Israel had rebuilt their temple and was living back in their land. But they didn’t have a king.
They still had to follow the king of Persia. Nehemiah actually worked for the king of Persia. He had heard that the people were in danger because they had no protection while serving God at the temple. Nehemiah asked the king if He could go back and build walls around the city of Jerusalem, where the temple was built, so that people could safely serve God.
Read Nehemiah 2:17-18
What happened here? Did people help Nehemiah build a wall around the city of Jerusalem?
Nehemiah knew that if the wall was not rebuilt, people would stop worshipping God because they were afraid or they may even join the people trying to stop them from worshipping God. He wanted to protect God’s people from harm but also protect them from following fake gods again. It wasn’t easy to build the walls. There were many people who tried to stop them. They had to build the wall while carrying weapons to protect themselves.
Read Nehemiah 4:16-20
Who did the people believe would fight for them?
Give it a try!
For fun, go outside with your friends and each of you build your own fort. Use cardboard, fabric, scrap wood, sticks, or anything you can find to build your fort. Have a water balloon fight and see whose fort was the strongest. Defend your fort well! This is a little reminder of Nehemiah’s story and how important it is to protect yourself from sin and evil as you follow God!
Read 2 Thessalonians 3:3
Does God want to protect you from the evil one?
Do you believe God can protect you from harm?
Nehemiah knew that God could protect His people, but he also knew that God asked Israel to do everything they could to protect themselves from harm. God will protect you and that is why He asks you to live for Him. Sometimes you have to build walls of protection around your eyes, your ears, and your heart so that you can protect yourself from getting hurt by sin and evil. God will give you the strength to do it and He will give you what you need to build your wall.
Read 2 Timothy 2:22
What should you run from? What should you let in your wall?
Building a wall keeps bad things out. What are some “walls” you can build in your life to keep wordly junk out?
Write down what you learned from the story of Nehemiah.
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Title of the Book
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Parent’s Name
At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
Checkpoint 3 of 3