You are Special


Read Romans 12:4-6
Are there many members of God’s body? Do all they have the same function?
Do you belong in Christ’s body? Does verse 6 say you have a gift?
Are your gifts the same or different than other people in the body?
God’s people are His body. You all work together to do His work. God has given each member of His body different gifts. Someone might have a similar gift, but they will do it differently than you because you are made differently. Your personality, background, experience, and skills help you use the gift God has given you uniquely. The truth is God has gifted you to do great things! No person’s gift is more special to God than anyone else’s. Every part of His body is important and He has given you the gifts to do your thing! To understand what your gift is, you must pay attention to God. As you grow up, He will help you find and use your gift when you are ready.
Are you excited that God has gifted you? What are some things that you are good at right now? How can you use what you are good at today for Him?


Read Philippians 4:13
What does this verse say can do?
In Christ, you are strong because He is strong. There is no one more powerful than God and you have His strength on your side. When you feel weak, remember that you are strong in Christ… it’s part of your identity.
Memorize Philippians 4:13 today.
Have you ever experienced a time when God gave you strength? Write about it below.


Label the parts of the human body and what that part of the body does.
Do arms and legs do the same thing?
Do eyes are ears do the same thing?
Do hands and feet?
Why is the head important?
How is the human body like the Body of Christ? (Remember from month 4, Jesus is the head of the body and believers are all the parts).


Read 2 John 1:9
Fill in the blank: If you _______ in the teaching of ________ you have both the Father and the Son.
Disciple: (n) a student
Abide: (v) to spend time with; to stay with
OPPPKSGod is your teacher and you are His student. You will never know everything about Jesus. Even if you read your Bible all day, every day for your entire life, God will still be teaching you. Spending time with Jesus is crucial to your identity because you are His student.
He is excited to teach you everything you need to know. Are you ready to learn?
How has doing this devotional helped you learn about Jesus?
Are you going to continue to learn more after you are done?


Read Mark 16:15
What does God want you to do? What does God want you to share?
Apostle: (n) one who is sent out.
God wants you to share with others about Him. In the Bible, His disciples learned from Him and were sent out into the world to share the gospel with others. God sends different people different places to share the gospel. Most of the time He will just ask you to share the truth right where you are. People at your school need to know Him. People on your sports teams and clubs need Him. Part of your identity is getting to share the good news of Jesus. He will help you do it!
Write out how you would share Jesus with a friend today. Pretend someone asked you what you believe about Jesus. What would you say? (If you need an illustration you can use the Bridge Illustration at the beginning of the book.)


Read 2 Corinthians 5:20
What does God call you? What does God do though us?
Ambassador: (n) someone who represents another person, country or organization
The United States has an Ambassador in almost every country of the world. That person’s job is to represent the United States in that country. It’s how the world tries to work together. You are Christ’s ambassador. In Christ, you get to represent Him on earth. If someone wants to know about Jesus they could look to you because your life, words, thoughts, attitude and actions should be like His. As an ambassador, God can use you to appeal to others. This means that others can want to know God more because of your actions. What are the ways Jesus acted on earth? What did He do, what was he like?
What are some ways you can represent Him with your actions?