Read Matthew 6:25-34
What should you not be anxious about? What should you seek first? God takes care of all the plants’ and animals’ needs. He loves you even more so there is no need to worry about having food and clothes. He will make sure you have what you need. When you worry, it’s easy to try to take control of what you are worrying about. When you need something, trust that He will provide what you need!
Read 1 Peter 5:7
What can you give God? Why can you trust God for your worries? God truly cares about you. You are special to Him and He values you. If you have worries, He wants you to give them to Him. He cares for you and will give you hope. Today, write down some things you are worried about and give them to God.
How do you seek God first? How do you give God your worries? Read Philippians 4:6 Is there anything you should worry about? What should you do instead of worry? God has given you a huge tool to help you when you worry… prayer. You can talk to God and He will listen. He wants to hear your voice and help you with your worries. Your prayers don’t have to be said a certain way. Simply go in your room and have a conversation with your Good Friend… who also happens to be God. Take some time today to talk to God about the things you are worried about.
Read Colossians 3:23-24
What does God do for those He loves? No matter how bad or scary a situation is, God promises that He can turn any situation into good things for you. It may not be what you planned and it may be something really hard to go through, but one thing is for sure… God will make good happen from any bad thing. You just have to trust Him! Today ask your mom, dad or someone you look up to if God has ever turned a bad situation into good.
Read John 14:1
What does God tell you not to do? God really cares about you. He really wants to take care of everything you worry about. It’s up to you to trust Him to do so. If you believe God is true and real, then you should trust Him to take care of you. Look at the chair you are sitting in right now. Did you worry if the chair would hold you before you sat in it? Probably not because you believe the chair is real and trusted it to hold you. If you believe in God, trusting Him is like sitting in a chair. When life brings its troubles, you give it to Him knowing that He will hold you up and take care of you.