God Is…


Read Matthew 19:26, Job 42:2. What do these verses say about God?
Do you believe God is all powerful? He claims to be over and over in the Bible.
Read Matthew 8 & 9 and see how Jesus shows He is all-powerful.
What all does He do here? Read how God shows He is all powerful in the Old Testament.
Exodus 14:21 and Joshua 10:12-14. What does God do here?
You have a God on your side that is all-powerful. Defending your faith will be challenging, but if you tap into His strength instead of yours there is nothing you can’t do!



Read Job 37:14-16 and Psalm 147:5. What do these verses say about God?
Read Isaiah 55:9. What does God say about His ways and thoughts?
You must know that mankind has a problem with this statement of God. Man thinks that a human mind can outthink God. People do this every day. The fact that for thousands of years we have been trying to figure out and explain away the things that He has done is just proof that we don’t have the mind to understand Him. Even for those who don’t believe in God, just look at the universe around us. There is no way, in our limited human capacity that we could have even come up with the stars, the planets, the sun, the moon, the earth, the beings in the earth, the ecosystem and how it supports itself, and all the little details that make everything in it work.

It can be overwhelming trying to understand all of who God is. You might wonder how you will ever be able to understand or communicate these things; but He has made you a big promise. You don’t have to rely on yourself to figure it all out. He has given you the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you to reveal to you the things of God when you need to know and experience them.
Read 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 and be encouraged that you don’t have to do this alone.


Read Psalm 119:137; Psalm 97:6, Psalm 119:142
How is God described in these verses?
God is holy, set apart without a flaw, but it is also good to understand that His ways are righteous. If God was not righteous, He could claim holiness but He could not sustain holiness. Once He made a mistake, He would be no different than us. Of course, this is not true of God. He promises that He has everlasting righteousness so we can be confident that He will always be holy and worthy of worship.
Read Isaiah 5:16. How does God show Himself to be holy?
Romans 3:23 states that all mankind does is wrong. The Bible says that all God does is right.
Read Hosea 14:9
What do the righteous do? What do the rebellious do?
The rebellious world will stumble concerning God’s righteous ways because they do not understand true righteousness.
How have you seen the world stumble around the ways of God?
Does God show His way to be true concerning mankind?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:21
How can someone obtain the righteousness of God?


Read Deuteronomy 7:9. What does God claim to be?
Spend some time writing or thinking about how God has been faithful to you.
Read 2 Timothy 2:13. What is the truth about God learned here?
Read Ezekiel 20. This is an example of how God is faithful even when mankind is faithless. This is a short summary of the history of all God did for Israel and you will be shocked how rebellious they are. You will see how they deserved judgment. Notice how God states over and over, “But I acted for the sake of My name.” He is showing here how He cannot be unfaithful to people He has made promises to.
What do you learn about the faithfulness of God? After all Israel has done, they deserve to be judged forever. But what is God going to do for them in verses 33-44?
What do you learn about God’s faithfulness?


Read Exodus 34:14
What does this verse say about God?
Mankind has a hard time understanding that God is jealous and that it’s a good thing. Our view of jealousy is actually confused most of the time with our coveting. Our human jealousy comes from wanting what others have. God’s jealousy has to do with desiring the best for us. Here are the two definitions of the word jealous in the Webster’s Dictionary; let’s pick it apart using the Hebrew language in Exodus.
Jealousy: adj
Feeling or showing envy of some one’s things, achievements, things or advantages – If we were to translate Webster’s definition to a Hebrew language, one of the original texts of the Bible, God would use the word “covet” or (Chamad) for this definition. Chamad is used in Exodus 20:17. This word means to take pleasure or delight in the things of others.
Fiercely protective or vigilant of one’s rights and possessions – This is the actual definition of the Hebrew word Qanna used in Exodus 34:14.
It is wrong to be jealous of the things that are not your own. Really, our definition of jealousy in the English language is off. This is coveting. It is actually completely justified and right to be fiercely protective over the things that are in your possession. For example, a wife has every right to be jealous over her husband towards another woman because he is rightfully hers. The same is true for a husband. In fact, God commands a husband and wife to be fiercely protective of each other. God is a jealous God because He is fiercely protective of what is His.
Read Deuteronomy 7:6, 1 Peter 2:9, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Does God have a right to be jealous? Are you thankful God is fiercely protective of you?
Do you understand why God does not want you to engage in sin and the ways of the world? You have spent a lot of time on the jealousy of God because it is one of the attributes of God that can cause people to stumble. Remember back to day 3 of this week where it says the rebellious will stumble concerning God’s right ways. Well, this is one of those subjects where they get “tripped up.” The reality is that people who don’t believe that they are God’s possession will not understand the jealousy of God. You need to know this as you make your defense.
Are you thankful God is jealous? Why?