I Am Compassionate


Read Psalm 103:8.
How is the Lord described in this verse? You can see His compassion in His grace. His desire is to give people what they don’t deserve. You can experience His compassion in how He gives you grace. He could punish you eternally for your sins, but instead He is slow to anger and gave His own Son to die on the cross so you can have life. His love is overflowing with compassion. Have you experienced God’s compassionate grace?
Read Psalms 116:5 What is God full of? God truly is a compassionate God. Today you are going to read a story about how He had compassion on some people in the Bible. Read Matthew 14:13-21 How did God show His compassion for the people who came to see Him? How did God provide for the people who came to Him?
Read Psalm 103:13
What analogy does this verse use to describe your Heavenly Father? Fathers are supposed to have compassion for their kids and protect them. Fathers love to be around their children. If you have a father like this, you have a small example of how your Heavenly Father is compassionate towards you. If you don’t, then you can be encouraged to know that God is your compassionate Father. He is concerned with your wants and needs. He will take care of and protect you. Write a thank you note to your earthly dad (or another person in your life) and thank him for being an example of God’s compassion towards you.
Read Luke 12:24
Who does God comfort? Who does God give compassion to? God cares about the needs of His people. He knows how and when someone is hurt and He will help. What about you? Do you have compassion for people? Who are some people that you need to show compassion towards? How can you have compassion for people at your school today? What about people in your family? Don’t just think about it and write it on paper… go do it!
Read Luke 10:30-37.
This is an example of how a man showed God’s compassion to others. Write what you learn about being compassionate.

What does the Bible say about God’s compassion? There is no limit to God’s compassion. It will never run out. This is not true for people. People can be (and should be) compassionate, but when life hits hard or a person gets distracted, sometimes their compassion runs out. You can always trust God’s promise that His compassion will not run out. He will not get distracted from you. You are His true love and He is compassionate always. Memorize and write out Lamentations 3:22. Put it where you will be reminded of it always.