This week you are going to study what the Bible claims to be.
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. How is Scripture described? What is it used for?
The Bible claims to be inspired by God. In the original translation, the Greek word for inspired or God-breathed is “theopneustos.” This literally means the exhale of God. God’s Word claims to be God’s actual words. God is the source for every word written in the Bible.
Yes, men did “write” the Bible but they did not do so of their own will. God used these men to write His words. You can see each author’s writing style and personality shine through the words of the Bible, but the words they wrote are God’s… not their own. God has always used individual’s strengths, weaknesses, background, life experience, and personality to do His work and the same is true for the words of the Bible.
Read 2 Peter 1:21
The Bible makes it clear that prophecy came from whom? Where did it not come from?
There are people who believe in God but still don’t believe the Bible is God’s Word alone. How would you use the two verses you have learned so far to defend your faith in the divine authority of the Bible?
The “Law” is what the Israelites called Scripture. In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus is speaking to a Jewish audience so He refers to the Scriptures as “the law” so His Jewish audience would understand what He means. Today, we call the “law” the Bible.
Read Matthew 5:18
What does Jesus say about the Bible? Will just some of it come true or all of it?
There are people out there who value the Bible but don’t believe it’s relevant today. There are others who think only some of the Bible is true. How would you use Jesus’ words to defend your faith in God’s Word?
There are at least 40 different authors in the Bible. These men were from all different walks of life. To name a few, some were kings, shepherds, physicians, uneducated fisherman, prophets, priests, leaders, and even philosophers. Their lifetimes span about 1,600 years of different generations and cultures. In the midst of all these differences, their writings were able to form a unified and cohesive book that never contradicts itself, but instead is supportive and confirming. There is no other piece of literature like this ever written. This proves the Bible must be the words of God. This also proves the case of relevancy across generations, backgrounds, and cultures. History may change, but the truth of mankind’s need for a Savior does not and it is proven in the lives of the men who wrote the Bible.
Paul wrote what most believe to be 13 books of the Bible.
Look at what Paul says of the words he spoke and wrote.
Read 1 Corinthians 2:13
Did Paul believe He was teaching and writing from his own words?
Who was giving him the words to speak?Day 5- WITHOUT ERROR
Read John 17:17 and Psalm 19:8
How do these verses claim the Bible is without error?
There are people who believe the Bible is absolutely trustworthy but also contain errors. They believe the Bible to be a guide for their faith, but also believe there are errors relating to science, history and geography. There is a problem with this belief simply because it casts a problem onto God Himself. He claims that the Bible, all of it, is His words. If there is an error in the Bible in any way, we would have to reason that there is an error in His character and attributes. The Bible claims to be the infallible Word of God without error and God has given us no reason to believe there is an error. Next week you are going to learn how history and archaeology support the events of the Bible.