You Care About Others


Read 1 Samuel 12:24
What does God ask you to do? How should you serve God? Why should you serve God? God is faithful to you and He wants you to be faithful to Him. He has done great things for you and you are your best when you are faithful to Him!
Read Deuteronomy 6:5. How are you supposed to love the Lord?
Which one is loving God with all your heart? (Circle the answer you think is true)
-Obeying God just because God says so.
-Obeying God because you love Him, believe in Him and are thankful?
Which one is loving God with all your mind?
-Your thoughts are always consumed with what you want.
-Your thoughts are always filled with how you can do what God wants.
Which one is loving God with all your strength?
-Playing a sport to get lots of trophies.
-Playing a sport to be a light for Jesus as your first priority as you strive to win the game.


Read Titus 1:8
List all of the things God wants you to be.
Having self-control does not mean you don’t feel emotions. It means you feel a certain way but have the strength to do what is right. The world you live in is all about feelings and will challenge you to respond to your feelings a certain way. For example, the world says that if you hurt, then you should hurt someone else. God doesn’t want you to ignore your feelings. He instead wants you to trust Him with how you feel and respond based on what is right. This is true self control. The most self- controlled people understand they need God’s help to do this. You have God inside of you so you can be comforted that the Holy Spirit will help you.
Read 1 Corinthians 10:13
What will God do for you when you are tempted?
Will God help you have self-control?
Memorizing Bible verses is a way to store God’s words in your brain to help you.
When you are tempted, it can help you to choose what is right by letting God help you remember those words. Memorize 1 Corinthians 10:13 today.


Read Deuteronomy 16:17
What does God ask you to? Why should you do it?
God has given you life on earth. He has given you eternal life. He has given you forgiveness. He has given you everything you have. Because you have been given much, you should give to others. Think through today how you can give to others.
Write out a list of how you want to give.


Read 1 Timothy 2:8
What does God want you to do?
Prayer is the way you talk to God. He wants to listen to what you have to say. Prayer is important because it’s how you can take your mind off the things of the world and think about God. It is how you can give your cares, worries and desires to God.


Read 2 Timothy 2:2
What are you supposed to do with what you have heard from God?
As you grow in your walk with Jesus, God will ask you to teach others what you have learned. This might happen when you are older, but even now you can always teach others what God is teaching you. God can use you to help others understand more about Him!