The Cross Bearer

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Jesus went under trial, and the people chose to crucify Him. He had done nothing wrong. Jesus had to carry His cross, and since He was so tired and weak, the Roman soldiers commanded someone help Him.
Read Luke 23:26
Who was the man who helped Jesus?
What did he do for Jesus?


Simon was just a traveling guy. He wasn’t planning on doing anything crazy, until the Roman soldiers asked him to carry Jesus’ cross. Did you know the Bible says that everyone who believes in Jesus should carry a cross? What the Bible is saying is that we have to sacrifice what we want in life to do what God wants.
Read Matthew 16:24
Write down this verse and memorize it.
Once memorized, recite it to your parents!

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

You probably think that carrying the cross for Jesus was really hard for Simon. Simon was taking the cross for someone else to die on… not him. It might seem hard to give up things in your life for Jesus, but when you think about not having to die for your sin, it doesn’t seem so bad.
Read Matthew 11:30 and write it out ——->
How does Jesus describe what He asks you to do? Are you thankful that Jesus died for your sin instead of you? Take some time to thank God for what He did for you on the cross!

There is a guy who walks around the world carrying a big huge cross. He goes to different countries every year and takes a large cross with him to carry. Why? To tell people about Jesus. People see him carrying a huge cross and ask him what he is doing. When they do, he will tell them how Jesus died for them. That is how God asked him to “take up his cross”. As you grow up you will get to see what God has planned for you to “take up your cross” and follow Him. No need to worry, God has planned it just for you!

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

Christ died for us. He literally gave up His life so we could have life. God wants you to give up your desires for what He wants. Usually, what we want are things that will go away but He wants what lasts forever.
Read Galatians 2:20
How can you “die to yourself” or give up things in your life in order to live for Christ better? Think about this today and write out your thoughts.


A small reminder to “take up your cross” is wearing a cross. Wear something that has a cross on it this week and let it be a reminder to you to live for Jesus and not for yourself.

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Simon the cross bearer.