Week 1

Day 1 – READ MATTHEW 8:34

This year you are going to learn the importance of discipleship. You will be challenged to commit to a lifetime of being a disciple of Christ, to be active in being discipled by another, and to step out as one who is willing and able to disciple others. What is a disciple? Let’s dig in and look at the Greek definition.
Disciple: Mathetes (n): A learner, a pupil.
What does Matthew 8:34 say it takes to be a disciple of Jesus?
Why do you think it is important to deny yourself to become a disciple?
Will a prideful pupil learn or will he/she more than likely stick to his/her own ways?
Have you approached God as a prideful pupil? If so, how?
What are some ways you can deny yourself to be a disciple of Jesus?
What are some simple ways you can begin to follow Jesus?
As you do this study, you will daily learn what it truly looks like to be a disciple of Jesus.


How does Paul, a disciple of Christ, describe what his life looks like?
Re-read Matthew 8:34. How does what Paul says in Galatians 2:20 help you understand what denying yourself looks like? What do you think it means to “no longer live” but instead live as one who “Christ lives in you”?

Day 3  – READ GALATIANS 5:16-24

How does v. 24 help you understand what being “crucified in Christ” means? What must you do? What are the two forces opposed to each other? Make a list of the desires of the “flesh.” Do you have these desires? Are you willing to give them up to be a disciple of Christ?
Read the list of the fruits of the Spirit in verses 22-23. Do you believe these come naturally to a person? If not, does one have to learn them? What do you think is the best way to learn the fruits of the Spirit?


A good teacher sets an example for his disciples. A good teacher sees the potential in his student. A great teacher does or has done exactly what he asks of his student.
How did Jesus deny Himself to become who He was supposed to become? How does what Jesus did prove Himself worthy of asking someone to give up everything and follow Him?

Day 5 – READ LUKE 18:18-26

Did the rich young ruler want to be a follower of God? What was the rich young ruler not about to do?
Neither history nor scripture mentions this man again. Do you think this man missed out on his God-intended potential? What are other ways this man missed out? How can you relate to the rich young ruler?
Read John 1:35-42 and Matthew 4:18-22
The account in John actually happened before the account in Matthew. Jesus had met Peter (Simon) and Andrew before they were called from the boat. What do you learn from Peter and Andrew and their encounters with Jesus? How were both of them willing to change their lives? What did they give up for following Jesus?
Did they know all the details or did they rely on trust? What can you learn from Peter, Andrew, James and John about being willing to deny yourself and follow Christ?
Scripture is filled with writings and true stories of these men. The accounts and writings of these disciples have impacted lives for thousands of years and continue to do so today. These men are also marked and mentioned in history. Because they give up everything to follow God they reached their God given potential… a potential that was meant to begin the church and impact billions for Christ. Yes, you read that right…billions. These men were not special. They were fisherman, tax collectors, and even former villains (Paul). They were willing to be a pupil, a learner, a disciple. Are you?