God is With You

Read Matthew 28:19-20
What does God ask you to do? What does He tell you at the end of verse 20? Jesus told this to His disciples before He the left earth and the same is true for you. God wants you to teach others about Jesus. He wants you to do this through your actions and words. The best way to teach someone to obey God’s Word is to show them. This task probably seemed scary to Jesus’ disciples. Does it seem scary to you? They didn’t have to be nervous and neither do you because Jesus reminded them that He would be with them always. God is there to help you do what He asks… always.
Read Proverbs 3:5-6
What does God ask you to do? What should you not lean on? What does He promise to do for you if you trust in Him? God is promising that if you lean on Him for what to do instead of yourself, He will show you the right way. You can’t lean on someone who is not there. This verse shows that God is promising He will be there to lean on. How can you lean on God for what to do? Can you think of something specific that you need to lean on God for instead of yourself? What is it?
Read Philippians 4:13
What does this verse say you can do? Who gives you strength? God promises that He will strengthen you to do anything you need to do. To strengthen you to do all things, He has to be with you. The all-powerful God is right by your side and He will use His power to give you strength. Are any of these ways you can get strength from God?
His Holy Spirit guiding you
Encouraging words from His people His Word
Prayer Knowing His promises
List other ways you can get strength from God:

Read Joshua 1:9
What does God tell you to be? What reason does God give you to be these things? Joshua was a guy who had been given mighty tasks from God. He had to be strong and courageous as He led the people of Israel to take back their land. God told Joshua that he didn’t have to be afraid because He would be with him and the people of Israel. The Lord may ask you to do a mighty task for Him. Remember, nothing is impossible for God and He is right by your side…wherever you go. How do these words give you encouragement as you live your life today? Do you believe that God is right by your side?
Read 1 Corinthians 3:16
What does God call you? Who dwells within you? In the Old Testament, God lived in a building called the temple. It was fine for a little while but He wanted to be closer to His people. So, He sent His Son to die on the cross for your sins. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. If you believe this, the Holy Spirit starts living inside you. The Holy Spirit is God Himself inside of you. How does God go with you everywhere? Easy, He lives right inside of you! DID YOU KNOW? The Holy Spirit is sometimes hard to understand, but take a look at a lamp in your room. The lamp has wiring inside of it but the wiring won’t work unless the lamp is plugged into electricity. When it’s plugged in, the electricity flows and shines bright. When you “plug into Jesus” by believing in Him as your Savior, you get the Holy Spirit. You have been “wired” for Him to live in you. He gives you the power to be a light for the Lord!

God is With You in Tough Times

Read Romans 5:3-4.
What are the three things suffering produces? Read Romans 8:28. What does God do? God is at work during hard times. No one likes to go through tough situations, but you can trust that God is with you doing good things in the midst of a hard time. He will strengthen your character. Hard times give you perseverance and a stronger faith. When your faith grows stronger you will see the hope God gives you even more and you will be ready to face the next challenge life brings. He works all things, even the bad, for the good of those who love Him… that’s YOU!
Read Isaiah 41:10
Why should you not fear? What are the three things God will do for you? Life can have some crazy challenges, but God promises that He will strengthen you and help you. He will even hold you up with His hand. Here’s the good news: since God is righteous (meaning His ways are right), you can trust that if He is holding you up, you have nothing to worry about. Explain a time when God has helped you and write about it. (Examples: Maybe God taught you something in His Word, or maybe He used one of His people to give you advice.)
Read Exodus 14:14
What will the Lord do for you? What is the only thing you must do? If God asks you to fight a battle, He will fight right alongside you. God is with you and will fight for you. When life takes a turn for the worse, don’t get discouraged. You have a fighter on your side. He might do things differently than you would, but the good news is that He always wins, and it benefits everyone… including you!
Read Joshua 6:1-21.
See how God literally fought the battle against Jericho in the Old Testament. Israel obeyed God’s instructions and the walls came tumbling down!
Read John 16:33
What can God give you? What does He tell you will happen when you live in the world? Why should you not be discouraged? There is no avoiding it… you will have some trouble during your life on earth. Life has its ups and downs, but when life has you down, you can keep your head up because God promises to be with you. In fact, He does more than just be with you. God has overcome the world. Jesus, God Himself, came into the world and didn’t sin one time… not once. The world, and all its temptations could not tempt Him. He defeated the one thing everyone is scared of… death. This is the God you have with you always. He lived in the world without sin and He defeated death. He is there to help YOU overcome the world while you live in it. And when it’s time for you to leave the earth; you will defeat death by living forever in eternity. Here are a few ways God can help you overcome the world while you live in it: Are there any you want to try this week? – Turn the other cheek – Be kind – Be slow to anger – Watch your words – Do not gossip. What are some other ways you can overcome the world?

Read Mark 4:35-41
See how Jesus calmed the storm when He was on the boat with His disciples.
Read 1 Corinthians 10:13
Fill in the Blank: God will not let you be ______________ beyond what you can endure. When you are tempted what will God do for you? Temptation is a daily thing. God promises that He will give you a way out every time you are tempted. To do this, He has to be with you. Temptations are challenging in life. It isn’t easy to walk away from the temptation to do something you know is wrong. God promises He won’t allow anything to tempt you that you cannot handle. He also promises to be with you and give you a way out a way to choose the right thing. Here are examples of how God gives you a way out: – Advice from a Godly friend or mentor – Guidance from your mom or dad – God’s Word – The Holy Spirit (The small voice in your head saying you shouldn’t”is the Holy Spirit) Sometimes God puts obstacles in the way to keep you from sinning…Thanks, God! Are there any other ways God can give you a way out of temptation?

I Will Comfort You

Read Psalm 119:50
What can comfort you? What can God’s promises give? A promise is when someone makes a statement that they will do a particular thing or that a specific thing will happen. When someone makes a promise and keeps it, you start to trust them. The next time that person makes you a promise, you will trust them. If the person is always faithful to do what he or she says, then you will have hope. Hope is when you expect or want something to happen. God is always faithful to make His promises come true. If you watch Him work, you will see them come true. As you watch God faithfully do what He promises, you will start to have hope in all situations, especially the bad ones. The hope God provides can help you get through something tough. Here are examples of how God gives hope: – You have a family member that is sick. God promises that He is in control. This gives you hope that no matter what happens, God will make it a good situation. – God promises you good things. You can hope that a bad situation will turn to good. Can you think of any other ways God gives you hope that comforts you in bad situations?
Read Psalm 23:4
Does God comfort you when you face death? You hopefully have a lot of life left to live, but it’s good for you to know now that God will give you comfort in life and in death. There are many people who die every day. In Christ, there is no need to be scared of death. He has overcome it and when you believe in Him, death just means leaving the earth. Knowing this truth will comfort you when you go through the death of a family member or friend. It will also comfort you when you are facing death. Remember, those who believe in Jesus don’t die. They just move to heaven. Are you comforted knowing God has given you a way to overcome death?
Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
What does God do for us when we hurt? What can we do for others? God promises that He will give you comfort when you are hurt. You learned last week that you can trust God to turn bad things into good things. This alone can give you comfort. He also will give you comfort when you experience hard times through His Word, good friends, His promises, and just knowing that He is there. After you have gone through something hard, God will give you the opportunity to help comfort others. What ways has God given you comfort? How can you comfort another in the same way God comforted you? Is there someone in your life who you can comfort today?
Read Psalm 9:9
Who is the Lord a refuge for? How is God described in times of trouble? A stronghold is a place built to protect people under attack. An example of a stronghold is a tornado shelter. If you have a tornado shelter, you would take refuge in it when a tornado attacks. God is telling you that He is your stronghold. He is able to protect you from any attack life may bring. You have a place to run to when you are burdened with tough stuff. Attacks are meant to damage a person. A stronghold doesn’t necessarily prevent the attacks from happening, but it will protect you from being damaged. When life attacks, God is there as a refuge and WILL protect you from damage that hurts your soul and character. What are some ways God can be your refuge in tough times?
Read Philippians 4:6-7
What should you not do? What should you do instead? What does God give you when you pray to Him? God has given you a great tool for comfort… prayer. When you have worries, you can easily be comforted when you give it to God. There is no fancy way to do it, just go in your room, close the door and have a conversation with God about what is going on. Having peace is having freedom from things that disturb and destroy you. When you give things to God through prayer, you will have freedom from your worry and your tough situation because you will trust that God has it under control! Pray for a tough situation today. After praying, write how God has given you comfort.

I Will Listen To You

Read Psalm 34:15
Who are God’s ears attentive to? If you believe in Jesus, God has given you His righteousness. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 How did Jesus give you God’s righteousness? God says He listens to the righteous. He hears you when you cry out to Him because He is with you. How are you comforted knowing that God hears you?
Read 1 John 5:14
Fill in the blanks: If we ask anything according to God’s _________, then He will ______________ us. God is listening and waiting to give you an answer. He is there and promises that if you ask Him for the things He wants, then He will hear you. But how do you know what God wants? You set your eyes on Him and start learning about what He wants as you continue to read His Word.
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17
What does God ask you to do? Read Psalm 145:18 Who is God near to? Is God there for you when you pray to Him? God is near and with you, so you should always be in conversation with Him. Tell Him about your day. Tell Him about your troubles. Tell Him about what you need and trust Him with the things you want. God is listening. He might not answer the way you thought He should. He promises that He knows you best so you can trust that God will answer in the best way for you and for everyone else.
Read 1 John 1:9
What is God faithful to do when someone confesses their sins? God will listen to anyone who confesses their sins to Him. He wants to forgive anyone who wants forgiveness. God is working in all people so they can know Him. He is there and will hear anyone who confesses their sin and is truly sorry for what they have done. Do you have sin that you need to confess? If so, God is listening and ready to forgive!
Read James 1:5
What does God give when He is asked? Does He give a little or a lot? God is there for you and knows that you need wisdom. He is ready to listen to your request for wisdom and willing to give you as much as you need. In life, you will have lots of situations where you will need more wisdom. Isn’t it comforting to know that God is there for you to give you the wisdom you need? Do you need wisdom for a situation today? What is it? Spend some time asking God for the wisdom you need… He is there and listening!
Read 2 Chronicles 1:7-12.
See how King Solomon asked for wisdom. What did Solomon ask for? Did God give Him wisdom? Did Solomon ask for what God wanted or for earthly things?