Week 1

Day 1

The goal of discipleship is to grow in your walk with the Lord. You are meant to grow to your fullest potential in Christ. You do this by walking with Him. You will also learn as you grow that you will hit a wall of growth if you don’t get out there and serve.
Read Ephesians 2:10
What does God call you to do? What has been prepared for you? When did God prepare it?
Walking with God means being a disciple and serving God in the way He has already planned for you. It’s easy to think that when we accept Christ, we need to now be ministry leaders. But if you look at the example of the disciples and Paul, you will find they spent some time learning under Godly men. In doing so these men were preparing what God had for them to do. Eventually you will do the same… and you will disciple another as you do it.

Day 2

This week you are going to learn what you should look for in asking someone to disciple you. We will read these verses a few times this month for different reasons so marking them down in your Bible could be helpful.
Read Titus 2:1.
What should one that disciples another teach? How is sound doctrine an important requirement of choosing someone to disciple you?
Read 2 Timothy 2:15
What does God ask of His followers? How should a faithful man handle the Word of God? Why should you look for this type of person as one to disciple you?
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17
What should the one who disciples you teach? What is God’s Word able to do?
Remember the goal is to grow in your walk with the Lord. What you are taught needs to be sound doctrine and centered around scripture. Man’s opinions and books are good supplements, but it is God’s Word that convicts, transforms and gives life. When you ask someone to disciple, make sure you ask someone who strives to consistently pursue God’s Word and has a heart to teach it to others.

Day 3 – READ PSALM 145:5

What should one generation do for another?
Read Titus 2:1-8
What should older men do? What should older women do?
Remember these passages use culture contexts but the message is older men have a role in teaching younger men and older women have a role in teaching younger women. This does not have to be an elderly person (although it can be because they are very wise). A good disciple wants to learn from someone a little bit ahead of where they are in life. Here are some good reasons God plans it this way.
Someone older than you has experienced the season of life you are in and has wisdom from that experience. Peers (same age friends) cannot encourage you as one who as gone through it. They are facing the same things that you are.
An older person has an unbiased outside perspective seasoned with wisdom. Your peers have a tendency to be biased without experience. They might be great friends and you can encourage each other’s walk with the Lord by using God’s Word, accountability and fellowship but because they are walking through the same things, it is often their opinion that is given. An older mentor can give Godly wisdom from an outside perspective. They are not in the emotions of your life but they definitely have experienced them.
An older mentor will be best at holding you accountable. Because of their life experience, they can see the pitfalls of the season of life you are in better than you and your friends. They will be less likely to enable your sin and instead challenge you to pursue godliness


God meant for family to be a place of discipleship. Read Deuteronomy 6:6-9. Think about the family unity. You have someone older and more experienced in your parents who naturally spend much time with you. It is the environment God intended to train up a child to know Him.

Day 4 – READ 2 TIMOTHY 2:2

What is the standard of character quality in a person you choose to teach you in a discipleship relationship? What does it mean to be faithful in your opinion?
Read Matthew 7:15-19
What does Jesus tell His disciples to be aware of? What can these false prophets look like? How can you tell the difference between doctrine that is sound and doctrine that is false? Do you see now why God wants to entrust His Word to faithful men? How do you know a man/woman is faithful?
There are many people with great words and cool presentations, but the proof is in their actions. Do you see the fruits of the Spirit in their life? Do you see them devotedly walking out their faith? Here are some questions to think through. What do their relationships look like? (Family, friends, acquaintances…)
A person cannot change the family they were born into. A tough family situation does not disqualify someone from discipling another. You don’t have to pick a person with a perfect family but instead look at how they handle the tough situations of their family.
Friends, dating relationships, marriage:
You need to look at how this is faithful in relationships that are chosen. Do they choose to surround themselves with people who encourage their faith? Are they a faithful friend? Do they have the type of dating relationship that supports a healthy relationship with the Lord? If you happen to be mentored by someone who is married, do they strive to have a loving, God-centered family?
Are they joyfully living out the disciplines of the faith such as prayer, reading the Word, accountability? How do they treat others including people they don’t know or their enemies? What are they like (as best as you know) when no one is around?
Are they actively serving God? What do they do with their time? (It doesn’t all have to be ministry activities but this question will show you their interests and what is important to them.)


What does Paul ask the Corinthians? What does this verse say about your standard for choosing someone to disciple you?
Jesus instituted the “follow me” method. He asked all of His disciples, to do so. He just simply put His life out there for others to learn from. Paul took Jesus’ method and asked his disciples to follow what he was doing and how he was living as he lived for Christ. This is the truest form of discipleship. It is “life with life” style ministry where you not only hear lessons but you see them in action. When you are with someone, you observe how they live their life and in doing so you get to see God in action.