Week 1


Day 1 – READ 2 Timothy 1 –  MAIN THEME

Highlight anything that stands out to you. What is the main theme of the chapter?

Day 2 – READ 2 Timothy 1  – MAKE LISTS

Make a list of what you learn from Paul and Timothy, then make a list of what you’ve learned about discipleship relationships.

Discipleship tip

If you ask someone to disciple you, the last thing you want to do is not let it happen because you can’t fit it in your schedule. This must become priority in your schedule. You move your schedule to fit theirs instead of them changing their schedule to fit yours. Be respectful of what you ask of people. If they see you move mountains in your schedule, then they will see how serious you are about growing.


Make a list of how Paul exhorts Timothy. List any warnings Paul gives Timothy.

How can you apply these to your life?

Day 4 – READ 2 Timothy 1   – APPLY TRUTH

Make a list of any truth or promise that God gives you through this passage.

How can you apply it to your life?

Day 5 – READ 2 Timothy 1 – MEMORIZE IT

Pick one or two verses to memorize and write them down.

Discipleship tip

If you are ready, pray for God to bring someone into your life to disciple. Allow God to prepare your heart while you wait. You are in high school and a great age to start mentoring is middle school or junior high kid. These kiddos are facing the tough parts of the early teenage world. Your encouragement and example could be what God wants to use to help them follow Him in middle school and high school. Maybe you know a family friend. Maybe you could get involved with a youth group ministry and help out with Junior High.

Remember to be wise in how you spend time with them. Introduce yourself to their parents and respect their authority. Do not take them places unless the parents are okay with it. Even then, let that be the parents idea not yours or the kiddos. You can start healthy relationships by showing up to cheer them on at activities or maybe helping them with school work. At such a young age it might be good to disciple 2-3 at a time so everyone is protected by the rule of three!