine. You have a problem… sin. Sin has eternal punishment and God has a solution. He will spend your entire life showing you this need. He has already done the work to meet your need. He sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sins. Jesus overcame death three days later and is alive. The blood He spilled on the cross covers those sins. Because He defeated death, you can defeat true death… separation from God forever. If God spent all of history making His plan happen to provide for your greatest need, don’t you think He will provide for your smaller needs?
Read Philippians 4:6
What does God give you if you give your requests to Him? Life is full of worries. You worry about family, friends, and enemies. You worry about things like, food, acceptance, doing something right, and making a difference. You worry about sickness, death, life and the future. God provides for your worries. In fact, He can get rid of your worries with His promises. Instead, God provides peace. If you trust God and give Him your needs, hopes, dreams, worries, and wants He will give your busy mind a good rest. Has God ever provided you peace? Write about how. Is there something you are worried about? Are you ready to give it to God and watch Him provide peace for you?
Read 2 Corinthians 9:8
What will God do for you? Why will He bless you abundantly with what you need? Does this verse say God will bless you abundantly with what you want? There are people who will tell you that God will give you everything you want. They will tell you the things that you have are based on how big your faith is. They will say that if you don’t see God answer every one of your prayers for what you want then something is wrong with your faith. THIS IS A LIE! Don’t believe it. God promises that He will provide abundantly for your needs. You must trust in the promise that God knows you best and knows what you need. Your faith is not measured by what you get from God, but by how much you trust God. This is especially true with the things you don’t understand or the answers to prayer you wanted answered differently. God will bless you whether you are faithful or not. It is what He does and who He is. You also need to know that God provides for you so you can do great things for Him.