God is the Author

Day 1 – Read 2 Timothy 3:16
The Bible is really God’s actual breath. It is His words! He has something to tell you, and it’s sitting on your bookshelf, waiting to be read. Write down why you are excited to read God’s Word this year.
Day 2 – Read 2 Timothy 3:16 again
Write out the verse. Circle all the words in the verse that tell why God’s Word is good for you.
There are 66 books in the Bible, and there are 40 men who God used to write His words. Each of them lived during different times over thousands of years. God used ordinary people to write it all down.
Day 3
Look back at your circled words and answer these questions about the Bible.
How can the Bible teach you?
Has the Bible ever corrected you when you were wrong?
How does the Bible challenge you to do your best?
How does the Bible help you live a life that pleases God?

Day 4
Do a puzzle today. While doing it, remember that God is the author of the Bible, and all the books in the Bible fit together to tell us about who He is and what He is about. The Bible is like a puzzle. A puzzle is a big picture that is not totally seen until you put all the pieces together. The entire Bible is God’s big picture, written by Him. Each author was given a piece of the big picture and, they wrote it down. When you fit all the books together, you get to see the entire picture of what God is all about.
Day 5
Do you know someone who doesn’t have a Bible? If you have an extra one at your house, give it to someone who doesn’t have one. If you are reading this at Kamp, write down a name of someone who you want to give a Bible to when you get home.
God not only was the author of the Bible, He is the author of your life.
Read Psalm 139:13-16.
See what the Bible says about God starting your life.

God is Beautiful

Day 1 – Read and memorize Psalm 27:4

The world’s beautiful things are all about what you see. The world’s beautiful things don’t last. Think about something you wanted the most 5 years ago. Most likely that “something” is not cool any more. God is different than the world because He is the most beautiful thing to see, and His beauty lasts forever.

Day 2

Sometimes we question God because we can’t see Him. Remember, God’s beauty is more than just seeing… it’s experiencing. What if you went outside today and put a blindfold around your eyes? You wouldn’t be able to see anything, but you could feel, smell, hear and sometimes taste everything around you. Even though you wouldn’t see all the beautiful things outside, you can still experience them. Play outside today, and while you do, thank God that you get to experience His beauty today.

BIGGER & better

God is also different from the world because His beauty is much more than just what you see. You can experience His beauty. He is kind, fair, and everything He does is good.

Day 3 – Read Psalm 27:4 one more timeWrite out the verse and circle the words seek, dwell, and gaze. Look these words up in the dictionary and write down what they mean.

Day 4

Here are some examples of how you can see, feel, and experience Go beauty. When you go outside, how can you see God’s beauty?

How can you experience God’s beauty with your family and your friends?

Day 5Go outside today and collect or take a picture of something of God’s creation that you think is cool. Put it in your room as a reminder to experience God’s beauty every day.

God the Creator

Day 1— Read Revelation 4:11

The Bible doesn’t say that God created some things: it says that He created all things. He is the Creator of all and deserves all of our praise! Look around you today and make a list of all the things that you are thankful God created.

Day 2— Read Revelation 4:11 again

Write out the verse. Your challenge today is to try to memorize this verse.

Give it a try!Memorizing a verse can be fun! Here are some ideas:

Draw a picture

Make the verse into a song or rap

Write it out and put it on your bathroom mirror

Write it on a rubber band and put it on your wrist

Day 3 – Today, think about the question, “What if..?” Answer these questions.What would life be like if God didn’t create the sun and moon?

What would life be like if God didn’t create the planets and the animals?

What would it be like if God didn’t create water on the earth or rain in the sky?

What would your life be like if God didn’t make man? Would you be here?

After answering, do you think God deserves all glory, honor, and praise?

Day 4Have you ever made anything out of Play-doh or Legos?

When you made your creation, you were the creator. You knew exactly what it was, what it would do, and how it would work. If anyone had any questions about it, they would ask you. This experience might help you understand how great it is that God is the creator of all things. Because He is the Creator, He knows everything about what He creates and exactly why He created them. He created you! Now that you know He is your Creator and there is a reason He created you, does that help you trust Him with everything in your life?

What are you going to trust God with today?

Day 5 — Make something today.Be a creator of something and remember that God is your creator.

God is our Comforter

Day 1— Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4When you are hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable at Kamp, a cold glass of water is refreshing. It makes you feel better and keeps you going. Sometimes life isn’t always easy or comfortable. God is our comfort, and the Bible tells us that He will comfort you when you experience tough times. He even challenges us to comfort others like He has comforted us.

Day 2 – Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and write out the verse.Your challenge is to memorize this verse today.

King David experienced God’s comfort. Read what he wrote: Psalms 23:4

Day 3

There are people in our life that can help comfort us. Today, write down how you think friends, parents, and teachers can comfort you through a tough situation.

Day 4Yesterday, you thought about all the types of people who can comfort you. They each comfort you in a different way. God is the best comforter. He is always with you, and He knows you the best and knows what is best for you. He will teach and encourage you, and God can fix any problem or tough situation. God can comfort you in a way that nobody else can. He can give you hope. When times are tough, you can be comforted by the hope that it will get better. Can you think of a time when God has comforted you?


Gods makes a huge promise to you that can comfort you all your life. In Jeremiah 29:11, He promises that he has planned good things for you and will NEVER harm you. God promises you an awesome future.

Day 5

Remember that God is our comforter, but He also asks us to comfort others like He has comforted us. Is there someone you can comfort today Keep your eyes open for an opportunity to comfort somebody

God is our Deliverer

Day 1- Read Psalms 50:15

God wants to help you when you are in trouble. Ask Him for help and he will help you in the best way, His way.

Day 2—Read Psalms 50:15 and write out the verse

How can you ask God for help when you are in trouble?

Day 3— Answer the questions today.

Do you believe that God will help you and rescue you from trouble?

Has God ever rescued you from trouble?

How? Remember that God can use anything on earth to do His work.


King Jehosaphat was fighting a battle that the Lord asked him to fight. It didn’t look like he could win the battle. Read what the Lord told him. 2 Chronicles 20:17

Day 4

There are so many movies out there that are about rescuing people. We all love a good rescue story. Think about all the classic Disney movies that you love. Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are delivered from a life of poisonous sleep. Cinderella is delivered from a life of cleaning and serving her ugly stepsisters. Rapunzel is delivered back to her family after being stolen and trapped by the evil witch. The biggest trouble you will ever be in is your sin. Your sin means that you deserve to be separated from God forever. God delivered you from that trouble by sending His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for your sins and rise again three days later. That is the most important rescue story ever.

Day 5

Have you ask Jesus to deliver you from your sin? If not, all you have to do is believe He can and He will. If you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, tell a friend about how He can deliver them from sin.

God is Eternal

 Day 1— Read Revelation 1:8

Did you know that the New Testament was first written in the Greek language? The first letter in our alphabet is A and the last is Z. If we were to re-write this verse in our language, we could say that God is the A and the Z. God is using the alphabet to explain something about Himself. God is the beginning and the end. He has always existed and always will. That is what it means when it says “who was, and is, and is to come.” God is Eternal.

Day 2 –  Read Revelation 1:8 again and write out the verse Memorize this verse today.

God gave us an opportunity to be eternal. Romans 6:23says that Jesus has done everything to give eternal life to anyone who wants it. In Jesus, you get to live forever!

Day 3List a few things you know have a beginning and end. Here are a few to help get your list started: days, races, games.
Most everything we know on earth has a beginning and an end. God has always been there and will always be. He will never end. How does that encourage you?

Day 4

Last week, you used the sky to remind you that God is everywhere. We are going to use the sky again as a reminder that God is eternal. It’s not a perfect example because the sky is not eternal. It only exists because God created it, but you can use it to remind you that God is eternal. Think about the sky. Not only is it everywhere, but every person who has lived on earth has seen the same sky. The sky was there with Adam, and it will be there for future people who live on the earth.

Day 5 – Make a Family Tree  

With the help of your parents, make a family tree on a piece of paper. Try to go back as far as your family can remember. When you are done, look at your family tree. Next to each of the names write: “God was there.” Your family tree will keep going someday, and God will be there.

God is Everywhere

Day 1 – Read Psalms 139:7-8

From the highest point to the lowest, there is nowhere that you can go that God won’t be there. He is everywhere! For fun, make a list of all the places that you have been. Next to each place write “God is there.” After you do that, write down all the places that you want to go someday and write down “God is there” next to each of them.

Day 2 – Read Psalms 139:7-8Write out the verses. Write these verses on a rubber band and put it around your wrist today to remind you that God is everywhere you go and more!

Day 3 – Answer these questions today

Are there people in Africa that know God? Are there people all over America that know God? Are there people in England that know God?
You could list many more places and your answer would still be the same. If God wasn’t everywhere, then how would those people know about God?

Day 4

Because we are human and are only able to be in one place at a time, it is hard for us to understand how God can be everywhere. We do have an example on earth of something that is everywhere… the sky. Look up and think about the sky. Every person, no matter where they are in the world, can look up and see the sky. Some people see a blue sky, while others are seeing a cloudy sky. Depending on where you live and the time of day, you might see the moon and stars while others see the sun and clouds. There is nowhere on earth that you can go that the sky is not present, even if you can’t see it. The sky can be a good reminder that God is everywhere. Where do you see God?

Day 5 – Write a letter today to a soldier who is overseas

If you don’t know a soldier, your church or parents might know one. Thank them for what they are doing to protect you and send them an encouraging verse to remind them that God is with them just like He is with you.

God is Faithful

 Day 1 – Read Psalms 100:5There are many things and many people that will let us down. Many people make promises and then break them by not living up to those promises. When God promises something, He will always be faithful to make that promise come true. God will never let you down.

Day 2 – Read Psalms 100:5.

Write it out and memorize it.

Day 3

Has anyone or anything made you a promise that didn’t come true?
How did you feel when that promise was broken?

Has anyone made a promise to you and was faithful to make the promise come true?

How did you feel when they kept their promise? Did it help you trust them more?

How does knowing God will keep His promises help you trust him?

Day 4

Write on a piece of paper, God is Faithful to Keep This Many Promises! 
Grab a glass cookie jar and put the piece of paper in the jar against the side where you can read the writing. Fill the jar with 3000+ rocks, marbles or jellybeans. Put this on your shelf to remind you that God’s faithfulness is huge!

Day 5

Spend time today thanking God for all the ways He has been faithful to you. Write them down and place them in your Bible at Psalm 100:5. You can add to it when you see His faithfulness another time.

BIGGER & Did you know that there are more than 3000 promises God has made to you? 

God is our Friend

Day 1 – Read John 15:13

One of the most fun things about life is our friends. Write down all the reasons why you love your friends.

Day 2 – Read John 15:13 

Write it out. Your challenge today is to memorize this verse.

BIGGER & betterIf you have good friends, they will do a lot for you, but would your friends take your punishment for you when you get in trouble? Would your friends die for you? Jesus is the best friend you will ever have. He is the only one who did nothing wrong but died taking your punishment for sin away from you.

Day 3

 What is the greatest thing a friend has ever done for you?

Have you ever done anything for a friend? If so, what did you do?

Re-read John 15:13. How does God show us He is our friend?

Day 4

The story of Johnny Ferrier is a great example of God’s friendship. When Johnny’s airplane broke down, he had plenty of time to bail out and save himself. If he would have bailed out, the plane would have landed and exploded in a neighborhood, killing lots of people. Instead, Johnny sacrificed his life and stayed with the plane so he could land it in an empty field. He saved the lives of the people in that neighborhood.

Did you know?

Studies say that he average person spends 4-8 hours a day with friends! If you live 80 years, that is almost 200,000 hours with your friends! The question is, how much time do you take to spend with your closest friend, Jesus?Day 5

Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins? If you don’t, ask your parents or someone at church to help you understand what Jesus did for you. If you do, do you have a friend who doesn’t know about Jesus? How could you share Jesus with a friend today?

God is Good


Day 1 – Read James 1:17 

All good things come from God. Make a list of everything you thing is good and thank God for it today. It came from him!

Day 2 – Read James 1:17 again and memorize it.

Day 3If God is the definition of good, then should you listen to Him?

If everything God does is good, should you want to do things His way?

Day 4

In every movie, there is always a battle of good versus bad. Think about a few of your favorite movies that have this story. One movie that comes to mind is the Disney movie “The Incredibles.” It is a story about a super hero family whose goal is to protect others. The bad guy only cares about himself. He wants to be powerful and forgets to be the “hero” part of super hero because he doesn’t care about others. God is the ultimate Super Hero. Nothing bad will come from Him, and not only will He always fight for good, He is good and creates good. The great news is that just like the movies, the “good side” always wins. God is good, and He will always defeat bad.

Give it a try!

There was a man in Kansas City who would drive around the city and give people money to help them out. He would carry thousands of dollars and give it all away every day. He gave God the credit for being good so he wanted to do good.
How can you show Gods goodness to others?

Day 5

God is good so we should be good. What can you do today that somebody would say is good? The best kind of good is when you help others.