Day 1 – Read Romans 1:8
God only gets angry when it is right to be angry. His anger is always concerning sin and evil. He does have wrath against evil and will bring punishment at the right time.
Day 2 – Read Romans 1:18 again and write it out.
Circle all the things that anger God.
Day 3
God’s anger is different than your anger. Your anger can get you in trouble because it causes you to do hurtful things. God gets angry at things and people that hurt others and promote lies. His anger is right. God doesn’t sin. He is perfect so good must come from His anger. When He punishes sin and evil, good comes from it.
An earthly example of God’s anger can be seen when an authority figure, who loves you, disciplines you for what you do wrong.
Have your parents ever been angry for something that you have done wrong?
Your parents love you, but did they discipline you for what you did? Why?
Did you learn from that experience? What did you learn?
Did good come from you being punished?
Day 4
In the Bible, we see Jesus’ anger in God’s temple. Read Mark 11:15-17. The people, during that time, were supposed to give their best to God. Back then, a man’s wealth had to do with all the animals he owned such as cows and sheep. The wealthy people were supposed to give their best cow/bull. The poor, who didn’t have animals, were allowed to give a small dove. A dove was very cheap and all they could afford. What angered God, was that those who had many animals to give were buying cheap doves to give to God. They were cheating God out of their best. By selling doves, the business at the temple helped people to cheat God. Jesus was angered by how the people were treating God, who is worthy of their best. He punished the people at the temple by over-turning their tables and kicking them out of God’s house. I know it’s hard to understand because you didn’t live back then, so here is a modern day example. Let’s pretend you had a brand new coat, and God asked you to give your best coat to Him so He could provide it for someone who couldn’t afford one. You want to keep your brand new coat so you go to a thrift store and buy a really old one for less than a dollar. Instead of giving God your best coat, you give Him the old one that didn’t cost you anything. Just like the men at the temple, you are cheating God out of your best, and God has the right to punish you for your actions. God is wrathful against sin and evil and will bring punishment for those things. The best thing for you to do is follow God so you can avoid His wrath for sin and evil. The good news is that evil will be punished! Be thankful that your God is not okay with evil, and in His timing, He will do something about it.
BIGGER & Better
Read Romans 12:19 and think about what God says is only His. Because He doesn’t sin, He knows when punishment needs to happen. You have to wait for His timing. The world is all about getting revenge, but you are bigger than revenge because you have God.
Day 5
Write down some questions you have for God. Give them to someone you look up to like a parent, youth pastor or Kamp counselor. Have them help you see how God’s Word will answer those questions.