Week 2

Day 1 – READ MATTHEW 9:9 AND LUKE 5:27-28

What was Levi’s (aka Matthew) profession? Where did Jesus find Matthew? What was Matthew’s response?
Tax collectors were hated by the people because they would take more money than was required by the Roman Government and keep some for themselves. The Jews especially hated the tax collectors because the Romans were taking taxes in their own land. What was even worse to a Jew was one of their own working for the Romans. Matthew, being Jewish, was also a traitor… a wealthy one. What can you learn from Matthew giving up wealth? What can you learn from how Matthew gave up the ways of the world? Do you think it was easy? What is Matthew most known for?
If you were to ask Matthew, how do you think he would answer the question… was being a disciple of Christ worth it? Really, you don’t have to speculate much about Matthew’s answer. His account of the Gospel pretty much tells you what he believes to be valuable.

Day 2 – READ LUKE 5:27-31

Did Matthew’s decision to follow Jesus come without some persecution and tough circumstances? Do you think giving up all you have will cause some hiccups in your own life? What are possible tough circumstances that you fear may happen if you give up everything for Christ?
Are any of those things keeping you from following Christ? Do you believe God is worth it? Do you believe what God can do in you is worth it? Matthew believed God was worth it and look how God used him.

Day 3 – READ LUKE 5:29-32

Who defended Matthew? How did Jesus stick up for Matthew? How did Jesus handle the persecution?
Matthew understood the cost of following Jesus. He knew there would be people who would oppose it. The lesson you need to learn from Matthew’s example is to trust God and let Him handle the tough situations. Matthew didn’t know how it was going to all work out. He probably was nervous about the other disciples accepting him, but he didn’t worry about it because He knew God was on his side.
Read Matthew 6:33
What are you to do first? What happens when you seek God first?
Do you sometimes want to fix everything before you follow God?
Is it easy to want to get our “ducks in a row” before we follow God?
Do you trust that God has a plan to handle anything that comes your way because you are following Him?


Read Psalm 55:22. True righteousness comes from the blood of Jesus. If you have His righteousness, God promises to stand with and stand for you. This is a true promise. Like Matthew, just follow and let Jesus take care of whatever stands in your way. 

Day 4 – READ MATTHEW 8:18-20What did the scribe say to Jesus? What was Jesus’ response?
What do you think Jesus meant?
Jesus was not saying He was homeless. While He was on earth He had places to sleep. During His first 30 years, He lived with His family. He and His disciples moved around a lot but they found places to stay for His last three years. Jesus was making a point about the cost of discipleship. A home is for most, an earthly place of security. Jesus is making a clear statement that His security does not come from this earth because His home is not on earth. By making this statement, He is telling the scribe that following Him means the earth is not your home or place of security. To follow Christ, you must not hold securely to anything from this earth.
Read Philippians 3:20 and Colossians 3:2
As a follower of Christ, where are you a citizen? What does God ask you to set your mind on? As a disciple of Christ should you find security in any comfort on earth? Why do you believe setting your mind on things above helps you not hold on to the comforts and securities on earth?
The Bible doesn’t tell us how the scribe responded. He might have responded right away, responded later, or he might have walked away. God knows. His fate is not the point. God is asking you a question. Are you able to put your security in Him and not in earthly things?


God does desire for you to care about your family and enjoy the things that He has given you. The problem lies in where those things are more important than God. If those things keep you from following God, then you have placed too much comfort and security in the things of this earth. Is there any earthly security or comfort that keeps you from being a disciple of Jesus?

Day 5 – READ MATTHEW 8:21-22

What does the second disciple ask Jesus? How does Jesus respond?
Does Jesus’ answer seem harsh?
The lessons of the Bible are relevant for all generations and cultures, but if you take a story in the Bible and use culture to interpret the meaning, you may be confused. Jesus was not telling a man he couldn’t go say “good-bye” to his father who was dying. This man’s father was more than likely not dying at the moment. This man wanted to wait to follow Jesus until after he received his inheritance. In Jesus’ time, the first born would have received the inheritance from his father when he passed. He would have received everything… land, possessions and wealth. This man must have believed he would lose his inheritance if he decided to follow Jesus immediately. Jesus was being firm, but did not lack compassion. Following Jesus brings true life… the life you could never get from wealth and material possessions. The life He offers is a life with purpose and significance. It’s a life that is impactful and allows you to reach your potential. The life He offers is a life that lasts… it’s eternal.
Read 1 Peter 1:3-4
What does God have for you? What is the inheritance like that Jesus gives? Is it better than wealth and possessions on earth? Have you found yourself wanting to wait to “get something” or “do something” before you follow God? Is it worth it?