Week 1

Day 1 – READ MATTHEW 4:18-24

Many of the verses you will read this month you already read as you learned from Jesus’ example of discipleship or what it looks like to have someone disciple you. This month you are going to take another look and learn what it means for you to disciple others.

What are the exact words of Jesus when He called His disciples?

What is the result Jesus said comes from following Him?

Jesus did not say, “Follow Me and you will be great.” He did not say, “Follow Me and I will put your name in lights.” He did not say, “Follow me and you will get a lot of things.” He said follow me and you will become fishers of men. The more you follow Christ, the more you will understand what God wants for you. It is clearly and simply stated in this verse. Follow God and serve others. If you are wanting to disciple others for your own selfish gain, then you are simply not ready. Following God should inspire you to help others draw closer to Him.

List some reasons for wanting to disciple another. Always pray for God to give you the right motives in anything you are called to do for Him.

Day 2 – READ JOHN 15:16

What does God say about you in this verse?

What should be your attitude in the position you are in?

You are not in the position to disciple others because of your own doing. You are there because God reconciled you to Him and placed His Spirit inside of you to transform and grow you. Do you have a humble attitude about who you are in Christ?

Read Ephesians 2:8-9

Do you find yourself boasting for any reason?

How can you give the credit to God for who you are?

If you think you are awesome, think about Paul. He was pretty awesome. He sacrificed everything to travel the world to share the Gospel. He was in and out of prison and he saw thousands of people come to know the Lord. He wrote most of the New Testament and God has used his words and life to impact billions of people since his death. Re-read 2 Corinthians 2 to remind you of his attitude toward why he is able to do what he has done.

Day 3 – READ ACTS 1:8

What did Jesus tell His disciples would happen?

Where did Jesus say He planned for the Gospel message to go?

This Gospel message started with 11 men in the city of Jerusalem thousands of years ago. You must understand that in deciding to disciple others, you are joining a movement that has been going strong since the day Jesus ascended into heaven. It is important for you to understand the power of this movement. Look what an unbelieving Pharisee said of the movement when it had grown to a couple hundred men.

Read Acts 5:17-39

What did Gamaliel say of the movement at the time when it began?

Has the movement scattered or has it gotten bigger and stronger?

You have significance in this movement of spreading the Gospel and making disciples. God has created you in the right time, and has placed you in the right place to serve specific people. Are you ready to join the movement?


You are almost out of high school and off to college and adulthood. One of the decisions you will get to make when you start to “fly” on your own is where to go to church. Look for a church that not only has sound doctrine but also a church that has a good balance of evangelism and making disciples. If a church is sharing the Gospel of Jesus and also building into believers, it is a healthy ministry.

Day 4 READ MATTHEW 28:19

What does God ask you to do?

The word “make” in the Greek original text is matheteuo. This word is a continual verb that says to teach and instruct. This word does not suggest simply passing out tracks and going on about life. This verb suggests time, effort and relationship. Evangelism has its place. It is how one hears the message of the Gospel. It is just as important to the process of building others up in Christ. It is vital because God is giving a person the opportunity to move from death to life… to be a part of His people… to be forgiven and reconciled to Him… and to have His righteousness.

Read Romans 10:14-15

Who does Paul explain the importance of evangelism to?

Yes, you are to evangelize, but don’t stop there. God has called you to invest time into making disciples. It starts with evangelism but should progress into discipleship. It is also important for you to know that you will not disciple everyone you evangelize to, but you may also be asked to disciple someone you didn’t evangelize to or lead to Christ. Remember that God is working His plan in everyone’s life so be content with the role He has given you… even if you are the first person who shares the Gospel to someone and they reject you. God’s got them… you don’t know whose up next on the roster God’s using to change their life.

Day 5 – READ HEBREWS 10:24-25

What does God ask of His followers in this verse?

Are you willing to commit to the time and effort it takes to spur another towards love and good deeds? What are things that might get in the way of you committing your time to doing so?