Why Should I Read The Bible?

Day 1- Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 1 Peter 1:22-25

Who inspired scripture?
(The original version says that scripture is “God Breathed” or His “exhale”.)
Is the Bible the words of God? What is God’s Word useful for?
According to Peter 1:22-25, what endures forever? What does not endure forever?
Do you believe that God’s Word is important?

Day 2- Read Matthew 4:4 and Psalm 119:1-16

Is food or God’s Word more important for your life?
Food is necessary and God will provide it when you need it but do you think that God makes a big point in saying His Word is more vital than food? Why is God’s Word more vital than food? Do you make time to eat? Do you make time for what is more necessary? Look at Psalm 119:2 again. How should you seek God’s Word?
What can God’s Word do for you according to the verses in Psalms?

Day 3- Read Joshua 1:8, Hebrews 4:12 and Psalm 119:105

In Joshua 1:8, what does the Bible do for you?
What do you think it means to meditate on it day and night? Give some practical examples. (Here is one example: putting verses in places that you will see them like a bathroom mirror, locker, or wristband)
In Hebrews 4:12, how is God’s Word described? Have you experienced this?
How is God’s Word described in Psalm 119:105?
If God’s Word is a lamp on your feet, can God’s Word guide the steps you take?
If God’s Word is a light to your path, is it safe to say it can show you God’s plan for you in life?
Think about this question before answering. If you were to walk on a path in the dark with a lamp, the lamp would simply light the area around your feet. It wouldn’t show you the entire path, but you would confidently be able to take one step at a time. Eventually, as you continue to walk, you would see the entire path. In other words, a lamp does light your path but it takes faith to understand that your path will be lit one step at a time. How is the Bible (the lamp), like your walk with God, showing you one step at a time?


How does the Bible speak to your heart?
How does the Bible speak to your mind?

The Bible says that the Word of the Lord stands forever. Its words are lasting. The Bible is the only book in history that has been understood by people in every culture and generation. There is no other book like it.

Day 5- APPLY IT. (#e21d35 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

What did you learn this week? How can you apply the Bible to your life?