I Made You


How did God create man? Who is man supposed to look like? Read Genesis 1:27God created everything you see on earth. He created every animal, insect, plant, bird, fish, ocean, lake, tree, flower, and everything! God loves all of His creation but He made only one thing in His image: humans. That means you are created in God’s image. Knowing that God made everything but picked only one thing to be made in His image, how special are people to God? If He made you in His image, do you think His promise that He knows you best is true?
What does it mean to be made in God’s image?
Read Ephesians 4:22-24 In verse 24, how is God’s likeness described? To be like Christ, what do you have to throw away?
God knows you best because He created you with the ability to look like Him. A mirror is a good example that explains how you are created in God’s image. A mirror is created to reflect your image, but it can only do that if you stand in front of it. Otherwise, it will reflect any image that you put before it. God created you to look like Him and His character. Since He made you, you should put Him in front of you so you can reflect Him!MEMORIZE IT.
Write out Matthew 5:16 on your mirror and memorize it this week. If you write it on your bathroom mirror, you will read it every day and it will remind you to reflect Christ in all you do. *Hint: use a dry erase marker or tape a notecard to your mirrorSIN KEEPS YOU FROM LOOKING LIKE GOD
What keeps you from looking like God’s image?
Read Romans 3:23
We are all sinners. Sin comes from choosing your own way. God knows you sin and created you in His own image to provide a way to overcome your sin. Like a mirror, your life will reflect all the things you put in front of it. If you always put what you want in front of you, you will be a reflection of someone who puts their worth into the things you have. God’s promise that He knows you best is true! Over the next few days, you will learn how God helps you reflect His image. End today writing in the mirrors below what you reflect because of your sin. (For example, you could write the word “selfish, mean, or liar.” Use the word that describes your sin.)

How can you overcome your sin?
Read Romans 6:23 What do you deserve for sinning?
What does Jesus give you?
God knows you best, and did all the work for you to overcome your sin. He sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sins so that you don’t have to pay the penalty for doing bad things. Jesus gives you eternal life and… Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 What do you become because of what Jesus did? God built you to reflect His image! You have to believe in Jesus as your Savior and put Him before yourself!

You are a mirror for Jesus! The world can see Him in you! If you are created to be like Him, then shouldn’t you look to Him for how to live? Pretend you are a mirror and the more you put God in front of you, the more you will reflect Him. Read Matthew 5:16. How will others see God in you? Write or draw ways you can be a light and reflect Jesus to others today. Example: being kind or giving up something to someone who may not have one.

I Know You

Read Psalm 139:13-14Who created you in your momma’s womb? How did God make you according to verse 14? Last week, you learned how God made you in His image. This week you are going to learn how God knows and created every detail about you. Have you ever put a puzzle together? A puzzle is made by a puzzle maker and each little piece is unique. There is no other piece in the puzzle like it. The puzzle maker had to specifically create each piece of the puzzle for a specific reason. God did the same for you. Your looks, your personality, and your strengths are how God designed you to be you. Just like a puzzle piece is wonderful and perfectly fits into the puzzle, God made you wonderfully to fit into His plan!
Do you know the exact number of hairs on your head at this moment? Unless you are bald, I am sure the answer is no. The crazy thing is that God could tell you how many you have on your head right now!“and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered” Matthew 10:30
Read Psalm 139:1-5
Does God know everything you do according to verse 2? Does God know your thoughts? Does God know your words before you say them? Do you know anyone who knows what you will do before you do it? Do you know anyone who knows your words before you say them? Do you know anyone who knows the thoughts you are thinking all the time? There is no one on earth who knows these things. Sometimes you don’t know what you are going to do and say… but God does. He knows you better than anyone else. He knows your thoughts, your words, and your actions before they even happen. How does God show you that He knows you best? If God knows you better than anyone else, should you trust what He says?
Read Psalm 139:16
Does God know how many days you will live? Think about your favorite electronic device you like to use. The device was invented by someone and that person knows it best. They know how it was made, how much it can do, and how long it will last. That person usually writes a manual on how to use the device, and they are who you should call for help if anything breaks. God not only promises that He knows you best, He proves it by knowing everything about you. He even gives you His Word, kind of like His manual, on how to live your life the way you were created to live. Since He knows you best, you should look to Him for help.
Read 1 Chronicles 28:9
What does God search? What does God understand? God gave you your heart and He knows it well. He promises that He knows your heart and He understands your desires. He understands what you want and why you want it. Read 1 Samuel 16:7 What is important to other people? What is important to God? The world cares about what you look like, but God cares about what your heart looks like. He knows your heart and you can trust Him with all the things that you want. He might not give you everything you want, but if you keep trusting Him, your wants will change to His wants. Since He knows you best, don’t you think what He wants is better than what you want? What are some things you want?Do you trust God to take care of all the things you desire above?Ask God to take what you want and do what He wants with it. Since He knows you best and understands, it will be fun to see what He does AND how your desires change!

Read Psalm 69:5
What does God know about you? What is not hidden from God? God knows your thoughts, your ways, your days and He knows when you do wrong. Adam and Eve did wrong and tried to hide from God. But God knew they had eaten from the tree they were told not to. You can’t hide anything from God, but He knows your sin and loves you anyway! Read Romans 5:8. Write the verse in your notebook. How does God show you He loves you? God knows everything about you… good and bad… and loves you just as much.

I Have a Plan for You

Read Jeremiah 29:11
What does God know about you? What are God’s plans like for you? Last week you learned how God knows you best because He carefully and wonderfully made every detail of who you are just like the puzzle maker makes every piece of a puzzle unique. A puzzle maker makes a puzzle piece with the entire picture in mind – there is not one piece made by chance. Each piece is made to fit into the bigger picture of the puzzle. The same is true for you. God made you with a specific purpose. You uniquely fit into His plan and He made you to do so. God has a plan for you that is different than any other person on earth. His plan is perfect and good and is the best thing you can do with your life.
For fun this week start a puzzle. As you put the puzzle together, think about how each piece is uniquely made to fit into the bigger picture.
Read Jeremiah 18:3-4
What is the potter making? How does the potter shape the pot? God uses the example of a person who makes pottery to describe how He knows you. A person who makes a bowl knows exactly what the bowl should be used for. Of course a bowl has many different uses, but all of those uses were intended by the potter. A bowl is not intended to be used as a basketball. It cannot be used to brush your hair. It also can’t be used to pack your clothes for Kamp. It seems silly to even imagine using a bowl for those things because it is clear what a potter makes pottery for. God makes it clear in His Word that He has plans for you and has made you for specific purposes. It is silly to look to other people or the world for plans because they don’t know how you are made or what you are made for.
Read Isaiah 64:8 Who is your potter? What are you? Clay is what a potter uses to make His masterpiece and you are who God uses to make His. Read Ephesians 2:10 Who is God’s masterpiece? Does God have good things for you to do?
How do you know God’s plan for you? Read Psalm 119:105
God’s Word is a lamp to your ______________________. God’s Word is a light to your ______________________. Not only does God know the plan He created for your life, He gave you His Word so you could find the plan He has for you. God’s Word, the Bible, is the tool that God has given you to find His way. Finding His way is the same thing as finding your way. You would never go down a dark path without a flashlight. A flashlight or lamp only lights around the area you are walking to help you safely find your way one step at a time. The world can be a dark place because it does not know God’s plan. God gives you His Word to help you take each step of His plan for you. He knows what is best for you. As you trust His Word for each step, you will begin to see His plan for your life.
Read Matthew 6:25-26
What should you not be worried about? Does God take care of the birds? Are you more valuable to God than His other creation? God made you valuable and knows your value, but the world will never know your true value. While others might know you are valuable for different reasons, no one will know your value like God does. You can trust He will always do things that benefit His plan. Should you worry about things if God is in control? Do you trust that God will take care of you if you are that valuable to Him?

I Know Your Value

Read James 1:17
What comes from above? Who lives in heaven above? Where do good gifts come from? Everything good about you is from God. He knows your value because He has given your value! Write down 5 things that you are good at and thank God for giving you those good gifts today.DID YOU KNOW?
God uses the analogy of a human body to help explain how all of His followers’ gifts fit together. A human body is created to work together. The arms need the eyes, the eyes need the brain and the brain needs the heart. Every organ in the body does a specific task, but when they all work together it makes a human body work best. Nothing on a human body would work without a head and the Bible says that Jesus is the head of His body of believers. Just like the human body, Jesus’ followers can’t function without Him. As He guides them to do their task well and work together, His people can reach their greatest potential!
Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Does everyone have the same gifts? Who gives the gifts? Even though different people have different gifts, who is the one at work? Did you know that God created you with gifts? Another word for these gifts are called strengths. When God made you, He created you with specific things you are good at. The Holy Spirit makes those strengths work inside of you. Some people have the gift of teaching others. Some people have the gift of leading others. Some have the gift of giving to others. You may be young, but God already knows what you are good at. You get to put your eyes on Him and He will show you what you are good at as you grow. What are ways you can look to God to see what you are good at? If God created your strengths, do you think what He says is important for your life?
Read 2 Corinthians 12:9
What does God give you to help you when you are weak? What power can you use when you are weak? God knows that you are not perfect. He also knows life on earth can bring tough challenges. He knows, because you are human, that there will be times when you are weak. He is there for you and will give you His strength when you are weak. If you believe in Jesus, you always have access to His strength and He will be there when you need Him. If God knows your weakness then who should you look to for strength? Has God ever given you strength when you were weak? Write about it below. If not, ask an adult about a time when God gave them strength when they were weak.
Read 1 Corinthians 10:13
Does God give you any temptation that you cannot handle? What will God do for you when you are tempted? God knows you so well that He knows what you can handle. He values you so much, He promises that He will never let anything or anyone tempt you more than you can handle. With any situation that tempts you to do something wrong, you can stare up and say “Because of God, I can handle this.” God also knows what you are going through in every tempting situation, He will give you a way to avoid it. He knows how to fight every temptation you will face. Who should you look to when you are tempted to do something wrong? What are some ways God has (or can) help you to avoid temptation?

You have spent the entire month learning about how God knows you. He promises that He knows you the best. Today, write down the ways you believe that God knows you and what that means for how you live your life. GOD KNOWS ME . . . . SO I WILL:




