The Weapon of Fear


Read Matthew 5:8. How do you see God? Do you see why a life of purity is important?
Read Exodus 33:20. What happens if we physically see God?
God is so pure and so holy that He cannot have anything to do with sin. Since we are sinful humans, the only way we can be in God’s presence is because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Christ died giving you the purity you need to see God.
Read Ephesians 1:7. What does Jesus’ blood do?
Don’t let “not physically seeing God” hurt your confidence. He calls you to have faith.
Read Hebrews 11:1. What is the definition of faith?
Faith requires you to have confidence in what you don’t see. God has given you assurance that He is real. Think of all the ways you have seen God at work without physically seeing Him. List a few that you can think of.


Is your confidence on hold because you can’t hear God? He is always saying something. “Listening” will be your biggest challenge.
Read Hebrews 1:1-2. Who did God speak through in the Old Testament? Who does God speak through now? Where can you read about what Jesus says?
Read 2 Timothy 3:16. Can you hear God by reading the Bible?
Read 1 Corinthians 3:16. If you believe in Jesus, who lives inside you? How does the Holy Spirit help you? God may not be vocal, but He is not silent. Do you ever ignore the Holy Spirit when He is urging you to do what is right? If you are not hearing Him now, it may mean you aren’t listening in the right places.


Do you want to hear God more? Set yourself up to hear Him. Think about Kamp in the summer. You probably hear Him and see Him more at Kamp. Why? It’s a time you are unplugging from the world and plugging into God. You can do the same thing at home. Make some realistic goals on how to make it happen and then tell someone.


Are you afraid to have confidence because you don’t want to be different?
Read Romans 8:9
Who lives inside you? Do you realize the Holy Spirit is God? That God actually lives inside of you? How does knowing God is in you help you grow in confidence?
Read 2 Timothy 1:7
What is the Spirit of God like? What is the Spirit of God not like?
Do you have the fear of being different because you are afraid you will be alone? Do you think God would ask you to be different and then leave you to fend for yourself?
Read Hebrews 10:24-25
What does God ask you to never stop doing?
How could having a friend who loves Jesus encourage your confidence in God?
Where are some places that you can find friends who believe in Jesus?
If there are none… how can you start something?


It is easy when life is good to have confidence in God. Life, whether you believe in Jesus or not, will be tough. There is no way to avoid that. Sometimes life is tough because of your sin. Sometimes life is tough because of other people’s sin. Sometimes life is tough because of things you can’t control such as weather, accidents, or sickness. The good news is that God is bigger than all these things.
Read James 1:2-4. How do hard times make you stronger?
Read Romans 8:28. Does God work “some things” or “all” things for good?
Read Proverbs 16:4. According to this verse, God has made everything for what?
Have you experienced God at work in tough times?


Paul spent the last part of his life in prison for doing nothing wrong. He was in prison for telling others about Jesus. His prison was actually a cold, dark hole in the ground. Can you imagine? Paul was confident in God no matter his circumstance. Read what he said in 2 Timothy 1:12. Are you convinced that God is good and will do good things no matter what?


Read Matthew 16:24. Write it down and memorize it.

Does following Christ require sacrifice? Who is the ultimate example of sacrifice?
Read Luke 18:18-25
What did Jesus tell the rich man he had to do?
What kept the rich man from following Jesus?
It is not bad to be rich. It is not bad to have things. The problem comes when you value your wealth over God. The rich man in Luke 18 couldn’t give up earthly riches to follow God.
God will ask you to give up anything that you value more than Him.

Read 1 John 2:17
According to the Bible, who is lasting? What is temporary?
Culture applauds people who have everything. But having everything you want is an illusion. You cannot have everything in life. Don’t allow your fear of losing something lessen your confidence in God. Losing all your money or fame would be tough, but it’s nothing compared to eternity. God isn’t asking you to give up something you value “just because.” He asks you to give up something temporary for Him, who lasts forever.
Do you have confidence that God wants you to value what lasts?
Do you have confidence that God will give you something better than what you lost?