You Are God’s Creation


Read Genesis 1:1
What did God create? When did God create it?
Read Hebrews 1:10. What is the work of God’s hands?
You read in the first two verses that God created the heavens and earth.
Read Hebrews 11:3. What else did God create?
God is clear that He created the heavens, the earth and the universe. He created the stars and even knows how many are out there. He created the sun, the moon and all the planets. He created the sky, the sea and the place where He lives…heaven. Every person on earth will look for their identity in the world they live in…including you. To do this, you have to know and believe in who created the world. Think about it, there is a reason something is created. For example, an artist creates art so people will enjoy it. An inventor creates a solution to a problem. An engineer creates a roller coaster for fun. A builder creates a house so it can be someone’s home. A pharmacist creates medicine for healing. God created the earth for many reasons and one of them is for you. He wants you to find the identity He gave you in His creation. To do this, you have to believe He created it. Do you believe that God created everything?
If God created everything, do you believe He understands the earth, the sky, the sea, the universe and the heavens better than anyone else?


Read all about when and how God created everything:
Read Genesis Ch. 1 and Ch. 2.


Read John 1: 3
Through Christ what was made? Is there anything not made by God?
Everything you see is created by God. Yes, even the man made stuff is made by God. Humans are great creators, but we can only create with the tools available to us. We couldn’t create a computer until the technology was discovered or without the materials it takes to make it. The technology and materials were created by God. He also created the brain that invented the first computer. This is just one example, but the point is that man creates from the stuff that God gives him. God created something out of nothing. He is that awesome and we can’t compare!
If God created everything, did everything get its identity from its creator… God?Spend some time listing all the things God created and thank Him!


Read Genesis 1:27. Whose image are you created like?
Finding your identity begins with knowing the truth that you, and every other human, are created in God’s image. No other animal, fish, insect, bird or created thing on earth was created in God’s image… just humans. You are special to God so He designed and built you to look like Him. Why create humans in His image? Because He loves you and wants to be in a relationship with you. Here’s the deal… you may look similar to God, but nothing about you looks like His character. God is perfect and humans are sinners. Because of sin, we cannot have a relationship with Him without Christ. Part of God’s solution to our sin is by creating humans with the opportunity to be with Him forever. Pay attention the next few words are part of the foundation to your true identity. He created you in His image so that you, the sinner, could one day have His character. How can you one day have his character? By believing in Jesus!
Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 for a sneak peak into how humans can have God’s character.
God’s character is holy. How can we be holy?
Do you believe you are created in God’s image?
Why do you think being created in His image is important to your identity?


Read Psalm 139:13-16
Who created you in your mom’s belly? Did anyone see God making you?
If no one else saw God create you, did anyone help God make you?
Does God know how many days are in your life?
If God made you, do you believe God created your life?
The words in Psalm 139 are so unique. God says that He “wove” you together in your mom’s belly. When you read or hear the words “weave” or “wove,” it’s easy to think of a basket. If you have ever watched a basket being made, you will see it takes a lot of thought and a huge amount of time to create. The basket maker has to think through the pattern of the entire basket before starting and have the right materials for how it will be used. God took His time making you. Every part of who you are… the way you look, where you’re from, your personality, your circumstances, your strengths and your gifts…these are all the materials God used to make the one and only you. He knew, before He made you, the plan He has for your life and He created you with everything you need live. Finding your identity is first believing that He created you and then setting out on the adventure to find out why God made you, you!


This week you have learned how God created you in His image and you learned how God created your identity. One thing you know is that God created you with the ability to make choices concerning your identity.
Read Joshua 24:15
Joshua gave the people of Israel the choice to do what?
Who did Joshua choose to serve?
As you start your journey to find your true identity, know you were created by God to choose your identity. He gave you the ability to choose whether you will become who you were meant to be… or not. Your God given identity will give you hope when life is tough. In Him, your identity will allow you to use all your God given strengths to do good things. God promises that He will help you every step of the way to find your true identity, but He also gives you the choice to do it on your own. There will be many opportunities in your life that will tempt you to choose your own identity instead of trusting in who God created you to be.


Did you know that God does not give any other animals in His creation the ability to choose their identity?
For example, a dog will always act like a dog. A dog was created to have a few different purposes like hunting, protecting, or being a companion. When a dog is not doing those things, it is either eating, sleeping, playing, exercising or going to the bathroom. A dog doesn’t have a choice in it’s purpose or identity. A dog will never have the choice to not do things a dog does. Think about it… does your dog have the ability to wake up and choose to be a doctor, teacher, or lawyer like you do? Of course not! Your ability to choose the identity God has for you or your own is only something humans can do.