Wash Me-Staff

Proverbs 30:12

“There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes,
Yet is not washed from his filthiness.”

Q: How can we seem clean in our own eyes, while we are actually filthy?

We justify our sin and do not think it is as bad as what other people are doing.

Psalm 51:2, 51:7

“Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity

And cleanse me from my sin.”

“Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;

Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

Q: Do you feel like God has washed you and made you clean from your sin? Why or why not?

Example: “Yes, because I know that He died for me and covered my sins. When I laid my sins at the foot of the Cross, I have never felt more pure in my life.”


John 13:8

“Peter said to Him, ‘Never shall You wash my feet!’ Jesus answered him, ‘If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.’”

Q: Why, like Peter, is it that we need to allow Jesus to wash us clean? Why do we fight Jesus from washing us clean from our sin?

(1) We are sinners that try to fix ourselves and act as though we are righteous. (2) We want to clean ourselves before we go before Jesus, so that we are not as bad as we seem We are ashamed of our sin.

Luke 11:38-41  “When the Pharisee saw it, he was surprised that He [Jesus] had not first ceremonially washed before the meal. But the Lord [Jesus] said to him, ‘Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the platter; but inside of you, you are full of robbery and wickedness. You foolish ones, did not He who made the outside make the inside also? But give that which is within as charity, and then all things are clean for you.”

Q: What is Jesus teaching this Pharisee? How does this apply in your life?

The Pharisee makes himself look great on the outside, as though he has everything together, but really, his heart is sinful and full of evil intent. Example: “I can apply this by praying that God would change my hardened heart instead of trying to do it all by myself.”


Acts 22:16“Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.”

Q: Is there an area in your life that you believe is too dirty for God to clean? Why are you delaying taking this sin to God?

Example: “I feel too dirty to bring my sexual immorality to God. I am delaying because I am ashamed to admit this sin to Him.”


1 Peter 1:22“Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart.”

Q: How does obedience to the truth purify our souls? How does obedience to the truth give us sincere love for one another?

Obedience makes us more like Jesus, who was/is pure and who loves others with a sincere love.

APPLICATION: How do these passages relate to me today? What changes do they bring to my life?

LOCKER ROOM: Is there anything this week that you have been enslaved to, and how we can help you?