You are Different


Read 1 Peter 1: 3-4
Fill in the blanks: God, through His great _________ has caused us to be __________ again to a living hope through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
How is our inheritance described in verse 4?
Transformed: (adj) changed in appearance and character (who you are on the inside)
When people believe in Christ, it sometimes doesn’t seem like anything has changed because the world around them stays the same. The truth is in Christ you are changed. You are different. You no longer have the identity of a sinner. When you were a sinner you had no hope. You, unlike the world, now have hope that one day evil will be gone, that life goes beyond earth, that you make a difference, that God will provide what you need, and hope that God can do good things through bad things. The world doesn’t have this, and before Christ… you did not have this. The cool thing is the world can start to see your transformation as you start to follow Jesus and live like Him.


Read Psalm 139:13-14
What did God do to you in your mom’s belly? How are you made?
A factory is set up to produce thousands, sometimes millions of the same product over and over again. If there is an item that comes out different then the rest of it is often thrown out because it’s considered flawed.  The world is like a factory. Its goal is to produce the same product over and over again. If you don’t fit into one of the molds the world has created, you will be considered flawed. God, on the other hand, makes every single person on earth unique. He is not a factory. He took the time to put you together… by hand, in your mom’s belly. God doesn’t want you to be like everyone else. He wants you to Be You and show others how He has made you wonderful!


Read Matthew 23:11. God says if you want to be great you must be a servant. How is this different than what the world thinks?


Read Matthew 5:14-16
Fill in the blank: “You are the ________ of the world.”
Does someone turn on a light to hide it or do they turn on the light for brightness?
What does God ask you to do in verse 16?
You learned last month that you belong in the light because Jesus is light. This verse is telling you that you are a light in Christ. A solar light is a light that gets its power from the sun. You can’t turn a solar light on because it stores energy from the sun outside. When the sun goes down, the solar light uses the stored power to shine in the darkness. This is what Jesus does for you. Jesus is the light. When you believe in Him, you become a light. As you spend time following Jesus, you will soak up His light so you can be a light for Him on earth.


Read 1 Corinthians 4:1
How does Paul and Apollos describe themselves?
Should a believer of Jesus be viewed the same way? Are you a servant too?
Servant: (n) a person who performs duties for others.
The world does not value the role of a servant like God does. In fact, servants are seen as poor and unimportant on earth. The truth is Jesus was a servant. He came to earth to do the duties of His Heavenly Father. He served mankind by doing the work to save them on the cross. Serving God is better than any job you could ever have on earth. It’s better than being the richest person, the best athlete ever, the most popular and talented musician, or the most good-looking model or actress/actor. It’s hard to understand this while living in a world that does not promote it, but it’s true. Being a servant to God means you will grow in character, help others, and see God at work. Be proud of it because being His servant will make you great in God’s eyes.


Read 1 Corinthians 4:1 
Fill in the blank: I am _________ of the _________ of God.
Steward: (n) someone whose job is to look after the things of others.
A steward is someone who is trusted with the property of others. God says that He trusts you with His mysteries. What an adventure! You are trusted with such cool things. Why does God trust you with His mysteries? It’s simply because the mystery of God is not a mystery to you. You recognize God as real and true. He trusts you with the truth about Him so you can explain Him to the world.