Week 2

Day 1 – READ MATTHEW 5:1-11

This week you are going to simply be Jesus’ disciple. Jesus sat His disciples down and taught them what His kingdom was like. What the benefits of His kingdom would be, what the King would ask of those who chose to be a part of it and the heart of how we serve Him. This is what theologians called the “Sermon on the Mount.” He was teaching His disciples but there also happened to be hundreds… maybe a few thousand other people listening. Write down all the blessings of being apart and actively participating in God’s Kingdom. Make a list a notebook.
Write down any questions you might have. These are things you would like to know or things you don’t understand. (This is important… you will use it in Month 3)
Go back and highlight all the blessings you will receive.


Look at verses 3 and 4. What is the disposition of the people receiving the blessings? Is the disposition in these verses the actions of one who recognizes they are sinful and in need of a Savior? Have you felt this way? Did you receive these blessings?
Look at verses 5-10. What are the character qualities described of those who have inherited the kingdom and been comforted? Are these qualities of those who follow God? Why do you think Jesus thought it was important for His disciples to know the initial disposition of a person to be able to enter into His Kingdom?
Why do you think Jesus thought it was important to teach His disciples the description and blessings of those who have entered into His Kingdom?

Day 3 – READ MATTHEW 5:17-19

The “Law and Prophets” are what the Israelites in those days called what we now call the Old Testament. What does Jesus say about the Law and the Prophets? What does He say about God’s Word? (God’s Law was another cultural term for God’s Word in those days)
What does God say about those who invalidate God’s Word and teach others to do so? Write down any questions you might have. Questions about knowing more and questions that concern something you don’t understand.
Jesus was validating all of the Old Testament. He was teaching His disciples that all of their obedience to the requirements of the Old Testament were not in vain. In the same statement, He is telling them they will no longer have to follow the requirements of the Old Testament law. By following Jesus, they will naturally fulfill the standards God set in His law. Why do you think knowing Jesus fulfilled the law is important to His disciples? Jesus also validated every word written in God’s Word. He says there is not a stroke of the pen that will not come true. How does this encourage you as a disciple of Christ?

Day 4 – READ MATTHEW 5:20

What does Jesus say here? What do you think Jesus means? Is Jesus contradicting Himself?
Jesus is using irony to make a statement. The Scribes and the Pharisees were considered to be holy. It was very selective and hard to become a Pharisee. Their schooling was the “Harvard” of religious education. To these people, being more righteous than the Pharisees was not possible. Jesus used irony to state that gaining righteousness was not possible for any human.
Read Romans 3:10.
Is anyone righteous on his own? Jesus needed His disciples to see that even the most religious people sinned. Everyone sins. Everyone is need of a Savior. Why is this important for His twelve disciples to learn? Why is this important for you to learn?

Day 5 – READ MATTHEW 5:21-47Underline all the times Jesus says “You have heard it said… but I say”.
Write down any questions you have. Write down questions if you want to know more. Write down questions that you want explained. Hang onto this as you will use it in month 3. How does Jesus change things up? How does Jesus put the true meaning into the law?
There is lots of good truth in this chapter. As a disciple you want to take note of all the truth that God wants you to learn. Why do you think Jesus wants His disciples to know what He says instead of what they have heard being said?