There might be a time when you need to confront a brother or sister in Christ because they are choosing to live in sin instead of following God. God gives direction on how to confront and help another turn from their sin.
Read Galatians 6:1
What is the responsibility of someone who is spiritually strong when there is a fellow believer struggling in sin? What should your spirit be when you seek to help that person?
What should you be careful of yourself?
Read Matthew 7:1-5. According to verse 1, you should be careful not to do what?
What should you take care of in your own life before you confront a fellow believer?
Why do you think this is important?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
How have you been reconciled to God? What ministry has God given you?
What does God call you? According to verse 20 what should you implore others to do?
Day 2- STAGE 01
Make sure you understand that confrontation of sin is for a brother or sister in Christ. These instructions are not for non-believers. Confronting sin in a believer and sharing Christ with a non-believer are two very different things. If someone does not know Christ they might not believe their actions to be wrong. A believer knows the truth and sometimes needs to be gently reminded that they are doing something that is damaging.
Read Matthew 18:15
If your brother (fellow believer) sins, what should be the first thing you should do?
Where do you do this confrontation? Think of all you have learned about exhortation.
How could you use God’s truth to encourage another to turn from their sin?
Think about what you have learned about speaking truth to others this last month.
Should you be quarrelsome or gentle?
Is there a brother or sister in Christ who you feel called to confront?
Read Hebrews 10:24-25
Remind yourself what the goal of any type of encouragement is.
Read Galatians 6:1
Remind yourself what the purpose and goal of confrontation is.
Here are some questions to ask yourself before confronting.
01 Have you prayed about the situation?
02 Does God have a problem with your friends’ actions or just you?
03 Did you seek Godly advice?
04 Are you the best person to confront?
05 Are you confronting in the right place?
Here are a few tips to help you confront a fellow believer. (#85cebb BKG) (#ffffff Font)
01 Open the conversation with encouraging words
02 Share your concern about their sin
03 Share God’s promises and truth
04 Empathize and offer your help
05 If a person turns away from sin, keep encouraging them
06 If a person doesn’t respond well, thank them for listening and remind them again that you care for them and desire the best
Think of a time you were confronted by someone about something you did wrong. What did you learn from it?
Think about a time when you needed confrontation, but no one did.
What could that confrontation have prevented you from doing?
Day 4- STAGE 02 AND 03
After stage 1, if a person continues in their sin read what your next step should be.
Read Matthew 18:16
What is the next step according to Matthew?
If you are truly concerned for someone and after your first confrontation they don’t change, then grab a few more of that person’s friends, ones who have a strong faith, and go back to your friend. The point is for the friend to see that there is more than one person concerned.
Read Matthew 18:17
According to Matthew, who are you to go to next?
Jesus is telling you to get an authority involved. Since you are a teenager, the authority figure could be a youth pastor or a mentor. If the sin is dangerous to the person and others, you need to ask a parent for help.
Re-read Matthew 18:17 again
What is the outcome of no change after confrontation?
God is not telling you to turn your back on your friend. If your brother or sister in Christ chooses to continue in sin, you will need to change your strategy in serving them. You might need to distance yourself so you won’t get caught up in sin, but that does not mean you cannot be a friend to them. If you truly want to serve them, you will patiently serve them in all they ways you have learned and pray for them to recognize their sin and turn to Jesus.
You cannot control how a person responds to you, but if you confront in the right way, God will use your encouragement in His timing. You must remember you will not change a person. God will do the changing of someone’s heart.
Read 1 Corinthains 3:6-7
What did Paul do? What did Apollos do? What did God do?
How does this encourage you in a situation where someone refuses to change?