You Will Overcome Death


Read Acts 16:25-34
What does this verse say the Lord will help us escape from? Fill in the Blank: God is a God of ___________________. The whole world spends all its time trying to figure out how to live longer and escape death. Instead of trying to keep your earthly body from death, it’s good for you to know what true death is. The world thinks death is when your earthly body gives out, but God says true death is something else! You don’t have to be afraid when life on earth is over. God promises that He has overcome death. He is the key to escape it. Nothing man can do is able to do this… only God has the keys. Are you comforted knowing that God helps you escape true death? Do you believe Jesus overcame death?
Read James 1:2
Fill in the blanks: God _____________ death and brought _________________ to light by the _________________. This verse can be hard to understand because it uses big words. The word abolished means “to end for good.” Because Jesus died and rose again, He ended death for good. Remember that God’s definition of death means being separated from Him forever. God is all about life and He brings you the opportunity for life. Remember, God’s goal is to get you to eternity with Him forever!
Read John 10:10
What does the thief come to do? What did Jesus come to do? Death and Satan have been defeated by Jesus. He will not win and he knows it. Satan tried to defeat God but after trying thousands of times, he couldn’t do it. Satan is a bad loser. He can’t just walk away in defeat. Instead, He wants to bring you down with him. He will do everything can to tempt you to follow him. He knows your weaknesses and he uses them to steal what is meant for you… eternal life. God on the other hand is a life giver. Believe in Him and Satan will never be able to steal and destroy your ability to live forever. God not only wants you to live but He also has planned a great life…here on earth and in eternity!
Paul was a guy in the Bible who had a big faith in God. Read what he says about life and death. Read Philippians 1:21-23. What do you learn from Paul?
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13
Why does God want you to know the truth about death? Who does God not want you to grieve like? God understands that you will be sad when someone you love dies. It is okay to be sad, but He wants you to know what He promises about overcoming death. You don’t have to be sad like the people in the world who don’t know Christ. People who do not have Christ as their Savior don’t have any idea what happens when your earthly body stops working. They might believe different things, but those things are not true. Only God is true and if you believe in Him this is why you won’t be sad like the world… you get to see your loved ones again! Yep, you read that right. Because of Jesus, when someone who loves Him dies you don’t have to say good-bye, you get to say “See ya later.” It will comfort your sadness to know your loved one is in a place that is so much better. They are up in heaven excited for when you get to be with them forever! Does it comfort you to know that you will get to see the ones you love again? Take the time today to thank Jesus for making life last forever!
Read Psalm 116:15.
When does God rejoice? Were you shocked when you read this verse? Of course God delights when one of His comes home to live with Him forever. He takes great pleasure in being with you! He can’t wait to hang out with you. He loves you more than anything. Living on earth is really great and hopefully you will get to live a long time on earth. Remember, God created the earth and life is great here because He has planned it to be great. The earth is filled with all sorts of fun things to do and God wants you to enjoy what He has created. Did you know that God created the heavens too? If life on earth is awesome, can you imagine what life in eternity will be like? God says it’s a million times better than earth. God has eternity planned for and you get to live it with everyone who loves God too!