Where Does Man Fit?

*This week you get to see God’s heart for mankind. Read the verses and spend some time sorting out what you believe God’s heart and purpose is for you. Pick one verse to memorize this week. Try writing it on a notecard and keeping it with you all week.

Day 1- Read the following verses and take notes

Deuteronomy 7:9
2 Peter 3:9
1 John 3:1
Romans 8:28
Jeremiah 29:11

Day 2- Read the following verses, take notes and pick one to memorize. Try writing it on a note card and keeping it with you all week

Isaiah 42:6
Ephesians 2:10
Romans 8:37-39
Proverbs 19:21
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Day 3- Read the following verses and take notes. 1 Peter 3:18
John 1:12
Titus 3:5-7
Ephesians 2:8-9

The Bible isn’t about you. It’s about Jesus and God’s plan of salvation through Him. The humbling truth is that God’s plan includes you. It has from the very beginning. You have always been a part of God’s plan. Think of yourself as a puzzle piece. A single puzzle piece is unique, perfectly formed, and designed to fit within the bigger picture. Sometimes you can’t see the big picture and the specifics of one little puzzle piece are confusing. God has designed you uniquely to fit into His plan. Don’t compare yourself to others. Just be patient and trust God to place you into His big plan.


Spend time with God today. Ask Him questions about yourself and thank Him for the role He plays in life. God has a plan for you.

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Review what you wrote about this week. What do you think God’s plan is for you? Do you know exactly what is going to happen? Do you trust God with your life?