Day 1- JESUS FEEDS THE 5,000
Read Matthew 14:14-21
Spend the end of your quiet time today thanking God for being so amazing.
Write out a prayer that you would get to experience His unexplainable greatness and power to meet others’ needs through you.
Read Matthew 14:14-18
What was the need that the disciples brought to Jesus? What was the disciples’ suggested solution? What did Jesus want them to do?
What was the disciples’ response? What were the disciples worried about?
Jesus asked His disciples to give food to the multitude of people and the disciples looked down on the little they had and thought, “we don’t have enough.” These men had already watched Jesus do many miracles yet they were concerned with what they didn’t have. It is easy, when God asks you to give, to think that you don’t have enough. How are you going to make your ends meet? If God has asked you to do it, simply “bring it to Him” and watch God make it more than enough. Have you ever been worried about what God has asked you to give because you didn’t see how it’s possible?
Do you believe that God is more than enough to provide for any need?
What did Jesus’ disciples learn from feeding the 5,000?
Do you now understand why He might give you tasks that seem impossible?
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According to the research of the Barna group, a Christian research organization, the people who are financially “at ease” are willing to give the most. As believers we have every reason to be financially “at ease.” Yes, believers need to get a job and be responsible with their money, but your “financial ease” comes from trusting God to provide for your needs. You have more reason to have “financial ease” than the wealthiest man on earth because you have God on your side. Read Mathew 6:25-34.
Day 3- THE GIFTS TO GIVE COME FROM ABOVE (#85cebb BKG) (#fffffff Font)
Read Matthew 14:19
What did Jesus do first after the disciples gave the loaves of bread and fish to Him?
Where did the abundance of food come from?
Read Romans 11:33-36. What does this verse say about the riches of God?
Do they ever run out? What comes from God?
Read James 1:17. Where do good gifts come from according to this verse?
If God has asked you to give something you don’t have, where should you go to get it?
Is there something that someone needs and you don’t have the resources to give it?
Day 4- FILL UP WITH JESUS (#ffffff BKG) (#96bfe6 Font)
Read Matthew 14:19
Whom did the disciples get the food from to give to the people?
When their baskets were empty, where did they go to get a refill?
Giving takes time, energy, and sacrifice. If you try to give from your own strength, you will burn out and have nothing left to give. When you serve God in any way, you must make sure you are getting filled up with Jesus before you give what you have to others.
Read Isaiah 41:10. What does God do for you? What happens when you try to do things out of your own strength?
What are ways that God can “re-charge” your battery when you are giving to others?
Have you ever tried to do things in your own strength? What happened?
Day 5- GOD WILL PROVIDE FOR THE GIVER (#ef4043 BKG) (#ffffff Font)
Re-read Matthew 14:14-21. How many fish and loaves did they have to begin with?
Was this enough for the disciples to eat?
Did the disciples have to give all they had to eat to feed the people?
How many baskets were left?
Jesus showed the disciples that God will provide for those He asks to give up what they have for others. The men gave God all the food they had and Jesus was able to provide a basketful for each disciple to eat. Jesus is not telling us He will give you earthly wealth because you give a certain amount. He is just simply showing that He will always provide for the giver as the person gives all he or she has.
As you give to others, do you believe that God will provide for you?
Are you holding back a gift because you don’t know how God will provide for your needs?
CHECKPOINT #2 (#00718f) (#ffffff Font)
Great Job! Email us at so we can keep track of your progress. In your email, please include:
First Name
Last Name
Kamp you attended last summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Kamp you plan on attending next summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Title of the Book
One thing you learned
Parent’s Name
At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
Checkpoint 2 of 3